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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. Well....that's why they need to be made great AGAIN!!!! Duh....
  2. Well, I can't explain why many Senators have refused to carry out their duties on this. They took an oath that they would be impartial jurors. They were saying even before taking the oath that they already had their minds made up that Trump is innocent and that they would do anything they can to get the trial over with and dropped. It's clear that some actually at least understand that the evidence is pretty overwhelming...but still are devoted to keep him in office. Maybe what they should do for situations like this is use the Senate as the jury pool. They then go through a juror selection process like any other trial and middle 100 Senators down to 20. Both sides get a chance to eliminate certain ones. It ends up being a jury of 10 Dems and 10 Repubs.
  3. I never have understood why people think they have to complain so much every year about the Super Bowl halftime show. Big deal...every year, some people will like it and some won't. Why do people feel like they have to be so vocal towards their dislike over it? There isn't one type of music that everyone is going to like. There isn't one type of performer that everyone is going to like. It reminds me of every year when the Nebraska alternate uniforms come out. So many people feel the need to express how much they hate them. Oh...this stripe isn't needed...or....that jersey design looks too busy.....bla..... People just need to chill and understand you're not going to like everything in life but other people do. But, to put so much time and energy into complaining about something so meaningless....well.....
  4. Walsh is such a strange one in all this Trumpism stuff. But, it's nice when someone like him goes from this: To this:
  5. I'm not a constitutional expert by any stretch. But, let me explain it this way. In many criminal cases, there is a grand jury that is brought together to decide if the person should be indicted on what they are being accused of. Then, if they decide they should be indicted (Impeached) it then goes to a jury trial where both sides present their cases to the judge and jury to decide guilty or not guilty. This is very similar. The house, in essence, is the grand jury. The Senate is the open court case to decide guilty or not guilty.
  6. It's a good thing that Paul Pate is a Republican. Maybe at some point, someone who has been brainwashed by people like Judicial Watch and Hannity will start to question what they are hearing.
  7. I hope he stays too....but, I needed to make this one edit.
  8. yeah....there's definitely some unanswered questions. It's pretty clear that there was someone else involved. So...who was it?
  9. This is complete ineptitude. Anyone who has ever installed or started using a major software system within an organization knows a) You don't fridges do it at the last minute and...b) you train, test, retest, then test again to make sure it all works and everyone knows what the hell they are doing. And...to think these people knew they were going to hold a caucus 4 years ago.
  10. Well, you're better than me. I lived there for 15 years and was never able to participate. It's a large part of the reason why I think caucuses should be banned.
  11. Yeah...it's interesting when Moscow Mitch has had bills on his desk to help with election security and he's refused to move them forward....then they sit around and complain about election security and try to use the lack of it politically. Pretty much sums up American politics.
  12. I wonder if any of those people ever sit back an hour later saying....WTF did I just say???
  13. Yep....it’s just going to keep getting worse as long as our system eliminates third party candidates.
  14. Did you just imply that republicans are less likely to “be swept off their feet by an exciting candidate”? seriously???
  15. Yep...Republicans are so smart that they just don’t even have primaries for fear that something would go against dear leader.
  16. This is my every four year complaint about caucuses. They suck and should be unconstitutional.
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