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Global Warming

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That's a good question that we should all answer. We get into the minutiae of who said this or which scientist did/said what, and while I freely admit I engage in that kind of stuff, it's all beside the larger point of, Is Global Warming/Climate Change Real?


Personal opinion - yes, something is going on with the climate. The polar ice melt is a huge indicator that something is happening. We've had an aggregate rise in temps over the past century of what - a degree Celsius? So yeah, something is changing.


HOWEVER - what does that mean? We can't answer that because we have barely enough context to grasp what's going on now, let alone what was happening with any kind of specificity 1,000 or 10,000 years ago. I know all about the ice core samples, tree ring analyses, sedimentary analyses, etc, so I'm not saying we're totally blind - it's just that we're not as informed as I think we need to be to make any kind of specific declaration of what's going on, and we certainly don't know why.


It could be solar activity, it could be human activity, it could be the natural cycle of the Earth, it could have something to do with our location in orbit around the center of the galaxy, or it could have something to do with something we've never heard or dreamed of. Or it could be nothing at all, just vagaries of weather.


My take on what we should do - proceed with caution. We don't know that we're not the cause of Global Warming, and there's some indication that we could be. So what's the harm in curbing our emissions or consuming less energy when we can? To me, the idea that we could be causing this weather change and we're obstinately not doing anything about it is criminal. I'm no tree-hugger, but I am a parent and I'm going to pass this planet on to my descendents. I'd hate to have them curse me in some future dystopia where they're suffering because I was an idiot.


tl;dr - The data is unclear, but let's stop polluting wherever we can.

This pretty much encapsulates my entire feeling on this issue, right down to the bolded conclusion. I did read it, though...see a number of my posts for examples of ramblings that are truly too long to read. :lol:



I missed this post from Knapp. It sums up my feelings fairly well also.


Here is a web site to an organization started by a guy who I respect fairly well in the environmental community.




This guy was a founder of Green Peace but then over time realized the wrong direction that organization and many other environmentalists were going. He broke off and started his own organization.


Basically putting it in a nutshell, he understands that we need to take care of the planet but at the same time, we have billions of people we still need to feed, clothe and house on this planet.


He is for sustainable environmentalism. There is a lot on this website but he has written several times about how the environmental movement has gone astray because of political views instead of sound environmentalism.

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Scientists questioning the accuracy of IPCC climate projections


Scientists in this section have made comments that it is not possible to project global climate accurately enough to justify the ranges projected for temperature and sea-level rise over the next century. They may not conclude specifically that the current IPCC projections are either too high or too low, but that the projections are likely to be inaccurate due to inadequacies of current global climate modeling.

Scientists arguing that global warming is primarily caused by natural processes




Scientists in this section have made comments that the observed warming is more likely attributable to natural causes than to human activities. Their views on climate change are usually described in more detail in their biographical articles.

Scientists arguing that the cause of global warming is unknown




Scientists in this section have made comments that no principal cause can be ascribed to the observed rising temperatures, whether man-made or natural. Their views on climate change are usually described in more detail in their biographical articles.

Scientists arguing that global warming will have few negative consequences




Scientists in this section have made comments that projected rising temperatures will be of little impact or a net positive for human society and/or the Earth's environment. Their views on climate change are usually described in more detail in their biographical articles.



Well, then.


I'd like to point out that the list of scientists supporting the theory of global warming would be too long to put into a list like this.

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