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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. I keep thinking back to this article. Hillary was EASILY able to bate him into doing what she wanted him to do and say. This is the mentality this guy has....and he's supposed to be this great negotiator??? That's the biggest line of BS that has been said in this entire debate. The guy is a two bit fraud. A great negotiator isn't played like a fiddle like that.
  2. Gee....I wonder why this slime ball doesn't have more than 20% of the female vote.
  3. OK....I have a problem claiming the "National Anthem" is racist. The words that are sang at baseball parks and other sporting events do not have those words in it. Now....maybe the original "Star Spangle Banner" had racist parts in it. But, that is not what is commonly recognized as the "National Anthem". The US is continuing to evolve and has come one HELL of a long ways from where it was. Yes, it has more improvement to do. However, in a few weeks I am going to go to Germany for a week on business. Somewhere I was given something to read about the trip that warns me to be prepared for more actual segregation and other racial issues that we are no longer accustomed to here in the US. Even though the National Anthem represents a country that does have racism in it and that racism is not acceptable, we are WAY better than many places around the world.
  4. Do you want to go to a game in a 90,000 seat stadium with people who have not been screened? In today's world, really do you? I guess I have never thought about it as in being worried of being hurt. But what I mean is, why are we okay with this but not okay with frisking people on the street? They both seem kind of wrong. There is a HUGE difference. Someone just walking down the street has all the freedom in the world to do so with a purse or bag. The police just randomly picking out people they think look bad and frisking them violates their right to walk peacefully down the street. Now...someone coming to a Husker game has chosen to do so KNOWING that if they bring a bag, the bag will be searched. That is to say EVERYONE's bag is going to be searched. Also, we all I'm sure feel as though Memorial Stadium is a public place. However, it is not owned by the public. It is owned by the University. They have the right to put in place security measures (to an extent) as they see fit as long as it is equally applied to everyone. It's no different than going through a metal detector when going to the airport or into a federal court building.
  5. They're not on the field for the anthem. Who isn't? The players They aren't???? Hmmmm....never noticed that. Players are never on the field for the anthem. Players warm up then go to locker room. Band does their pre-game show with the anthem at the end. Then comes the Tunnel Walk. It's amazing the number of games I have been to and never really have thought about that. Pretty disrespectful to our country that you're obviously not really paying attention bro! /s Well....I'm pretty sure it's probably because my focus is on something other than the team at that point in time.
  6. Bingo to what is bolded...that is what started this debate...how the freedom of speech has been used via protesting the national anthem. Why are you saying "bingo" ? You've gone on and on about hypocrisy and how we're complaining about what Ricketts said and how he should have the right to free speech too. Nobody has argued he doesn't have a right to say what he did, yet you're implying his free speech rights are being questioned. They haven't and they aren't, yet you've been saying it for about 2 pages now. Did you not see the part "Its how its used" suggesting that how freedom of speech is used does matter. Some on here were questioning how Ricketts went about using his freedom of speech, just as others question how CK and MRI are using their freedom of speech. I saw the part about how you whined that Ricketts isn't allowed to have his say, which is false. People complaining about the players doing this are being argued with. They're not being told they're not allowed to be upset. There are 2 sets of reactions going on here. Those that are upset about the protesters are reacting and others defending them for how they are choosing to voice their freedom of expression, and those that are upset at Ricketts and others defending him for how he chose to voice his freedoms. The point is that if you were initially defending the protesters and pushing back on those who disagreed with how they chose to express their freedoms, then don't turn around and whine about how Ricketts is choosing to express his freedoms. There is HUGE difference between a few players having a peaceful protest during the national anthem and paid and elected officials who (through those elections) are PAID to represent the University and the state publicly voicing the opinions they did. Now....all the above have the freedom to do so. But, when one of the top officials of the University claims these players should be kicked off the team for this....well.....he needs to be shown the door and head on down the road.
  7. They're not on the field for the anthem. Who isn't? The players They aren't???? Hmmmm....never noticed that. Players are never on the field for the anthem. Players warm up then go to locker room. Band does their pre-game show with the anthem at the end. Then comes the Tunnel Walk. It's amazing the number of games I have been to and never really have thought about that.
  8. Yes. Trump is the quintessential crony capitalist. He's despicable on every level for that fact. And of course, the non-thinking majority of the people that voted for him don't even know what "Crony Capitalism" is and why it's so bad. I have been in business a long time. I have been taken advantage of by people like Trump that do something they shouldn't do but are allowed to because of how certain laws are written. It's quite frankly disgusting and extremely frustrating.
  9. They're not on the field for the anthem. Who isn't? The players They aren't???? Hmmmm....never noticed that.
  10. I went to college wanting to be in the cattle business either owning or managing a cow calf operation or a large commercial feedlot. In my younger years, I would have been very happy doing that. Now that I'm 50 and my body can't handle physical labor like it used to, I'm much less drawn to that career. I also almost went into the medical field at one point. If I wished I as doing something different now, it would probably be that. Probably get a nursing degree and then move into something like being a Perfusionist or an Anesthetist.
  11. They're not on the field for the anthem. Who isn't?
  12. This weekend, we have a HUGE group of recruits coming in. How is it viewed by the recruits if the three players kneel again and they get booed from the stands?
  13. Of course it is not. I was not implying that, and I don't think anyone else was. It is, however, a symbol of our country, A country that people died to make the way that it is now. Maybe the way we need to be thinking about these protests during the national anthem is the fact that all these people died for how this country is now. And...even though they died to allow everyone to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, some people in this country feel those people died in vane because they are not experiencing that same freedom.
  14. The only way I see this hurting recruiting is if a coach from say UCLA or USC or Oregon...etc. has a kid that is kind of, sort of.....questioning if he would be comfortable going to college in Nebraska. In that instance, I can see a coach saying....well, yeah.....you're black. look at what Rickets and Daub have said. That's what all those Nebraskans think. Will it be a mass problem with recruits??? No. But, it can affect someone at some point in time.
  15. That last paragraph pretty much sums up where I'm at. This idiot scares the crap out of me. Having someone that immature and so arrogant that he thinks he doesn't need to change or learn anything more about the issues and that he is smarter than anyone else.......THAT is a bad recipe for disaster.
  16. I have supported Johnson being in the debates. But....dang.....that's funny.
  17. Good thing I will probably be at that game. I'm going to be in Germany enjoying a beer.
  18. If you use your DVR and adjust the TV to the radio, there isn't any.... Pause your TV till the radio catches up. I watch baseball games this way and the lag can vary. Usually 5-10 seconds.
  19. I have been very concerned with all of the distractions this week and the team. Then, my nerves become calmer when I realize Riley is the coach and what I have seen of his personality over the last 18 - 20 months. I really hope we finish with a strong season so we don't have to go through another off season of fans claiming he's a horrible coach and we need a change.
  20. One thing we have always told our kids is that college is an opportunity to meet people and interact with people who come from very different experiences than them. They need to learn from them and allow this to make their college experience more meaningful. Now, that sounds awfully like I'm a hippy from the 60s. But, it's true. They have grown up in central Nebraska and have been shielded away from many other experiences because of that. Don't miss the opportunity that college gives you to learn from others.
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