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Everything posted by DevoHusker

  1. Huskers 18 Hawks 38 Run 176 Pass 124
  2. Trump needs to go back to Washington (or Mar A Lago) and start his "To Do" list for moving on.
  3. He may be wrong (I don't know) but he is definitely not unhinged. Well written and thought provoking. It is nigh on 2 years old, so who knows.
  4. I gave you a trophy @TGHusker but I really have my doubts that Biden will still be the POTUS in 4 years. Maybe I am wrong.
  5. (That's a lot of systems ) I see your point. It reminds me of the old adage "There are two things that __________ hate the most. Things staying the same, and change." Regarding the bold, if we don't rely on those that have the experience, knowledge and expertise, who are we to entrust with determining the bestest solution?
  6. Perhaps, after 4 years of different leadership, the outlook presented here will change (for the better one would hope)
  7. Much like the Canadian surgery procedure from yesterday, it seems weird that your anecdotal experience is much different than mine. My wife, a nurse, works in the largest clinic in our area. She has been there 20 years, so we know a lot of doctors and other medical related positions. Our longtime close family friend, (stood up with my brother in his wedding) is an ER/Trauma doc, and is a leading force in our new hospital. While I may have forgotten an exchange or two, all of them say a single payer Government run system will be a disaster.
  8. There is a big difference between being obligated to help, based on need, and obligated to pay umbrella based for everyone regardless of need, which could amount to hundreds of billions of dollars.
  9. Thanks Knapp. I could be much more receptive of something similar. Zero interest and extended terms with forgiveness only in extreme cases. But that is certainly not what has been batted around since Biden's victory. I would need direct confirmation from Biden if he goes the EO route.
  10. But it was posted in the spirit of I should not complain about having my tax dollars used to forgive debt of countless others that should not have had that much debt, or don't need the bailout. I believe I should complain about it.
  11. Thanks for the insight. Do you have a source that outlines that? (not poking) Everything I have read is based on forgiving all $1.3 trillion currently on the books.
  12. In an example from the original tweet: "you shouldn't buy anyone eyeglasses, unless you buy everyone eyeglasses, and it is bad to buy everyone eyeglasses because you are buying eyeglasses for people that don't need them" Why in the world should my tax dollars be used to purchase eyeglasses for people that have perfect vision and will never use them?
  13. I assume this is sarcasm. However, the quoted theory has merit on a limited basis, because we are talking about taxpayer funding.
  14. I have no use for the Turtle or his tactics. But, Nancy also played the game. This is where a Bipartisan outlook should govern, not this partisan back and forth crap that we have been seeing for the past 4 years. Get together and pass something that benefits everyone.
  15. But why not pass a relief focused bill for the citizens now, and work out another broad spectrum Covid package for all concerns later? It would be a lot easier than forgiving Trillions in college loan debt, and working the math to see if it stimulates the economy or gets to the refrigerator of those who need it most?
  16. This was in September and October. Rs offered around $500billion for straight Covid relief. I do not know the exact bill or exact dollar figures. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/stimulus-bill-senate-democrats-block-republican-proposal/ https://www.rollcall.com/2020/10/13/another-skinny-coronavirus-relief-bill-on-tap-in-senate/
  17. The Rs offered a clean bill, Covid relief only, which was refused/stalled/negated
  18. I agree with you. The righties would have had a fit. I had a fit. Jared and Ivanka as his closest advisors? Eric and Jr's WAGs on the payroll? F-ing ridiculous. I was being facetious, and thought it was funny. Must be overestimating my comic skills.
  19. Well yeah, and the fact that Malia and Sasha were in grade school
  20. Or... Nancy could have stopped dragging her feet and adding stuff she knew would not pass the Senate because she didn't want to send checks with the election looming and Trump still officially the President.
  21. But if they had solved it a month ago, there would be no reason to tweet today.
  22. Strange how seemingly similar people see things so differently.
  23. Only anecdotal, but my personal experience involves talking with Canadian snow birds at golf courses in the Phoenix valley. Virtually every one of them describes how they wait until they winter in AZ to get any surgical procedure done.
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