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Status Replies posted by Nobody

  1. here's the kendrick lamar verse for those of you who were asking for it http://bit.ly/19eLZm0

  2. here's the kendrick lamar verse for those of you who were asking for it http://bit.ly/19eLZm0

  3. here's the kendrick lamar verse for those of you who were asking for it http://bit.ly/19eLZm0

  4. Wow. Kendrick Lamar broke the internet. Best verse of 2013.

  5. Anybody know if there are any other of our '12 games on youtube other than the cap one bowl?

  6. Anybody know if there are any other of our '12 games on youtube other than the cap one bowl?

  7. I knew those hydrocodone would come in handy someday. Hit the yardwork a bit too hard today.

  8. Taylor Martinez could lead Nebraska to a National Championship and you would still be able to find people who hate him.

  9. Live ET's on earth at this present time."

  10. "I guarantee there are a lot of teams in the SEC that arent bama that wish they were NU, Mich..." Lol thats not the point Bo.

  11. "I guarantee there are a lot of teams in the SEC that arent bama that wish they were NU, Mich..." Lol thats not the point Bo.

  12. "I guarantee there are a lot of teams in the SEC that arent bama that wish they were NU, Mich..." Lol thats not the point Bo.

  13. "I guarantee there are a lot of teams in the SEC that arent bama that wish they were NU, Mich..." Lol thats not the point Bo.

  14. Johnny football kicked out of a UT frat! It's on youtube

  15. Broke off what was easily a 22" cutthroat today, about 4 feet from my net. Never going fishing again.

  16. Long live the Lizard King

  17. Oh snap! "If you think Nebraska’s offense looks like Oregon’s, that’s not really by accident. Quarterback Taylor Martinez said the Huskers and Ducks have shared information over the years. The link? New Oregon OC/former NU quarterback Scott Frost. “We’ve got some plays from Oregon, Oregon’s got some plays from us, just because Scott Frost is up there,” Martinez said. “I know our coaches and him talk. It’s a lot of fun. I know we ca...

  18. Taylor says that if we cut down on Turnovers we will be the best offense in the country

  19. Mike Marrow has left the program. Shocker.

  20. Finally made it to Toronto. 15.5 hours of driving and only 2 stops to pee.

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