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Everything posted by TGHusker

  1. You can be a dyed in the wool conservative and still be opposed to this ridiculousness. It's going to kill people and it'll cost us more money. very true
  2. Wouldn't those groups consist of ... conservatives? Or should I say Republicans? Which would be more appropriate? Forgive me, but when you celebrate stripping healthcare from 24 million people, there may be a lil splash back. Problem is there are conservatives, myself included, that do not support this and detest it as much as anybody. So, I don't care what you call the a$$holes that voted for this, but blaming all conservatives is not an accurate grouping. Republicans might be another story. Not sure there are any good ones left. agree - I see it in this state. The party has lost its heart.
  3. You guys might take me back to my roots again - A HHH and George McGovern liberal. This congress may force me to it. Knapp - sorry for your great loss. You have my sympathies. I hope your wife is doing much better. Atbone - prayers & thoughts for you and family.
  4. The LA Times did it for them. I couldn't get the link to pull up but got to it otherwise, so here it is if anyone had trouble http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-hiltzik-obamacare-repeal-20170504-story.html As I read this, it is not anything what I thought reform would be. May I be the first to predict that there will be a Democratic President elected in 2020 and a Democratic Senate @ minimum in 2018. This bill does not drive down costs but it appears to raise it for many. And these slime balls exempt themselves from it. Pitch forks and knives -- where is that resistance thread - I may have to join it after all. I predict that this, if passed in the Senate will like several other Trump initiatives be immediately challenged in court. I think the challenge will come from item # 5 in the link. This bill prohibits funding for Plan Parenthood and abortion in general. I see the conflict rising between the California constitutionally protected right to an abortion as being the entry gate in stopping this bill legally. It will get to the John Roberts SC and based on the 1973 Roe v Wade decision - this law will get overturned. I say that as a pro-lifer. But also as a pro-lifer it does not help the hurting, ill, and poor already living. Compassion appears to have been left out of the room during this process. My vision of reform was to reduce premiums by increasing completion between insurance providers - remove state boundaries on coverage, improve delivery systems, tort reform (within reasons). I have not read the bill - but in casual reading I see none of this. Maybe someone can enlighten me. I'm all ears.
  5. Find your bootstraps. We're going to need them. Our lives aren't worth cutting into the bottom line of big business. Between what you described and the video of this Rep saying people "lead good lives and who do things the right way" don't deserve to pay more to subsidize the unhealthy... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTS_uiVU9PU The hubris with which these people play with people's lives like its a game their team needs to win is sickening. If this thing goes through, I hope as many of them lose their jobs as possible. And Congress exempts themselves from the new law- now nice. I wonder how many of them have pre-existing conditions?
  6. You 'deleted' and old family friend!! You didn't have to go to those lengths. May she RIP. ....... Just kidding . It is no fun to lose a friend over things like this. Hopefully, one day she'll come back around and apologize for going off the deep end. And by the way, I know also many evangelicals who still support him wildly also. One is the lady who cuts my hair - I try to question some of her statements and give her an alternative view, however, she has the scissors in her hands so I have to be careful how much I push otherwise I'll be the
  7. It costs good governance. (this quote Is probably true of most repubs as well) While one could argue that this indicates Democrats who knew more about the industry were more likely to vote for undoing financial regulations, Ferguson has a more cynical interpretation. He points to research published last year by the Institute for New Economic Thinking that found that members of Congress take out more loans with more favorable interest rates when they are appointed to finance committees, a pattern that doesn’t appear across Congress generally. The trend is present only for legislators serving on committees responsible for overseeing the industry that hands out loans. The research dovetails with another study published last year that showed lawmakers who owned bank stocks were much more likely to vote for the 2008 bailout.
  8. I know a lot of true conservatives (Trump isn't one) and evangelicals who didn't vote for the guy (including me). Many of us are shaking our heads over so much of what he says and does. We don't claim him. However those that did vote for him mostly did so holding their noses I believe. They were mostly voting as an anti-Hillary not a pro-Trump voter. However, Trump pulled the wool over too many voter's eyes - he's not following through on many of his conservative promises - because he never was a principled conservative - he is an opportunist with no core values. I won't place him at the foot of any political spectrum - conservative, moderate or liberal. Regardless, there was another group of Republicans which included some conservatives, probably more moderate who did vote for Hillary.
  9. ok -- it is coming back to me bit by bit - or corn cob by corn cob
  10. That is very good Knapp. Yes, reader be warned about the language in spots but good. I really like the end - just take the time to listen instead of reacting. ADHDers know that is difficult to do!! But it is true of everyone. Yes, our brain does rise up (speaking for myself) to defend our world view, but it can change if we just take the time to listen. I think I've changed my views over the years by listening to you all on HB. Sometimes I react, get rebuffed and then think about it and say - you know he or she has a point there, they may be right after all. If we fail to get the to the "you know" stage we don't grow or change. We may get to the 'you know' stage and acknowledge the other person has a point and still believe our point is correct - but at least we've paused to listen and consider.
  11. Don't remember that one but I can imagine it based on what's going on now. I think there are some people around Trump who are much more capable but yet have to 'play their role' under him.
  12. I figured the topic would generate some conversation. I've never heard Prager on the radio - nor do I plan to - I just find his videos a good focal point to begin a conversation - many different topics - if there was similar videos from the other political spectrum, I would love to see those for conversational starters. Regarding the topic, I think part of the reason Nazism curls the blood more in the USA is due to the scope of WW2. That war affected our parents and grandparents and indirectly the generation that followed. While the loss of American soldier lives in Vietnam and Korea are horrific (not to mention the lost of all lives regardless of country), the loss of American lives in WW2 had an immediate impact on America - altered large cross segments of the population. A much higher % of Americans were sent off to war than in Korea or Vietnam. The war also altered the lives of civilians in a much greater way - Rosie the Riveter replaced Jack in the factory, shortages of everything was experienced by many and most citizens felt directly threatened by the Axis power & its potential surround the USA with enemies on all sides. Korea and Vietnam were conflicts over there. Yes against the threat of communism but they were stepping stone conflicts. Vietnam War, will creating strife and political chaos in the USA, was not a direct threat to the common American who carried on their lives. Unless you were a soldier or had a friend or family member go over to Vietnam (I had an uncle injured - lost an eye as an infantry man, and other uncle - B-52 electronics eng - had to bail out into the Pacific near Guam but survived - old B-52 malfunction) your life wasn't drastically altered. No scrap drives, rubber drives, lights off at night as in WW 2. For several decades, until Ronald Reagan, we had the MAD policy - basically it forced a 'get along or else' between US and Soviets and the skirmishes were proxy wars here and then. Outside of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the average citizen did not feel immediately threatened. Yes, there was always the uneasy feeling of nuclear war in the back of our minds (maybe how the younger generation feels about terrorist threats now - could it happen here or when I travel to Europe) but there were few times when we felt directly threatened. WW2 was otherwise. As Prager notes in the video - both philosophies are evil, however, I believe one has gotten deeper into the American physic both through the real life experience and via all of the movies in the 50s and 60s. I think Prager overlooks this part of it. I think he plays a bit too heavy on the left here in America as feeling a 'kinship' (my word) to communism. However, he fails to note that even left leaning journalists & professors in left leaning media and education are still Americans. This is a part of the divide that too often is reinforced by identity politics which happens on both ends of the spectrum.
  13. Also, how come finding a solution to the centuries old (let's go back to Isaac and Ismael story in Genesis) issue isn't so difficult as others make it out to be yet he finds health care reform, a 6-7 year issue, to be very complicated??
  14. Of course - He and Andrew Jackson would have stopped the Civil War while acting in 2 of the 3 'Back to the Future' movies.
  15. Well some are encouraging her to run for Mayor of NYC. So, if she does, she'll be in the news for some time. Wt the shuttering or near shuttering of the Clinton Foundation, they have to find a way to remain relevant. The Clintons were never a couple to fade away into obscurity.
  16. i agree. the democratic and republican parties have both gone so far to the left and right and so far from the middle ground that neither party deserves any support anymore. f#*k the liberals and the conservatives...get some damn moderates who can work together in office and get america united again. So what should we call our new moderate party and who should lead it?
  17. If 'ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd have Christmas all year long'. She should have wiped Donald regardless. She ran a overly confident campaign, evaded reporters, and reinforced the perception of being corrupt by not coming fully clean on the questions regarding the Foundation, emls, etc. The Dems did what the Repubs did the previous two cycles - nominate the 'next in line'. In all 3 cases their time had passed (well maybe not Romney's - he just ran a poor campaign as he did follow through with his Debate 1 performance - I think he would have done fine as Pres) and they lost.
  18. I hear you and can relate. Give me the old time Dems - I could live with those. HHH where are you now that we need you? RFK, JFK, Scoop Jackson, Sam Nunn, etc
  19. Because the theory behind Communism isn't nearly as bad or evil as that of the Nazis. Communisms core beliefs were true equality. Equal shares, equal pay etc. Now corruption killed it with horrible leaders. But the premise itself is nowhere as bad IMO. Or does the philosophy breed those terrible leaders.? For communism to succeed, everything must be under central control. Concentration of power in the hands of the few, leads to the tyranny of the few. Thus the promised utopia can never be reached. Individuality is thrown out the window for the sake of the common good. But it is individual energy, creativity, and innovative ideas that drive positive change that lifts everyone up. When individuality is suffocated by those in leadership, then only the leaders have freedom and the semblance of utopia. I can say my philosophy promotes equality but if it doesn't "play in Peoria" it is a fraud. Since the promised utopia of communism has never been realized, the problem at the core isn't the leaders, although they may be rotten to the core, but with the philosophy itself.
  20. My father was convinced of this. I'm going to laugh my ass off if Trump now tries it. That said, I'll file this in the same file I put my father's horrific predictions about Obama. Yeah, same here. Trump's already saying he doesn't like the job. It's far more likely that he just bails than tries to make himself dictator for life. I could honestly see him ducking out the second they get a tax reform through that includes a crapload of tax cuts for the wealthy. Once he's ensured himself a nice, fat payday, it'd be time to ride off into the sun. Yes but he would have to do it in a face saving, ego stroking way - maybe hint at a serious medical condition and must leave the office at once. Once MP takes over, he miraculously gets better. We'll never know what medical issue it is because the info will be kept in the lockbox with his taxes. My wife says I'm a bit to sarcastic. maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
  21. Great. So the Roku connects to my DSL router and that is all I need - besides wifi to do it without a bunch of cables - since we are cutting cables after all. thanks Knapp I'll ck it out
  22. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/melanie-arter/pelosi-i-never-thought-i-would-pray-day-bush-was-president-again CNSNews.com) – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopolous” on Sunday that she wishes President George W. Bush was president again, because the Democrats were able to work with him and got a “great deal accomplished.” “President Bush - I never thought I would pray for the day that you were president again,” Pelosi said.
  23. Some will return once the Trump campaign starts paying out again. Which Trump - Ivanka in 2020???
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