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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. There are lots of theories on lifting. We have seen many of them over the last 10-15 years go through Nebraska. Some people claim simple lifts like bench, squats, power cleans....etc is what you need to key on. I think in the 80s Nebraska started actually designing lifting stations that resembled actual moves football players made. Some claimed that was a huge development. I even think our HS uses some of those types of machines now and we are known for having one of the nicest HS weight rooms in the state. The part I like that has been mentioned is that the players were able to give input on how much they were ready to lift. I'm not a big lifter but I would think that would be much more advantageous than a coach simply calculating it and giving you a sheet of paper telling you how much you are supposed to lift. Obviously, there would need to be good supervision to make sure some meat head isn't doing something he shouldn't. But, the personal input is important.
  2. Well...I guess we can now say it wasn't kidnapped by terrorists and is being made into a nuclear bomb to destroy western civilization.
  3. Whether they "kill babies" seems debatable. That is a legitimate discussion. Not....You're racist, sexist, classists....bla bla blaist.....
  4. I miss the days when they used to publish the testing results of the players.
  5. It will be interesting to see. However, don't expect to all of a sudden to see our lines dominating physically like the 80s. That just aint going to happen again. Nobodies does that anymore due to the fact that everyone now has good strength and conditioning programs. No matter how good our O line gets, there will be times they get beat and it will look like they are weak and out of shape. That's what happens when to big fat strong guys go up against each other.
  6. OMFG.... Not everything friggen thing is about race. True, but this is and classist and about the right wing Christian agenda. PP was inspired by a right wing commited eugenicist(M. Sanger) but I don't think that has much of anything to do with the right motivation here. They're playing to their Christian lobby. This is about the right wing Christian agenda against abortion. That's it. The left wing propaganda machine can try to make it into more than that but it's not. The funny thing is, they don't even need to make it into more than that. Not everything that conservatives want to cut is motivated by wanting to keep poor black people down. That line is really old and worn out. I say the racist/classist part is, in this case, rather unaware: that is, since PP is mainly in the poorer black/Latino inner city, it's quite easy for a bunch of wealthy, white congressmen to act in a hasty, reactionary way to get rid of it without much thought of the people who are well served by PP. Out of sight, out of mind type thing. Sexist as well. They're serving their mostly white, Christian lobby which, in case you hadn't noticed, has become quite a force within right wing politics. I honestly think that most of them don't care that much about abortions or lack thereof within the mostly poor, black, female communities Why would/should they? They're reacting to their base, it's about votes and lobby $. Until this video thing came out, none of them gave much of a crap about PP. Really???? You actually think that the anti-abortion movement is motivated not by actually wanting to stop abortion but because of racism, classism and sexism? What kind of weird propaganda do you read? Like I said, the left wing doesn't even need to make this out to be more than what it is. The extreme right wing in on this issue does a good enough job of making themselves out to look like wackos by themselves. The sexism part is very laughable. Women are a HUGE part of the anti-abortion movement and no, they aren't whipped little women just following what their dominating conservative husbands want them to think. In fact, the people who eventually convinced me to be anti-abortion are my mother, sister and wife. That is not uncommon. The problem with you arguments on this is that it deflects from the real issues and that is exactly what the extremes on that side want to have happen. Like I said, neither side really wants anything to be done on this issue. They gain too much power from it. So, if the left wing can paint more and more ..."isms" onto this pig then they just gain more and more power no matter if it's really true or not. 'Unaware', subconscious racism, etc. Ummmm....no....it's not.... Right wing anti-abortion doesn't matter what color the skin is of the people getting the abortion. You can keep saying those ism words over and over again and it doesn't make it so. It just deflects from the conversation.
  7. No, The surest way for Clinton to get elected would be if Trump stayed a Republican and won the nomination. That would pretty much guarantee any Democrat candidate would win. I would love for a third party candidate to run that is actually viable. The problem is, they tend to be the extremes on both sides. I firmly believe there is a place for a moderate conservative candidate (party) in this country and if one really did run and form a really good campaign with talented people around him/her, I believe they would win easily. I agree with much of what you said, but the way things are going, I am having more doubts on whether Hillary will actually win the Dem nomination with Sanders now tied with her in New Hampshire. She is probably the worst candidate I have seen in years. She won't answer questions directly, is not transparent, is destroying servers and now is under FBI investiation, and when she does try to answer questions or do an interview, she opens up a can of worms like claiming she and Bill were flat broke despite having made millions the year before. Here is my favorite though...when she turns on the Southern accent to show how phony she really is. Seriously, regardless if you are for or against Hillary, this video is comical. I just laugh like crazy. She and her husband are one of the fakest couples I think I have ever seen. However, there are one hell of a lot of people in this country that just absolutely worship them. If she doesn't win the nomination, Sanders will have ran one hell of a campaign and he better be willing to withstand some pretty messy mud down the stretch being thrown from these two.
  8. Whew. Thank goodness we don't play against very many, if any, of those. I would much rather take the risk of getting burned by the pass than letting it be easy just running all over us.
  9. OMFG.... Not everything friggen thing is about race. True, but this is and classist and about the right wing Christian agenda. PP was inspired by a right wing commited eugenicist(M. Sanger) but I don't think that has much of anything to do with the right motivation here. They're playing to their Christian lobby. This is about the right wing Christian agenda against abortion. That's it. The left wing propaganda machine can try to make it into more than that but it's not. The funny thing is, they don't even need to make it into more than that. Not everything that conservatives want to cut is motivated by wanting to keep poor black people down. That line is really old and worn out. I say the racist/classist part is, in this case, rather unaware: that is, since PP is mainly in the poorer black/Latino inner city, it's quite easy for a bunch of wealthy, white congressmen to act in a hasty, reactionary way to get rid of it without much thought of the people who are well served by PP. Out of sight, out of mind type thing. Sexist as well. They're serving their mostly white, Christian lobby which, in case you hadn't noticed, has become quite a force within right wing politics. I honestly think that most of them don't care that much about abortions or lack thereof within the mostly poor, black, female communities Why would/should they? They're reacting to their base, it's about votes and lobby $. Until this video thing came out, none of them gave much of a crap about PP. Really???? You actually think that the anti-abortion movement is motivated not by actually wanting to stop abortion but because of racism, classism and sexism? What kind of weird propaganda do you read? Like I said, the left wing doesn't even need to make this out to be more than what it is. The extreme right wing in on this issue does a good enough job of making themselves out to look like wackos by themselves. The sexism part is very laughable. Women are a HUGE part of the anti-abortion movement and no, they aren't whipped little women just following what their dominating conservative husbands want them to think. In fact, the people who eventually convinced me to be anti-abortion are my mother, sister and wife. That is not uncommon. The problem with you arguments on this is that it deflects from the real issues and that is exactly what the extremes on that side want to have happen. Like I said, neither side really wants anything to be done on this issue. They gain too much power from it. So, if the left wing can paint more and more ..."isms" onto this pig then they just gain more and more power no matter if it's really true or not.
  10. It does give two specifics: no preset weight limits and more Olympic lifting. That...and the energy from the coach.
  11. Good read in that it actually gives a few specifics on what is different between the staff's. It's not just guys claiming to be so much better.
  12. OMFG.... Not everything friggen thing is about race. True, but this is and classist and about the right wing Christian agenda. PP was inspired by a right wing commited eugenicist(M. Sanger) but I don't think that has much of anything to do with the right motivation here. They're playing to their Christian lobby. This is about the right wing Christian agenda against abortion. That's it. The left wing propaganda machine can try to make it into more than that but it's not. The funny thing is, they don't even need to make it into more than that. Not everything that conservatives want to cut is motivated by wanting to keep poor black people down. That line is really old and worn out. Many of the lib lines and lies are not only warn out but misdirection tactics - look at them (right wing, extreme, Christian (always an easy put down blanket statement) - add 50 more adjectives) as we promote this (name it) progressive agenda. Example is in Corn's post above: Sanger was from a right wing Christian - She was a turn of the century (1900s) progressive taking Darwinian theory to the ultimate degree. Good Lord....it's like coach speak. When a coach is being interviewed and they run out of things to say, they just open their mouths and the same phrases over and over again come out no matter if it really pertains to the subject or not. Hmmm...what do you think about the weather? Liberal....It's a right wing Christian conspiracy to keep poor black people down. Hmmm....How about them Huskers? Liberal...It's a right wing Christian conspiracy to keep poor black people down. Hmmm....Doesn't JLo look nice? Liberal...It's a right wing Christian conspiracy to keep poor black people down.
  13. OMFG.... Not everything friggen thing is about race. True, but this is and classist and about the right wing Christian agenda. PP was inspired by a right wing commited eugenicist(M. Sanger) but I don't think that has much of anything to do with the right motivation here. They're playing to their Christian lobby. This is about the right wing Christian agenda against abortion. That's it. The left wing propaganda machine can try to make it into more than that but it's not. The funny thing is, they don't even need to make it into more than that. Not everything that conservatives want to cut is motivated by wanting to keep poor black people down. That line is really old and worn out.
  14. While that sounds good in theory, I worry about offenses counter-attacking that and using our aggressiveness against us. Oh well, it will be fun to watch though. You can have a controlled aggressive scheme. I'm not too concerned about this. Heck, it can't be any worse than what we have been seeing.
  15. I found this tweet to be very interesting. Kind of the first comments directly from a player I have seen pertaining to specific changes in the scheme. Hopefully this allows for more run support up front.
  16. OMFG.... Not everything friggen thing is about race.
  17. Oh I care what women wear. I don't care what 20 year old boys are wearing as much as most of you do, and other fans cannwear whatever the hell they want and I don't care about that either. ( I think Cornhats are funny, not something to get angry about, people can wear those too) When it comes to the ladies on game day, those white shorts and/or white/red pants are pretty damn nice. I like a girl that can make a hat look good too. That could be your number 5. Also, who doesn't like a woman in a tanktop. I never have figured out why men have such an issue with what someone else wears to show support for their team. Heck, wear whatever you want. Just be there, be red and be loud. Now, you guys have pretty much nailed the women's clothing thing. You can't stop without mentioning the red hot lipstick though.
  18. I actually think we will get him and the coaches are pretty confident in that. I think he is enjoying the recruiting process and taking some trips to see programs he otherwise would never get to see. I would do the same thing. There is always that fear though that something will get him excited about a place like UCLA and he jumps at it. Our recruiters need to stay on this one and I'm sure they will.
  19. Obviously shopped!!!!!!!!!! But seriously who put that together with that font? Come on guys. Ok...how can you formulate a complaint about the font? The font on the nameplate is not the font used on the actual jerseys... It really must be the off season.
  20. Iowa has a pretty good medical program but I think what eliminates them is their lack of success and their coach on a pretty hot seat right now.
  21. So, is the theory on why we haven't gone after many D lineman is because we have had a lot come into the program in the last couple of years and the staff sees bigger needs somewhere else? Boy, if that's the case, it seems to me that if things don't go right next year, all of a sudden we have nobody at the position.
  22. That's fine. You could have maybe three different levels of taxation. Then, if the income threshold that is taxed needs to be lowered, the tax levels would expand out like an accordion to accommodate the taxable group. As for the person wanting to stay at $99k, that wouldn't really mean much because that taxation level would be moving. One year maybe they are in the 20% tax bracket but the next (due to an increase in the budget) they are bumped up into the 25% bracket. This would motivate them to try to find ways for the government to be either more efficient or spend less. (probably both).
  23. No, The surest way for Clinton to get elected would be if Trump stayed a Republican and won the nomination. That would pretty much guarantee any Democrat candidate would win. I would love for a third party candidate to run that is actually viable. The problem is, they tend to be the extremes on both sides. I firmly believe there is a place for a moderate conservative candidate (party) in this country and if one really did run and form a really good campaign with talented people around him/her, I believe they would win easily. Disagree completely. Trump running third party and siphoning off votes from a candidate like Bush, Walker, or Rubio would be a disaster for the Republican party. There is no situation in politics that is better for one party than to have the other party get outflanked by an ex-whatever they are (in this case Republican). One more reason I'm a Sanders guy is that his top priority––or one of them––is campaign finance reform. I am with you 1000% that it's high time we had viable third-party alternatives. Some of the ideas I've heard Sanders put out there would almost certainly lead to the greatest chance of that happening we're likely to see in our lifetimes. I think as a third party candidate, both of the other candidates would make him look so stupid by the time the general election came around that the number of votes he would siphon off would be minimal. But the base of people who are now causing Trump to surge ahead of every single Republican candidate in a massive field would not be persuaded by logic or reason in the first place. Nor would they probably care what the "establishment" candidate had to say about Trump, because as you'll recall, Trump is the one who's "just telling it like it is" and being attacked by the "liberal media" for it. Also, you don't have to siphon off a lot of votes to be an effective third party insurgent. If you swing the race by 5%, you've effectively sunk the candidate of the party disaffected voters are leaving. Well, no matter what, if he is the Republican candidate, he will get way more than 5% but no where close to enough to win. That puts Clinton in the office. If he runs as a 3rd party and gets 5% of the Republican votes, then that still leaves one heck of a lot of votes to beat Clinton. The establishment candidate will just have to win by more than 5% more than he/she normally would need to. Like I said, if he is the Republican candidate, there might as well not even be a General election because there is no way in hell he would get the majority.
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