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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. I don't see any way that something about this isn't illegal if being done by anyone other than the government. If it's a covert operation of some sort from the government, (DOD?) that is just as troubling.
  2. It really is amazing how this staff has flipped and reloaded the roster, all while allowing the vast majority of kids to redshirt and develop. I know it has not been a fun two seasons to watch the team on the field due to results. But, I firmly believe the staff is setting us up for success in the future. From day one, Frost has talked about building a base on the team the right way. This is what he's talking about.
  3. No.....I’m fine discussing the entire issue which includes why people feel the need for carrying out these acts ....along with the supply of guns.
  4. I have said multiple times that their is something is seriously wrong with someone who commits mass shootings ALONG WITH way too easy of access to a mass supply of guns in this country. You conveniently leave out that last part.
  5. Yep....knew this would be claimed by the administration.
  6. I wonder if Frost and staff ever sit around and think about how they could improve.
  7. I’m posting this to see if someone can confirm this is real.
  8. Nobody said all mentally ill people are going to be violent.
  9. Well....we are always told that drug addiction is an illness.
  10. Yeah....Israel basically is doing a......
  11. So...exposure to violence and other environmental aspects changes the mental stability of the person and makes them more susceptible to committing violence.
  12. I've known people who have had severe loss and they are so overwhelmed that they can't think straight. They get help. The worst cases are admitted for observation and help. Some just get counseling. But, I could see someone in that situation acting out against someone violently if they aren't helped. Not just because of murders or mass shootings, but we need improved mental health care in this country bad.
  13. Only football would have a bunch of men using the word "cute" so much.
  14. Yep, this administration is so well organized.
  15. I just don't get the attitude of claiming we just need to hire someone who is an "ace recruiter" and not worry if they are an actual good coach. We just saw in OLB and ST what happens when they aren't getting the coaching they need. We need someone who is good at both.
  16. As I mentioned in a post a while ago, I would clarify that as temporarily mentally unstable.
  17. I don't see an Iowa game thread yet, so I'll just put this here.
  18. Ummm....maybe he hasn't had the athletes in place yet at UCLA just like Scott here? Just spitballing here.
  19. So....someone who plots, buys guns and ammo to walk into a Walmart in Texas and shoots a bunch of people are perfectly healthy mentally. Hmmmm......gotta disagree. But...hey.....to each their own.
  20. Which....doesn't make me feel that great.
  21. No, the problem with the NRA is that they argue that it's ONLY a mental health issue. But...that's a problem also on the other side that claims it's ONLY a gun problem. Yep....I did the "both sides" thing and I'll stick by that.
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