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Creighton Duke

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Everything posted by Creighton Duke

  1. Yeah. Because one is way, way worse. I'm not a big fan of sinus infections. Don't like them, don't care for them, don't support them. But I don't spend a lot of time in active opposition to that because it just is what it is. Lung cancer, on the other hand, is much worse, and I'll spend a lot more time and energy being opposed to that particularly awful disease. I know there has been a lot of worries over Hillary's falls and having to hold onto things. I didn't realize she had lung cancer. I don't think that is the case. According to Dr. Drew it is only "possible brain damage"
  2. Thanks for the compliment. I started watching elections when I was 10 and have followed politics closely since then. We are stuck in an election with 2 lousy candidates, but it seems most on here want to spend more time just criticizing one, so yes, there is some counter-balancing needed. I'm frankly amazed we are looking at a 4 to 6 point race still at this point given how bad of a month Trump has had and the fact Trump has yet to spend any money on advertising. I think we will see this race tighten once we get past labor day. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/pow-its-just-a-2-point-race-clinton-38-trump-36/article/2599471 I realize Nate Silver is not a fan of Zogby since Zogby relies on Internet Surveys, but I think this article from Pew is pretty intriguing at the difference responses provided between phone and online surveys. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/poll-wars-pew-says-internet-polls-often-more-accurate-candid-than-phone-surveys/article/2564575 It's going to end up like Brexit. It has the exact same feel and progression. The Republican Primaries were exactly like Brexit. A lot of people who voted for how it turned out went....WTF...I didn't think he would win. No, not like that. More like people coming out on online forums and social media virtue-signaling and making it appear as though the lead for Clinton is much larger than it is. Huskerboard is good example of this where the pro-Clinton posts are not only more numerous, but are also +1'd at a much higher rate than pro-Trump posts. Yet in the basic straw pole (straw pole) Clinton only "won" by 2 votes. I expect this disparity to continue to permeate through November and for a lot of people to wake up on November 9 genuinely surprised at what happened.
  3. So sad, but oh so true. I can pretty much promise 50-60% of the Bernie supporters simply wont vote this election(read the kids). Why is this sad? If people intend to vote for the candidate that I don't support, I would prefer that they stay home.
  4. Thanks for the compliment. I started watching elections when I was 10 and have followed politics closely since then. We are stuck in an election with 2 lousy candidates, but it seems most on here want to spend more time just criticizing one, so yes, there is some counter-balancing needed. I'm frankly amazed we are looking at a 4 to 6 point race still at this point given how bad of a month Trump has had and the fact Trump has yet to spend any money on advertising. I think we will see this race tighten once we get past labor day. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/pow-its-just-a-2-point-race-clinton-38-trump-36/article/2599471 I realize Nate Silver is not a fan of Zogby since Zogby relies on Internet Surveys, but I think this article from Pew is pretty intriguing at the difference responses provided between phone and online surveys. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/poll-wars-pew-says-internet-polls-often-more-accurate-candid-than-phone-surveys/article/2564575 It's going to end up like Brexit. It has the exact same feel and progression.
  5. You should include "I'm not voting" so the majority of readers will have an option
  6. I thought about this and thinking back to all the coaches I ever had it would not have bothered one one tiny bit if any of them had troubles with the law. I would not try less, I would not give less effort I would not tune him out. Now, if my coach was a horrible coach and telling me "when you make a tackle be sure to duck your head and exposed the crown of your helmet, sure you might get paralyzed but it is how I teach it" then I would have issues. I obviously don't know your background and don't want to make assumptions, but I would venture to guess that you may have had strong role models/male role models in your life that were able to instill values in you that would deter immoral or illegal decisions/actions. Because of this, you didn't need to or consciously give as much thought to the conduct of your coaches. Many of the guys on the team look up to Coach Williams as THAT father figure/role model/etc. that they may not or did not have in their own lives. When this is the role that comes with a certain type of authority, whether one willingly accepts the role or not, I think that there needs to be a higher standard placed on the individual to ensure that those under their watch are being shown the most appropriate examples of acceptable behavior and conduct possible.
  7. Let's look at the cost-benefit for one moment: Benefit: Good WR coach stays, could be a "life-changing" experience that puts him on the right track Cost: He relapses or gets another DUI and it looks really bad for the university, he relapses or gets another DUI where someone is hurt or killed and it looks REALLY bad for the university Understandably, he could relapse and get another DUI wherever he is, but what kinds of widespread ramifications do you think that such an occurrence would have if the university allows him to come back knowing what it knows now? I think it would be a lot wider than a lot of people realize.
  8. I don't think that the difference is as relevant as people are making it out to be. "You got really drunk, hit a guy, refused to exchange insurance information, and got arrested (for the 3rd time for this particular offense) and...wait...what??!! You only got KIND of drunk and all of that other stuff happened as a result? Changes EVERYTHING!" Many will disagree, but as far as "mentoring" and "developing young men" are concerned, I don't think that this is the best message to be sending.
  9. How would people calling for suspension feel if we found out that someone in his vehicle or the vehicle that he hit was injured as a result? Do we have to see blood in order to take the necessary action?
  10. When your job involves being a public ambassador, an educator, and a mentor to young men, it's a different scenario and our football program can not in any way endorse this wreckless behavior or send a message that we disapprove, but we're not going to make you suffer any consequences. Fair enough. I guess there is still some gray in it for me based on not knowing the entire story. I don't doubt Riley will do right by Williams and the team. Do we know how long ago the other 2 DUIs were? Also, what ended up happening with the USC coach that had similar issues this year? He was fired. That was somewhat a different circumstance, though. Sark was showing up to team functions, practices, and games wasted. If there's any silver lining, it's at least that KW seems to not be that far down the hole with his problems. Edit: You were right, unlfan. No. This is worse. I wouldn't care nearly as much if someone was showing up drunk in an untactful or unprofessional manner if they weren't in the position to kill themselves, others, or me as a result of their inebriated state (such as operating a motor vehicle).
  11. Lee is granted a 6th year. Should be some good QB competition over the next few years.

    1. TonyStalloni


      Glad to hear that.

  12. Fair enough. Who really needs that extra 1150 hours anyways??!!
  13. Out of years of business dealings, I have not seen tons of suppliers, contractors, and employees speaking out against him. All the GOP opponents tried this angle and struggled to find a few. Stop trying to dismiss her corruption and imply there is an equivalency. Now, here's what I don't understand. You contrasted the two as Trump being the guy who says dumb stuf, and Hillary being the woman who has done a lot of bad things. What exactly are these bad things? I'm no Hillary fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I hear all these awful nefarious things referenced a lot yet I haven't actually heard what any of them are, other than lying, which... are you new to politics? Maybe the better question is "are you new to this thread?" A good starting point would be to go back to the top of the page and devote an hour to watching the video posted. You act like I have an hour of free time to watch spooky videos about politicians Close to 14k posts...I have my reasons for thinking that you do
  14. Out of years of business dealings, I have not seen tons of suppliers, contractors, and employees speaking out against him. All the GOP opponents tried this angle and struggled to find a few. Stop trying to dismiss her corruption and imply there is an equivalency. Now, here's what I don't understand. You contrasted the two as Trump being the guy who says dumb stuf, and Hillary being the woman who has done a lot of bad things. What exactly are these bad things? I'm no Hillary fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I hear all these awful nefarious things referenced a lot yet I haven't actually heard what any of them are, other than lying, which... are you new to politics? Maybe the better question is "are you new to this thread?" A good starting point would be to go back to the top of the page and devote an hour to watching the video posted.
  15. I am sorry but so many of the discussions on this board that get into economics and politics are nonsensical really. It is downright scary sometimes to read some of the comments and statements of 'fact' offered by people. The media today spew such stupidity and unfounded crap coupled with an educational system that is filled with economic morons. This crap gets spread around and people are so fundamentally misinformed about basic economics and the markets and so on that we get Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton competing to win the Presidency following Obama. It is no wonder we have an overall economy that is near comatose and has been on the equivalent of economic 'life support' by the FED and government money printers and manipulators for 7 years running. There is nothing further needed to be stated about the dire straits of the economy than to point out that the Fed Funds rates near or even below zero percent is and long term mortgage rates in the 4% range! These are without question depression level numbers. In many ways the economy is actually in worse shape that in the 1930s Great Depression era and but for adding another 11 trillion to the declared 'national debt' over t he same 7 years we would be seeing the worst poverty and starvation crisis in modern world history. We have literally 50 million people living in poverty off the public dole with virtually NO HOPE of improving their lot and another 100 million barely about the poverty line and living in fear of losing their low paying jobs, etc. Instead of Obama's promised hope and change, we've lost all hope and fear and supplanted the optimism that most (not all sadly) Americans had before Obama was elected. You will see a clear and precipitous drop in employment, optimism, etc that coincides exactly with the rise of Obama. The deep recession that followed his nomination and the bursting of the Clinton housing bubble brought on by the lunacy of the liberal home mortgage funding mechanisms he and a handful of key Dems in the Congress and Senate. The FED has been propping up the stock market by direct investing and timing of intervention in the daily publicly traded stock markets and of course the crazy monetary policy (zero percent interest). Until we get back to more normal interest levels, etc we will never get back on a path to improved economic conditions and eventually improvement in the jobs markets. It is not how many low wage jobs have been added to the naiton's employment numbers that are meaningful. It is the big numbers of manufacturing and skilled worker jobs that have disappeared. We barely have more total employed today that we did 8 years ago and the amount of money being earned by those workers has actually fallen despite nearly 30% inflation over the same period. The economy is horrible. Period. No matter what kind of BS spin and false information the Obama people put out there. When normal interest rates ultimately return, the nation will be paying nearly 1 trillion per year in just interest on the current debt! This is not being included in the budget right now because the government has driven rates to zero and therefore is not accounting for interest as a cost of the government. This can't last in any real economic world. I agree
  16. On Huskerboard all Huskerboarders are equal but some are more equal than others

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      Is that like being kind of pregnant

    3. NUance


      Who is the equalest of all? lol

    4. huKSer


      The pigs. Four legs good, two legs better.

  17. Don't be silly. The REAL liberal was the Creighton Duke who voted for Nader in 2000 I voted for him in 2004 Hate to quote/post twice, but this raises a very interesting question. Looking at the HB poll (which I doubt is representative of the U.S. voting population, but I digress), many want to vote third party. That being said, what would the breakdown be for Trump-Clinton-Third Party Candidates if Nader was involved and in 2000 mode? Probably wouldn't be Perot-esque, but I could see him taking A LOT of the Bernie vote and ending up with ~15-18% of the GE vote. Sorry to derail...once again.
  18. Don't be silly. The REAL liberal was the Creighton Duke who voted for Nader in 2000 I voted for him in 2004 2004 seemed like too important of an election to vote third party...seems funny that I thought that back then...
  19. Don't be silly. The REAL liberal was the Creighton Duke who voted for Nader in 2000
  20. I agree. I don't think they would have been as bad as Clinton, but no way I would vote for any of those guys. Just curious, who did you vote for in 2012? Barack Obama
  21. I agree. I don't think they would have been as bad as Clinton, but no way I would vote for any of those guys.
  22. First source that came up when I Googled it, bruva I also think you missed the point
  23. Hahahahahahahaha....c'mon Zoogs. You can do better than April 8th. Try a little further west 3 days ago: https://www.rt.com/news/354043-anti-merkel-rally-refugee-policy/
  24. Progressive scholar dropping the truth bombs on Russia, Trump:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZRod


      Why does Putin's opposition always end up dead? Why do they have far more nukes than we do, when they signed the same disarmament agreement? Why have they increased their submarine fleet? Why do they increase ,ilitary spending when we decrease it fighting two wars?

    3. ZRod


      Yes, we should be working to mend relations. I think Obama had intended to do that with Medvedev, but then Putin buffaloed back into the picture. Let's not pretend for one minute that Russia isn't culpable in this as well.

    4. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      I don't think anyone is letting Russia off the hook. It is important to see both sides, though.

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