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Excel last won the day on May 20 2014

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  1. I still don't understand why the Copper/BBW bowl selected Michigan over Nebraska to play Kansas State. Would have been a much more interesting game.

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    2. ObamaRocks91


      Bowls are a business. They make decisions based on money. No matter what we think, the BWW bowl made a decision that would make them more money based on much more research any of us are capable of. It's not about interesting. If it was about interesting, Oregon would be playing Bama in the Sugar bowl, not Okla.

    3. True2tRA


      Based on money? Yes, Nebraska fans have proven to not be a lucrative resource.

    4. ObamaRocks91


      And Michigan fans have proven to not be a lucrative resource? Every bowl decision is based on money, how are you arguing that? I know we all here think our program is the greatest of all time, but there are other viable options and I'm pretty sure the BWW Bowl did plenty of research and weighed odds you don't even know exist and decided on Michigan over us - again, because the $$$$

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