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Everything posted by Fru

  1. Fru

    Lee vs. POB

    I'm loving the depth at QB
  2. Saw a tweet about that yesterday and thought it was joke in very poor taste. Guess not.
  3. Does he not see the irony in that he is also sitting around, typing on a message board and complaining?
  4. +1 StPaul: Your comment above is pure and real. It's a shame that many others within the thread are looking for their angles to beat down Trump rather than the issue of this woman accepting an invitation to honor her fallen husband. She was not there for Trump, and no matter what his intentions were, who gives a F**K! Her husbands name and story was shared with millions of viewers/on lookers. It was Heartfelt and real. Many of you are so blinded by your hate for Trump, that you are showing your selves, to be no better! Time to grow up and get off the keyboard, and possibly even get a job earning an income, so you can be taxed and help defray the cost of the free birth control, that many of you feel our government owes you! It's a shame that our Commander in Chief is tweeting about his daughter during intel meetings. It's a shame that Trump can speak so horribly about veterans like McCain and Khan and people like you overlook it. I think caring about his intentions would be a good thing. Seems that plenty of you are blinded by Trump and his dumb red hat that you can't see his gross incompetence and how he is an utterly abhorrent person. What does birth control have to do with any of this? Who the hell said I did not care about his lack of respect for other service personnel. FIND IT! Find where I have ever stated such. Blinded? No way in hell am I blind to any politician and their honesty or lack therof, but I prefer to do what I can to make things better than to sit around and type out how dissapointed I am in the world, whlie being the first in line to receive any benefits awarded by our government. The birth control comment, well, its worth protesting over, and damn it, the government owes it to those who are the pokers or pokee's because, its a burden for society to be self sufficient. Who are you talking about here? Those who have nothing better to do than to bitch and moan about every damn thing that is, day in and day out, spending 20 hours a day on a board living in their own reality, when they don't have a clue what's going on in the real world. I think for the last 8 years they were called "Republicans"
  5. +1 StPaul: Your comment above is pure and real. It's a shame that many others within the thread are looking for their angles to beat down Trump rather than the issue of this woman accepting an invitation to honor her fallen husband. She was not there for Trump, and no matter what his intentions were, who gives a F**K! Her husbands name and story was shared with millions of viewers/on lookers. It was Heartfelt and real. Many of you are so blinded by your hate for Trump, that you are showing your selves, to be no better! Time to grow up and get off the keyboard, and possibly even get a job earning an income, so you can be taxed and help defray the cost of the free birth control, that many of you feel our government owes you! It's a shame that our Commander in Chief is tweeting about his daughter during intel meetings. It's a shame that Trump can speak so horribly about veterans like McCain and Khan and people like you overlook it. I think caring about his intentions would be a good thing. Seems that plenty of you are blinded by Trump and his dumb red hat that you can't see his gross incompetence and how he is an utterly abhorrent person. What does birth control have to do with any of this? Who the hell said I did not care about his lack of respect for other service personnel. FIND IT! Find where I have ever stated such. Blinded? No way in hell am I blind to any politician and their honesty or lack therof, but I prefer to do what I can to make things better than to sit around and type out how dissapointed I am in the world, whlie being the first in line to receive any benefits awarded by our government. The birth control comment, well, its worth protesting over, and damn it, the government owes it to those who are the pokers or pokee's because, its a burden for society to be self sufficient. If you cared about his previous attacks on service members and their families, you'd see right through this. You clearly don't. I have no idea where commenting on a message board automatically means you don't have a job and you're on public assistance/birth control is coming from. Seems like angry and disjointed thinking to me.
  6. +1 StPaul: Your comment above is pure and real. It's a shame that many others within the thread are looking for their angles to beat down Trump rather than the issue of this woman accepting an invitation to honor her fallen husband. She was not there for Trump, and no matter what his intentions were, who gives a F**K! Her husbands name and story was shared with millions of viewers/on lookers. It was Heartfelt and real. Many of you are so blinded by your hate for Trump, that you are showing your selves, to be no better! Time to grow up and get off the keyboard, and possibly even get a job earning an income, so you can be taxed and help defray the cost of the free birth control, that many of you feel our government owes you! It's a shame that our Commander in Chief is tweeting about his daughter during intel meetings. It's a shame that Trump can speak so horribly about veterans like McCain and Khan and people like you overlook it. I think caring about his intentions would be a good thing. Seems that plenty of you are blinded by Trump and his dumb red hat that you can't see his gross incompetence and how he is an utterly abhorrent person. What does birth control have to do with any of this?
  7. I don't have a problem with her being there. I don't have a problem with Trump making a big deal about her. That's what President's do at these things. What leaves me banging my head against the wall are hypocrites who then talk about.....OMG...he is so Presidential...bla bla bla....all while this is the same person who ridiculed a couple who had lost THEIR son in combat. AND..the same person who has claimed a guy who got caught and spent years as a POW and refused to be released because of who his father was. THEN....people have the gall to actually try to politicize the actions of the other side by making up crap on twitter claiming they didn't stand and applaud during the moment. No....her being there was not the story that makes me want to puke. It's the reaction to the moment that is sickening. Good post. Especially the bolded.
  8. I think a good way to honor war widows would be to not tweet about your daughter's clothing line during an intel meeting.
  9. Good thing they've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a solution. True but also they have had 7 years to use it as a campaign red meat item in all of their franking letters back to constituents, and fund raising letters to fleece the republican flock. This really reveals who they are - followers and not leaders. If they were leaders 1. They would have worked wt the Dems back in 2009-10 to make it a better bill. However, it appeared at the time the Dems and Repubs were dead set against working together. So, the repubs could have started an educational campaign to educate everyone on why their version would have been better. But it appears that would have taken some real work, so just uses it as a campaign wedge subject. 2. They would have had a bill sitting on Trump's desk within the 1st week - 2 weeks at the most. They should have had their own bill ready, and tweak it for any Trump changes that they wanted to incorporate. But now it is so powerfully clear that they had not worked on anything, had given no thought of it and were totally prepared to continue using it as a fund raising effort during the Hillary presidency. I think they were caught with their pants down, flat footed and said 'Oops we actually have to govern now??' As a pro-life voter this is no different than their lip service / inaction on that issue. I'm soooooo close to signing up as an independent. You'll get there eventually. It's a pretty liberating feeling.
  10. https://twitter.com/marcorubio/status/3244387168
  11. I remember when Candidate Barack Obama was vilified for not wearing a flag pin on his suit lapel.
  12. Anyone know if any previous administrations had this kind of attrition so early on?
  13. Agreed. There's always the element of chance in military operations that something could go wrong. However it's one thing to make a calculated decision and have things go wrong. It's another thing to be tweeting about your daughter's clothing line being discontinued at Nordstrom's while you're in the middle of an intelligence meeting. I can only imagine how it must feel to be to be a parent of a service member and a reality show tv star is in charge of their fate.
  14. Certainly seems like a distraction issue.
  15. Few thoughts. - Am I the only person that just walks into a restroom, stares at the floor, pees and leaves? - Is there empirical evidence suggesting that citizens are at risk in public bathrooms because of trans people? - If someone is trans and walks into a bathroom and simply goes about their business, would you really know they were trans? And if you investigate to find out... wouldn't that make you the aggressor? - If you really want to protect people, why does the scene below not concern you?
  16. You talking to me? It's what everyone's doing on the topic. Would you prefer if we pretend we have data to back it up? I actually tried to look for it. No, I'm sure he's talking about me. It's interesting when at least twice I have said I'm fine with people disagreeing with me on that...it's just my gut feeling. But....hey....if people still want to keep making a big deal out of my thoughts....Oh well.....waste your time away. The fact still remains. The maps I posted are the realities of Republicans gaining power. If the Democrats want to ignore them...well.....so be it. Disagreeing is fine. I just have a difficult time with the fact vs. feeling argument. Those maps don't tell the whole story. Gerrymandering, population size, restrictive voter ID laws, closing of nearly a thousand polling places. But if you just want to ignore those things ... well ... so be it.
  17. You talking to me? It's what everyone's doing on the topic. Would you prefer if we pretend we have data to back it up? I actually tried to look for it. No I was referring to a part in BRB's post that literally said "I don't have any hard facts to show this but, my feeling is..." Apologies for the confusion. I should've quoted the post.
  18. "I don't have any hard facts for the following assertion, but I'm gonna plow ahead anyway" k.
  19. Closing nearly a thousand polling places since 2012 probably had a part in it too.
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