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Everything posted by DevoHusker

  1. Kimmel's guest host last night, Lemorne Morris, did a bit on it last night. Hilarious.
  2. There are lots of paid shills in Twitter. She happens to be one of the popular ones on the left. This type of stuff is virtually everyday fare...from one side or the other.
  3. Well, you said you won't vote for Trump...and now you can't vote for Biden... So welcome to Team Kennedy!
  4. It is very much like that. It would help to play it more than once. When you are below the hole, and only see the top of the flag, but mis#!t your approach to the wrong part of the green and see it leaves a virtually impossible putt...it's frustrating. My son called 4 or 5 of the greens "gimmicky". Don't get me wrong, I loved it. The whole experience.
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