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Everything posted by NebraskaHarry

  1. Or DeSantis for that matter. If most people showed cautious optimism instead of an unwavering devotion to politicians, the US would be in a much better place. Instead we have people who would rather die on the hill defending Trump or DeSantis and the far right Republican Party. Why they do is crazy to me.
  2. I don't want Biden to run either. But if I have to pick between him and Trump or DeSantis. I'm picking Biden. I imagine there's a lot of people who feel that way.
  3. From my understanding, a low credit borrower isn't paying less than a high credit borrower. It's just the gap between the two is now smaller than what it was. I wouldn't go ruining your credit scores.
  4. I wonder what Archy has to say about this. Just kidding, I don't care what he has to say.
  5. Charge him then. Let's see if it holds water.
  6. You agree with Ryan Grim? Is that how you interpret that as well?
  7. This is the first I've seen of this duck grinding. How you gonna stop it? I'd assume PETA would be on top of this.
  8. Thanks for sharing. That's pretty bad. And yet, it's crazy to think about how many in the Republican Party are extremely worse than that.
  9. I actually think Wilcher is a decent player. He just needs to put more emphasis on shooting inside the arc and driving to the rim.
  10. I'd say something like "I admire your ability to not lose sleep over your decisions. If I were to take the same position as you, I would lose sleep from just the guilt."
  11. If you actually stopped and really analyzed this more, just based on what you said even, you might actually surprise yourself. You might even go down a road where you question current gun laws. But you won't. Instead you'll accuse others of closing their eyes.
  12. A lot of really red states in that list. Thanks for sharing.
  13. In Republican playbook 101. Call everyone else a snowflake while constantly acting like a snowflake themselves all the time. A trick play that doesn't make sense, but they run it.
  14. Republican playbook 101. Change the word education to the word indoctrination.
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