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Everything posted by Army_Allen

  1. Just curious. A mod told you you could tell us who you have an insight on who will commit, but you won't tell us who? Why is that??
  2. Ours were cool. And only one game. It's irritating that people believe that tradition dies just because you give your players and alt uni every once in a while.
  3. PS3 over here! Definitely getting. I competitively play as an Am player. Hopefully we'll win a few more tourneys for cash prizes this go around!
  4. Unless you're Matt McGroin throwing a hissy fit...
  5. Woo you go Landlord! Big Red Nation needs to enjoy this ride we're on for what it is. Better than alot of our expectations for what this season was thought to be. (Not mine, I knew Mich st. was gonna flop and we'd be in the position we are now lol) Now get my sig done!
  6. Get off his back, sheesh. Go root for Penn St. if you love McGloin so much...
  7. That meme is up there with Kellog Dafuq meme! +1!
  8. I think your taking that the wrong way. He means it as a good thing. No, that's how I took it. I think he concludes their is better football somewhere else. I try giving you the benefit of the doubt even though I have your post blocked but your endless pessimism is so overbearing in every thread I see you in, it's unreadable. EVERY thread you just have to say something dogging us and to be quite frank, we're winning, can't you savor that just a bit?
  9. I think he definitely deserves to be in here, and I'm sure a lot of people agree with me.
  10. Nice safety there, Now UN needs to learn how to grind and win from the lead! Amiright??
  11. Maher just had a quickie with his GF before he came out!
  12. Payback for that ghost punt fumble against Ameer at the Idaho state game. lol Can't use two different angles to come to a combo'd conclusion.
  13. But you can't tell if he had possession going into the endzone...
  14. Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh You can't say thaaaaaaattt... The big people will get you.... O.o
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