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Creighton Duke

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  1. Progressive scholar dropping the truth bombs on Russia, Trump:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZRod


      Why does Putin's opposition always end up dead? Why do they have far more nukes than we do, when they signed the same disarmament agreement? Why have they increased their submarine fleet? Why do they increase ,ilitary spending when we decrease it fighting two wars?

    3. ZRod


      Yes, we should be working to mend relations. I think Obama had intended to do that with Medvedev, but then Putin buffaloed back into the picture. Let's not pretend for one minute that Russia isn't culpable in this as well.

    4. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      I don't think anyone is letting Russia off the hook. It is important to see both sides, though.

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