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Good news for us re: Obamacare/ACA

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I hate these "Miss-infomercials"? Especially when they try to confirm my biggest fears in such a way that makes me lean the opposite way than they intend to. Wish there was a way to fast forward through all the rhetoric even if a small percentage might be true..To the end where they start pointing out possible investment directions to pursue..


Lost interest after awhile, but sounds like we should all invest in fast-food and vaccine (industries) and NOT to diversify.


(THEY seem to want us to believe Obama care will "force" McDonald's to be more profitable in the long run due to cutting employees to 30 hour work weeks)..

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dude you just posted a moneymorning link



Not sure what that means..Is that worse than a Monday Morning Quarterback Link?


Although I seem to remember seeing crap like this before.




Trying to think of a proper cliche to 'splain my feelings on this....uh...Is it wise to discredit EVERYTHING a liar says when you catch them in a lie? or several exaggerations?

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Posted somewhere by the town Liberal from my hometown:




Some ChickThat I think my big brother once dated:


:: Now that is the truth... and then some.




So..instead of a few nuts arming themselves to the teeth we'd be a nation of hypochondriacs? I think we're already living that dream..


Hometown Liberal:


No, Jaimie . Why do you think having every American provided with adequate health care would lead to a sickness similar to what the firearms addicts are afflicted with? They would merely be healthy people, and probably more mentally balanced.




Normally, I hate putting labels on people, but I just came up with a nifty one for myself last night..I don't have much faith in the right wing or the left wing....(makes me an Emu)...But I thought you knew by now that I don't associate Access to Doctors as being all that healthy. I sorta like guns although I've never fired the one I bought over a dozen years ago just to piss off Grizzlies when I'm camping...I would be more than a little pissed if some politicians or the "Government" MADE me buy a gun against my will..Same with health insurance...




And to further illustrate my "passion for weapons", I was attacked by 4 carjackers after a midnight run to the Grocery Store a couple of years after moving out here...I saw a picture of the one that hit me over the head with a tow bar in the local paper a few months later after they killed one of their victims near New River (AZ).. Looking back, I'm glad I didn't have a gun..With MY lack of training, I might have hurt someone half a block away.. I can also see the wisdom of our forefathers for establishing a "well Armed Militia" as a deterrent to tyranny. Might seem a little outdated now., but many believe the threat is still there..One final thought..WE as Americans would probably be destined to be a dangerous lot..given the castoffs and nasty folks that were sent here originally..Might skew things a little when comparisons are made to places without a gun in every pot.



Hometown Liberal


(37), I own two guns, but I don't caress them, and kiss them, every night before going to bed. I was once an avid hunter, but have long since lost the urge to to do so, even if I did consume what I shot. I have no problems with those that enjoy hunting, nor even those that enjoy using firearms for target practice or collectors of historical peices.


Hometown Liberal


My problem is with those that seem to have an overwhelming desire to become the characters from movies, such as those played by Charles Bronson in the Death Wish series. They are the conspiracy theory, tin foil hat wearing, boogeyman behind every corner seeing gun fanatics that see the U.S. Constitution existing only in the form of its 2nd Amendment. Those people concern me. They are the ones that will empty a 30 round clip at a perceived threat, killing a dozen innocent bystanders in the throes of their vigilante orgasm.

While living in Sicily I was once caught in the midst of a shoot out. A man that had just robbed a jewelry store was running across the street while the store owner pursued him, emptying his gun at the perpetrator. The only person he hit was a little girl that was walking down the street a block or two away.


The punks that that beaned you probably would have done so even if you did have a gun on you, AND they would probably have stolen your gun from you as well.

I choose not to live my life fearing every second that some bad person is going to do something so bad to me that I need to be armed every second of my day. If something bad does happen, and the chances of that are extremely slim where I live, well ... so be it. It is fate.

Now if I lived in a major city and spent a lot of my time traversing the "bad" parts of town all the time, I might reconsider.




Almost Totally agree with you, Brian..And with that Chihuahua next door keeping me and my Siberian Husky and my Son awake this weekend, I'm glad I forgot where I kept the clip to my Glock

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Well, that's depressing.

One option was for Republicans to build as many of their ideas into the Affordable Care Act and force Democrats to take partial responsibility for these hideously unpopular, but fairly reasonable, ideas. They didn't do that. Then Democrats picked some of the ideas up anyway. So Republicans again had a chance to focus their fire on the parts of the law they hated -- like the Medicaid expansion -- in the hopes of moving the health-care system in the direction they prefer. Instead, they're aiming at the least popular policies in the law -- which just so happen to also be the exactly policies that they support.


We'll see whether Obamacare withstands the onslaught. But either way, once the assault is over, what kind of health policy will Republicans be left with? How can they propose anything that will cancel plans or raise deductibles or tighten networks? How can they propose anything at all?


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More good news!

If November had an Obamacare surge, consider this the December deluge. California averaged 15,000 daily enrollments early last week, about double the sign-ups the state had in early December. New York is now seeing about 4,500 residents choosing plans each day and, in Connecticut, the number is hovering around 1,400.


With consumer interest seeming to spike, these states and others are increasing call center staffing by half.


"We continue to see a tremendous increase in enrollment," says Lisa Sbrana, counsel to New York State of Health. "We're averaging between 1,200 and 1,500 calls per hour and have seen a 34 percent increase in enrollment from last week to this week."


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