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Failed Wisconsin Recall

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It apears that Gov Walker has become the first governor to survive a recall attempt. With about 74% percent reporting the spread is 56% Gov. Walker ® to 43% for Barrett (D). Was this a waste of time to push through a recall attempt for a Governer who didnt break any laws, and as of this time appears to be turning around the states budget and unemployment. I personally think it was a mistake to push this recall or really any recall without having a better plan of action and a better reason than what was given. Anyways was anyone else surprised to see the results and for the results to turn out the way they appear to be heading? If the 10-13 point spread hold up I will be surprised as I am sure many of the non reported are heavily populated areas that tend to lean more toward the left.

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No surprise as B.O. hasn't touched this state for months since it's been a forgone conclusion that union thugism was going to get smashed in this wasted time wasted money "special" election. Too bad for Wiscy that their laws are so loose as to allow for such waste but that's typically what US governments foster......waste, inefficiency and no consequences to the political criminals (Corzine belongs in jail for example but he's not and instead continues to be one of B.O.'s largest bundlers).

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It's always easier to look at things in hindsight, but yes, it is now quite apparent that the recall effort was a costly miscalculation that had little hope of success because there was zero Republican support for the Democratic candidate, while Walker enjoyed a small amount of support from Democrats. Also recall that police and firefighter unions, more heavily Republican than other public worker unions, endorsed Walker and were left out of legislation to limit collective bargaining. So the idea that every union member and every Democrat would vote Walker out was wrong from the start.


Tough pill to swallow in the short term with Walker becoming an overnight hero and Republican trolls out in full force on every website with a comment section, but this will seem like an eternity ago by late October. In the long term I am far more worried about the shocking amount of money that was dumped into this thing and where that money came from.

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It's always easier to look at things in hindsight, but yes, it is now quite apparent that the recall effort was a costly miscalculation that had little hope of success because there was zero Republican support for the Democratic candidate, while Walker enjoyed a small amount of support from Democrats. Also recall that police and firefighter unions, more heavily Republican than other public worker unions, endorsed Walker and were left out of legislation to limit collective bargaining. So the idea that every union member and every Democrat would vote Walker out was wrong from the start.


Tough pill to swallow in the short term with Walker becoming an overnight hero and Republican trolls out in full force on every website with a comment section, but this will seem like an eternity ago by late October. In the long term I am far more worried about the shocking amount of money that was dumped into this thing and where that money came from.


Well Krill I guess you don't know much of anything since you are a D and you think October is the next meaningful month. Anyway Krill, just remember that some mean nasty conservative told you in June of 12 to prepare to have your D rear end handed to you again and again, and in big ways, for years to come. That's what you have coming buddy. And your whining about segregation (police etc) is soo funny. Classification and segregating is the single ONLY reason the D party has ANY power today at all ( 90% votes EVERY SINGLE TIME from blacks, professors, DC journalists and trial lawyers....and a 10% gender gap for 50 years from women and "guys" like you). You don't know jack squat Krill but like all libs you will be sure until your death that you're right about everything (and you'll be wrong about it all....for life....like all libs who never learn anything useful after the age of 16).

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and you'll be wrong about it all....for life....like all libs who never learn anything useful after the age of 16


I find that to be a mildly amusing presumption since I work in IT and learn something new and tangible almost every day.


What's with the hostility?

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and you'll be wrong about it all....for life....like all libs who never learn anything useful after the age of 16


I find that to be a mildly amusing presumption since I work in IT and learn something new and tangible almost every day.


What's with the hostility?

Sorry about that I'm pissed that for decades the US is dying about 30 years after Europe so I am pissed and hostile but it's not in any way necessarily fair for me to do that to you. IT learning is nothing, btw, in the sense of real learning. I mostly like IT guys and I used to boss them around and it was generally good for all of us but IT is a very very very small box and "learning" in IT in absolutely no way that I can ascertain helps you to learn out of field. Actually most jobs don't help one to do this. Marketing? No. Lawyer? No. Accounting? Hell no and in as much as they are soooo boring I tend to love accountants. They do good honest useful work and the work is not simplistic. Back to IT...facebook the IT company of the day....down what 30% in a few weeks and imo destined to go to zero so that's what I think if "IT folks" as visionaries. Zucker (who is in fact most likely a genius but also a punk baby and I guess he doesn't often consider the punk baby part of his existence because well duh punk babies are always punk babies) is IMO destined for a very rough ride in the next four years and I give him 50 50 chance of winning. He should sell a chunk of stock in August but I'm guessing he won't. We'll see.


Anyway, one of the reasons I do like most IT folks is that I know where I am plugging them in and I know they will focus on that and rarely try (and fail) to focus on anything else. If you don't like that box and trust me your boss's boss has you in that box then you need to change your work and your thinking and degree to leave that box. But....for the top say 60% in that box it will be lucrative here for decades to come ( for the lower percentiles the US folks will be crushed by Indians etc and you're in the biz so I'm sure you know this already). Anyway, please accept my personal apology but let all my angst against all non-SMALL government ideas and people remain entirely intact (and please err on the side of more government restraint when interpreting my always somewhat unclear words).

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Ideally, in a well oiled Democracy, the people should be able to recall an elected official at any time for his behavior, criminal or not. Recalls, along with direct election of Senators and ballot initiatives, were part of the democratic reforms of the late 1800s pushed by Progressives (before that term came to mean Liberal) that vastly improved our system.


These events refine our Democracy. Succeed or fail, they're important in that they allow people a voice and enforce an extra degree of accountability. It was a good thing.


Anyhow, this is no great harbinger of things to come, at least not for the state. Walker will loose reelection in '14. He won this one because he had boat loads of outside cash and he was the defining issue of the election. An off year election with little outside funding and he'll lose. That's not a statement about what I think about Walker politically, that's a statement about this kind of election in general.


Personally, I don't care for the guy. He's an outsider who clearly has painfully little knowledge of the rich and complicated history of the State. His handling of the collective bargaining ordeal proved that.


He was elected as part of the fiscally conservative tea party backlash we saw against the President in 2010. In Wisconsin that movement is very much a fad, foreign even to the State's conservatives who've always been more based on social issues. He won't last.

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Ideally, in a well oiled Democracy, the people should be able to recall an elected official at any time for his behavior, criminal or not. Recalls, along with direct election of Senators and ballot initiatives, were part of the democratic reforms in the late 1800s pushed by Progressives (before that term came to mean Liberal) that vastly improved our system.


These events refine our Democracy. Succeed or fail, they're important in that they allow people a voice and enforce an extra degree of accountability. It was a good thing.


Anyhow, this is no great harbinger of things to come, at least not for the state. Walker will loose reelection in '14. He won this one because he had boat loads of outside cash and he was the defining issue of the election. An off year election with little outside funding and he'll lose. That's not a statement about what I think about Walker politically, that's a statement about this kind of election in general.


Personally, I don't care for the guy. He's an outsider who clearly has painfully little knowledge of the rich and complicated history of the State and his handling of the collective bargaining ordeal proved that.


He was elected as part of the fiscally conservative tea party backlash we saw against the President in 2010. In Wisconsin that movement is very much a fad, foreign even to the State's conservatives who've always been more based on social issues. He won't last.

Bucky...you're a D and like all D's you don't know jack squat. W is a state that has turned. Book it bucky. You're so smart you come here in two years and bet me and I'll bet you and take your money. It's over for D's bucky. Let me tell you something you don't know (and I could spend days doing this because D's know nothing)....the US today is 40 percent conservative and 20 percent liberal. Your Madison drug induced enlightenments are over forever dude. Try France you might still have a prayer there but I suspect not.


Oh...by the way smart Bucky I'll bet you now. Body Oder is ahead by many points in W today. I bet you straight up that Body Oder loses there this year. You can back out in the next two months if you make a board agreed cogent argument that my bet is not trustworthy since I have almost no posts. It'll be up to me to make enough posts and gasssttttt....meet humans face to face in Omaha and Lincoln in the next two months and in that time I'll let you bail but not after (and you will bail cuz I think you are not totally stupid but time will tell).

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Ideally, in a well oiled Democracy, the people should be able to recall an elected official at any time for his behavior, criminal or not. Recalls, along with direct election of Senators and ballot initiatives, were part of the democratic reforms in the late 1800s pushed by Progressives (before that term came to mean Liberal) that vastly improved our system.


These events refine our Democracy. Succeed or fail, they're important in that they allow people a voice and enforce an extra degree of accountability. It was a good thing.


Anyhow, this is no great harbinger of things to come, at least not for the state. Walker will loose reelection in '14. He won this one because he had boat loads of outside cash and he was the defining issue of the election. An off year election with little outside funding and he'll lose. That's not a statement about what I think about Walker politically, that's a statement about this kind of election in general.


Personally, I don't care for the guy. He's an outsider who clearly has painfully little knowledge of the rich and complicated history of the State and his handling of the collective bargaining ordeal proved that.


He was elected as part of the fiscally conservative tea party backlash we saw against the President in 2010. In Wisconsin that movement is very much a fad, foreign even to the State's conservatives who've always been more based on social issues. He won't last.

Bucky...you're a D and like all D's you don't know jack squat. W is a state that has turned. Book it bucky. You're so smart you come here in two years and bet me and I'll bet you and take your money. It's over for D's bucky. Let me tell you something you don't know (and I could spend days doing this because D's know nothing)....the US today is 40 percent conservative and 20 percent liberal. Your Madison drug induced enlightenments are over forever dude. Try France you might still have a prayer there but I suspect not.


Oh...by the way smart Bucky I'll bet you now. Body Oder is ahead by many points in W today. I bet you straight up that Body Oder loses there this year. You can back out in the next two months if you make a board agreed cogent argument that my bet is not trustworthy since I have almost no posts. It'll be up to me to make enough posts and gasssttttt....meet humans face to face in Omaha and Lincoln in the next two months and in that time I'll let you bail but not after (and you will bail cuz I think you are not totally stupid but time will tell).


Disillusionment with one side--disillusionment entirely.


Like all Democrats is an utter overgeneralization. Just like if I said all conservatives are rape condoning, greedy, self-centered, slick, backstabbing bastards.


This country will continue to be in trouble until both sides can come to an understanding that they don't have it entirely right. There is no one way to live your life, just like there is no one way to successfully lead a country.

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Ideally, in a well oiled Democracy, the people should be able to recall an elected official at any time for his behavior, criminal or not. Recalls, along with direct election of Senators and ballot initiatives, were part of the democratic reforms in the late 1800s pushed by Progressives (before that term came to mean Liberal) that vastly improved our system.


These events refine our Democracy. Succeed or fail, they're important in that they allow people a voice and enforce an extra degree of accountability. It was a good thing.


Anyhow, this is no great harbinger of things to come, at least not for the state. Walker will loose reelection in '14. He won this one because he had boat loads of outside cash and he was the defining issue of the election. An off year election with little outside funding and he'll lose. That's not a statement about what I think about Walker politically, that's a statement about this kind of election in general.


Personally, I don't care for the guy. He's an outsider who clearly has painfully little knowledge of the rich and complicated history of the State and his handling of the collective bargaining ordeal proved that.


He was elected as part of the fiscally conservative tea party backlash we saw against the President in 2010. In Wisconsin that movement is very much a fad, foreign even to the State's conservatives who've always been more based on social issues. He won't last.

Bucky...you're a D and like all D's you don't know jack squat. W is a state that has turned. Book it bucky. You're so smart you come here in two years and bet me and I'll bet you and take your money. It's over for D's bucky. Let me tell you something you don't know (and I could spend days doing this because D's know nothing)....the US today is 40 percent conservative and 20 percent liberal. Your Madison drug induced enlightenments are over forever dude. Try France you might still have a prayer there but I suspect not.


Oh...by the way smart Bucky I'll bet you now. Body Oder is ahead by many points in W today. I bet you straight up that Body Oder loses there this year. You can back out in the next two months if you make a board agreed cogent argument that my bet is not trustworthy since I have almost no posts. It'll be up to me to make enough posts and gasssttttt....meet humans face to face in Omaha and Lincoln in the next two months and in that time I'll let you bail but not after (and you will bail cuz I think you are not totally stupid but time will tell).


Feeding the troll but ok,


1. I'm actually a registered Republican in the state of Georgia. I worked on the W campaign in 04 and I didn't vote for the President in 08 but ok.

2. Madison enduced drug experiments? I didn't go to UW. My parents did, I did not. I was born in Madison but grew up in rural Northern Wisconsin, a conservative stronghold in the state, in a town in which my Grandfather and Uncle were Republican aldermen.

3. I have BA degrees in both History and Political Science and am damn near to my MPA.

4. I will not be moving to France anytime soon.


You don't know diddly squat. Clearly you're a troll because anyone who truly believed in what you espouse wouldn't attempt to articulate his views so poorly, at least not if he wanted to actually convince people of his views.

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OK self professed (I guess....is that correct? ) not so liberal Bucky.


You voted for BO yes? That's the end of our debate. BO was so obviously unqualified and "unannounced" in his agenda that only and idiot like you would vote for him. And you did, right? Are you going to do it again smart guy? I'm not.

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OK self professed (I guess....is that correct? ) not so liberal Bucky.


You voted for BO yes? That's the end of our debate. BO was so obviously unqualified and "unannounced" in his agenda that only and idiot like you would vote for him. And you did, right? Are you going to do it again smart guy? I'm not.


Read the first point in my post because clearly you haven't already.


Oh and enjoy your ban, that's the second personal attack you've made on a member in this thread alone.



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This is the all goes subforum no?

Anyway if not fine I know what you are and I don't need to tell you again.

BTW pussies (not saying you are just sayin') like to hide behind rules such as those they think a lawyer might help them with.

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This is the all goes subforum no?

Anyway if not fine I know what you are and I don't need to tell you again.

BTW pussies (not saying you are just sayin') like to hide behind rules such as those they think a lawyer might help them with.


I'm just saying that you can't beat me at trolling HB. I've worked very hard to get where I am and I'm not letting some up and comer take that away.


The patented triple reverse, time differential fake-out troll, I invented that move. Your skills are nothing.

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