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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. Orrrrr... Don't get married and don't have kids and enjoy the f#&% out of your life instead of running around to 12 practes, 7 games, 3 bday parties and a horrible show choir concert all on a Husker game day.
  2. Remember when people were saying that they were JUST LIKE the protesters in the 60'a and 70's.
  3. Do they know that not ALL OF THEM have to leave at once to make a food run? Even firefighters leave a few guys behind at the station while they run to Hy Vee. If they have 100 protesters in their camp why not send out like 10 people to hit up the store and get some stuff to make HAMASbugers and maybe get some chips and HAMAS dip. Get some hotdogs, stop at Little Ceasers and grab a few pies...head back to your camp and eat together.
  4. THANK YOU! Exactly what I wanted to post!
  5. I am guessing Putin just wipes his a$$ with those warrants.
  6. Ha...I do not see any odds on that. But my site is not that big.
  7. We happen to cover this topic in a class I teach. My students are always like "Wait...why is pot still a schedule 1 drug".
  8. Part of the problem is the Pro-Pally crowd has started to shift and be more Pro-Hammy or at the very least so Anti-Jew that it seems that they are Pro-Pally. Just like @BigRedBuster buster said, I would like to see more interviews with these people and actually hear what they have to say instead of just hearing them yelling out stuff and of course, complaining when the get detained.
  9. I sold it this morning for an 18% gain.
  10. Yeah, I have seen those videos too. And some of them are granting permission to get interviewed but it sort of seems like they are very careful about who (from the press) can interview them.
  11. Yeah, Billy C is really one of those Presidents that doesn't seem to get as much appreciation as he should. Maybe it is the cheating or maybe it is that his wife is just an unlikeable human but Bill was a boss.
  12. Neither can I. I have not seen any videos where they are getting asked questions but I would love to see them get asked about who they would vote for.
  13. I think "America Bad" is something both sides, the extreme (great band) sides say/use.
  14. That article is insane! How much do you guys think the Pro-Hammy dorks are hurting Joe right now? A little? A lot? Not at all? Are Pro-Hammy dorks voting and if so are they going to vote for Trump over Biden?
  15. Just once I would LOVE to see these dorks actually leave and see what it is like. Just once.
  16. You might be right, those MAC schools might not be paying much or anything at all. I have no idea, I think a lot of the numbers we hear are totally inflated. I think CBB is where the real money is being spent, you really only need 2 or 3 "money" players to have a good team.
  17. Haha! Yeah, the NCAA is basically done at this point. They had a good run and made a bunch of "good ole boys" a lot of money and messed with college kids lives for a long time.
  18. "We are not a daycare!" Next those nuts will be protesting daycares "YOU DID NOT LET US STAY"
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