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Everything posted by TGHusker

  1. I really am dumbfounded over how this is allowed to fly. In my opinion Trump needs to be removed from office. Not because I think he is a massive idiot but because it is clear there are conflicts of interest happening all of the time. This is a business move not public service and I didn't think that was allowed? Could be wrong but seems to me he should be booted on those grounds even though that will never happen I'll stand up and say as a person who was critical of the Clinton Foundation, I find this equally if not more discussing. Equal because both are influence peddling & both are wrong. More, because this is now actually happening from the highest office in the land. I wonder what promises we gave China as a trade off. My guess is - not calling China a currency manipulator. Using his Florida resort, his DC hotel for govt business that profits him is full of all kinds of conflicts but this takes the cake - Ivanka personally profiting from her meeting wt the Chinese leader. If Trump remains in office for 4 or 8 years, he'll make the Clinton's look like ignorant Ark rednecks in comparison when it comes to these type of 'business' deals. The Art of the Deal has found a home in the WH.
  2. Esp as you compare Obama's pick of Biden. Contrast Biden vs Palin and the gap is bigger than the Grand Canyon. Even though he is 'uncle joe'(we could have started a Crazy Things Joe says thread), he still pulled a lot of weight, and had a deep bank of experience behind him and could have stepped into the role seamlessly if needed. You may be correct that McCain would have won otherwise. That Katie Curic interview sunk not only Palin but McCain with her. I wonder how many times McCain has kicked himself since then
  3. Good grief. Of all of the campaign pledges he keeps - it is this one. While I'm a gun rights person, most mass shootings have been by the mentally ill and these Obama restrictions were needed and did not violate the 2nd amendment. While there should be certain criteria (and certainly is) on defining the mentally ill that are so restricted so that Obama's restrictions were abused the other way, this reversal goes against the public safety.
  4. Amen on that one. Romney I think had it wrapped up after the 1st debate and only had to maintain the lead. But that 2nd debate wt the moderator taking sides was the turning point. The 3rd debate - Romney proved to be more on target on Russia than what people gave him credit for. I think he played to nice in the final debate and could have come across stronger. I think Kemp may have drawn more of the younger vote and he was seen as an 'idea, innovation' guy. Knapp mentioned Bob Dole - I agree - I think he would've been a good center right guy - not on the fringes. He knew how Washington worked but also was liked on both sides. Yes, he like Al Gore and Lurch (Kerry) were much too stiff during their respective campaigns. Again, I would have preferred Kemp on the top of the ticket instead of 2nd - but the repubs seemed to always do the 'next in line'. BRB - not sure McCain would have won even with the Pope as his running mate. People were sick of the repubs and GWB. I think that is why Newt didn't run that year - even though it would have been his best year to run. I think he would have done a much better job in the debates. McCain acted like he didn't want to step on anyone's toes during the debate. Newt would have gone after O's inexperience. Yes, Palin was a rock around McCain's neck hung their by the same crowd (anti-establishment) that elected Trump. She, like Trump, are long on red meat speeches but short on real accomplishments politically.
  5. One had a feeling his 'vacation' was going to be a staycation in the end- stay away from fox.
  6. That is why I added the bold: but then again it doesn't based on what I've seen so far I didn't trust him during the primaries was never a fan. He's an opportunist in every way.
  7. What! It surprised me but then again it doesn't based on what I've seen so far. They are back peddling on almost every one of their campaign ideas. As Knapp mentioned - this was one of their top ones. What a bunch of smoke and mirrors. The art of the deal - perhaps - I tell you what I know you want to hear so I can get what I want - thus the election of DT. If you think about it, this is what he has done his whole life. "Honey, I love you...marry me"......cheat and divorce a few years later "Come work for me, I'll pay you"........don't pay employees "Supply my job site"......don't pay suppliers "Vote for me and I'll do.....".......doesn't give a crap about what he has said. very true
  8. I was thinking the other day about presidential candidates through the years - about the ones that I think would have been good presidents but didn't get nominated or elected. I think of 2016 as being a missed opportunity (not for Hillary) but for others who lost out in the Dem and Rep primaries or who chose not to run (like Elizabeth Warren or in 2008 Newt - I think both would won their respective party nominations if they ran). So here is a list of some individuals who come to my mind that I think would have been good Presidents if they had won. Who is on your list? I'll surprise you by starting out with 3 Democrats: Robert Kennedy 1968 - I was 12 at the time he was shot - but even at that young age I looked up to him. LBJ had decided not to run due to the mess of Vietnam. The country was ready for a peace candidate. We ended up with Nixon's secret plan to get us out of Vietnam. Ed Muskie - 1972 - great Senator from Maine - his flaw - he cried once during or after a speech and was branded as weak. He could have beat Nixon in 72 - who wasn't very likeable but McGovern (a very good guy personally in my opinion - the first guy I ever voted for when I was of age - for Senate) was too liberal for the time. Hubert Humphrey - 68, 72, 76,80 - He tried several times but failed. Even if one didn't agree wt his politics he was a guy you couldn't help but like (and I agreed wt his politics a good portion of the time back then). I did a huge history paper on him during college and gained a lot of respect for him as a man and for the compassion of his politics. I still admire him. Jack Kemp - Unbelievable that he didn't get the repub nomination post Reagan. Like Humphrey, a very likeable man Rand Paul - while Rubio was my candidate this last time around, I think in retrospective and in light of the Middle East - I'm becoming more of a Rand fan. (Others I think could have done well - Dems Scoop Jackson, Sam Nunn)
  9. What! It surprised me but then again it doesn't based on what I've seen so far. They are back peddling on almost every one of their campaign ideas. As Knapp mentioned - this was one of their top ones. What a bunch of smoke and mirrors. The art of the deal - perhaps - I tell you what I know you want to hear so I can get what I want - thus the election of DT.
  10. That $100 million that conservatives were so angered by will be dwarfed by what America spends on Trump. So where's the outrage? The bold should be the most galling thing to any fiscal conservative. Trump controls how much travel he and his family do. He could easily mandate that Melania & Barron live in the White House, and that his children conduct business via the internet. Instead, we're paying huge amounts of money to guard this family and Trump is profiting from it. That is what is so disturbing. We have govt meetings being held at his Florida resort, he profits from it, We have the cost of Air Force One and all of the support staff, etc. We have the cost of the NYC 'family white house' - this is beginning to make Obama look like a pretty fiscally responsible guy in comparison - a spin thrift. But it doesn't surprise me. DT was always about DT. He co-oped the conservative mantra - smaller, less expensive govt and used it for his advantage. Yet when you look at his policies, he was never a true conservative regardless of rhetoric. After the 1st 100 days of DT - all references to past presidents, including Obama, overspending on vacations - need to be struck from the public record as none compare to what we see currently. Regarding Melania and Barron living in the WH - he could set the example of lowering educational cost with the use of remote, internet education if he wanted to be linked backed to Barron's school. He of course could afford individual torturing for this semester. Good grief - being in the white house is a history, social studies education all by itself. DT needs to lead by example. If the budget calls for a hiring freeze and a 10% cut back in spending for many depts. (I understand this is in the works), then he needs to be the first example of controlling costs.
  11. I agree - so did so many other first ladies.
  12. Typical lame excuse by public figures - If it isn't the vast right wing conspiracy it is the vast liberal conspiracy. "I" cannot ever be wrong, do wrong, or admit to doing wrong. Time for Fox to clean house & rebrand themselves. These people seem to think they were above reproach.
  13. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-04-19/ivanka-fights-to-protect-her-first-name The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She is working to protect her name - not in a reputation perspective (which I'm sure she wants to protect for that reason) but for Branding purposes.
  14. That was a good article by Sam. Like Knapp, I cut the cable cord some time ago. But to Sam's point, I probably read too many national websites.
  15. She is a mystery that is for sure. One poster did say afterwards that she is tending to her 1st duty - her young son. Yet we all want to look up to the first lady - to play a role that points us to a higher good. Such as the different themes each 1st lady has taken on over the years - "Just Say NO" - Drug Abuse being one example from Nancy Reagan. Michelle O's theme was Childhood obesity, Laura B -Education, Hillary - National Policy, Barb B -Literacy; Rosalynn Carter - Mental Health, Betty Ford - ERA, Pat Nixon - Volunteerism, Lady Bird J - Beautification, Jackie K - White House refurbishment.
  16. This is a mixed bag -- approval #s up but keeping promises down - pushed by those who were more unfavorable to him to begin with. Regardless, we do see him back away from his staunches positions - even not naming China as a currency manipulator last week. http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/donald-trump-gallup-poll-favorability-ratings-keeping-promises/2017/04/17/id/784734/ A Gallup Poll reports a majority of Americans say President Donald Trump is not keeping to promises he made when running for office, which represents a dip from when the same poll was conducted two months prior. Gallup conducted telephone polls in February and again in April covering six characteristics. They were: Keeps his promises. Is a strong and decisive leader. Can bring about changes this country needs. Is honest and trustworthy. Cares about the needs of people like you. Can manage the government effectively. Trump's most significant shift was in the category of "keeps his promises," where the president's rating dropped 17 percentage points from a high of 62 percent in February to 45 percent in April. His ratings fell 7 percentage points in gauging both his leadership and whether he could bring about changes for what the country needs, standing now at 52 percent and 46 percent, respectively. Trump fell 6 percentage points in whether respondents felt he was honest, now reported to be 36 percent. The report said his slight dip in the categories of caring about the needs of people, now at 42 percent, and capability of managing the government, now at 41 percent, were "not statistically significant." The report said two measures of Trump's performance have changed little since he took office. His approval rating has remained relatively stable, standing at 42 percent in February and "around 40 percent" in April in Gallup's Daily tracking poll. The biggest shifts were in groups that were already not favorable to Trump, which includes Democrats, liberals, women and young adults. Of that group, 35 percent said in February Trump keeps his promises, while only 11 percent say that now. One bright spot in the poll is that, though the number has dipped slightly, a majority of respondents think the president "is a strong and decisive leader" with his number standing at 52 percent in April, down from 59 percent in February. The report posits that the number of Trump's executive orders and Cabinet appointments in February may have led to higher ratings compared with problems he later faced in persuading Congress to agree on changes to ObamaCare. In addition, Gallup reported some supporters would like to see more done on taxes, immigration and protecting middle- and working-class Americans
  17. In a regular world, this is probably just a typo. Somehow, I feel like that's an actual Spicey quote. good catch - My brain knew what it meant but I didn't catch it with my eyes. And unfortunately true, it could have been a Spciey quote
  18. http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/united-nations-korea-thermonuclear-nuclear-war/2017/04/17/id/784792/ North Korea's deputy U.N. ambassador accused the United States on Monday of turning the Korean peninsula into "the world's biggest hotspot" and creating "a dangerous situation in which a thermonuclear war may break out at any moment." Kim In Ryong told a news conference that "if the U.S. dares opt for a military action," North Korea "is ready to react to any mode of war desired by the U.S." He said the Trump administration's deployment of the Carl Vinson nuclear carrier task group to waters off the Korean peninsula again "proves the U.S. reckless moves for invading the DPRK have reached a serious phase of its scenario." http://www.newsmax.com/World/GlobalTalk/sen-spicer-donald-trump-north-korea-china/2017/04/17/id/784725/ The Chinese government could be doing much more politically and economically to push China into stopping its aggressive activities, including its missile testing, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Monday. But, President Donald Trump made inroads with Chinese President Xi Jinping during their meetings. "They continue to have discussions. We will see a lot more of a unified response when it comes to North Korea," Spicer said during a Fox News "Fox and Friends" interview North Korea attempted to launch a missile test Saturday evening, but the test failed, and Spicer said the attempt was "obviously" not a "helpful action by North Korea." "We have continued to urge everyone in the region, especially China, to apply pressure to North Korea," Spicer said. It's in no one's interest to have a nuclear North Korea." There has been some speculation that the United States sabotaged the North Korean missile launch, but Spicer refused comment about that, saying he was not going to get into any of those kind of details."
  19. You can change that. Join the free thinking Independents! I'm heading that way . Got time before the next election. My Dad who was a Reagan Democrat then became a Republican as a result has now gone Indep. He's 87 years old and made the change. As Reagan use to say, He didn't leave the Dem party, the Dem party left him. Now many of Reagan Republicans can say the same thing about the current repub party - it is leaving us. They are taking positions to the extreme in some cases. Trump has no political philosophy that centers him. He's persuade by Bannon one day and his kids the next it appears.
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/news/spicer-hitler-didnt-use-gas-people-like-assad-190156724.html A yahoo article tracking the events of today. I'm embarrassed to be registered in the same party as these guys.
  21. http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/Eric-Trump-cruise-missile-strikes/2017/04/10/id/783656/ Based on this article - it is telling her Dad when to go to war.
  22. http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/Eric-Trump-cruise-missile-strikes/2017/04/10/id/783656/ Trump's foreign policy seems to be directed by his kids and son in law. Who needs SOS, SOD when you got kids to tell you all you need to do.
  23. Thanks. It is nice that someone appreciates me as one of the few conservatives around here. Tears of joy: I don't care about partisanship but you're one of the few conservatives on Huskerboard who is willing to engage in any meaningful conversation. I learn from everyone - no one has the corner on the facts or all of the info. If we stop learning we are like a canoe going upstream - we go backwards if we stop paddling.
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