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Everything posted by DevoHusker

  1. I guess I really don't. Most (like 98%) of my circle are responsible gun owners. I have not heard any one of them advocating for "more guns" to solve any of these issues. Most realize that the US already has plenty of guns. They fear that the government will take their guns. The argument of the "good guy with a gun" does not imply that we need more guns to my knowledge. Just more responsible use and carry. I know that many/most of them are all for responsible reform and regulation, as long as it doesn't take guns away.
  2. Agreed, and they lose their license as well. "Do no harm" is part of the oath I believe. I also agree she should face the consequences of her actions. She has already been fired. My point was more to those saying it was due to her (and in general all police) training that is to blame. She made a tragic mistake. She might have been the best trained, most proficient, officer on their force...we have no idea.
  3. I agree with you on this. With 400 million guns in the US, and over a trillion (estimated) rounds of ammo, there is no way one can disarm cops and expect them to perform the same duties they do today.
  4. An anomaly, unless you know how many times she has used her Taser correctly in the past, to say that her training was not effective. When a physician kills someone during a surgery, because of a mistake or negligence, do you infer that his medical training was ineffective, despite the fact that the same doctor has performed the same surgery successfully thousands of times? Or, do you categorize it as a tragic mistake, like this instance was.
  5. Gross? That is an unusual way to describe it. You're saying you would not hold the police liable in that situation?
  6. Did those examples call for "more" guns? Or did they just indicate what would happen if there were "no" guns? Because I read arguments for owning a firearm, in general, with no reference to "more". That, I feel, is the main issue that will have to be ironed out. Taking guns away is the fear, not responsible legislation to make it more difficult for dirt bags.
  7. And if, while fleeing from these three cops, he runs over an innocent civilian and kills them, you (among others) would blame the three cops.
  8. Well, except no one said that "more guns" would have solved this incident...? While the "more guns" narrative may play with Wayne LaPierre and his ilk, I don't think anyone on this board has ever said more guns solves anything.
  9. Yeah, I definitely don't agree with him. I was posting it from more of a "seriously??" point of view on it. If this were implemented, then no one would get stopped for traffic violations...for the reason you stated. I have a friend/acquaintance that did a study for his doctoral thesis on his own traffic stops over a year long period. (one of the smartest guys I ever met) Fully 30% of his "routine" stops ended up with some other sort of enforcement action like warrants, suspended license, drunk driving, drugs and weapon related stuff. All of those extracurricular things may lead to the cop needing a firearm.
  10. Not sure I follow? Archy made a valid point. This was a horrible mistake by a member of law enforcement. This had absolutely nothing to do with "gun reform" for the average gun owner, who cannot/do not own tasers and are not trying to apprehend criminals.
  11. Not sure. The thread I saw indicated he should not have had it since it was private vehicle, but not sure
  12. I saw other reports that he was hiding a loaded weapon next to his leg...?
  13. I am guessing there are a lot of folks that are thrilled that Gaetz has taken the heat off of Cuomo. Maybe they can have the trials at the same time, one broadcast on Fox and one on CNN. Ratings bonanza I tell ya.
  14. Unless regulations and licensing constitutes the large portion of the control legislation, I don't know that it will actually work as intended. A "ban" of this model, or a "confiscation" of that model is not very likely to work. @teachercd actually probably has the best example for something that would actually work. Not necessarily single shot, but manual action reloads (think pump shotguns or bolt action rifles) might be the key.
  15. This is a slight, 3-4% increase over last year, much like other budgets. I am not sure at what level of reduction it becomes untenable. There would have to be a lot of policy considerations before we ever see that budget reduced.
  16. https://thehill.com/policy/defense/547340-biden-requests-753b-defense-budget © Getty Images President Biden is requesting a $753 billion defense budget for next fiscal year, with $715 billion of that going to the Pentagon.
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