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Everything posted by Fru

  1. A few thoughts 1. It’s (still) the economy, stupid The expansion that began in June 2009 has been the weakest since World War II, with real gross domestic product growth averaging 2.1%. At 7 1/2 years and counting, it is also among the longest on record. But it hasn’t packed much of a punch. -So an unmitigated economic disaster that was decades in the making wasn't cleaned up fast enough? Really? Mmmk. 2. A Legacy of Ashes Obama’s continued popularity hasn’t had much of a trickle-down effect. In the eight years since he was first elected, Democrats have lost more than 1,000 seats at the state and national level. Republicans now control 4,170 state legislative seats compared with 3,129 for the Democrats, an all-time low. -Convenient that GOP gerrymandering and the gutting of the voting rights act (that resulted in nearly a thousand polling places closing since 2012) wasn't mentioned 3. Keep your friends close At his year-end press conference on Dec. 16, which was short on questions, long on answers, Obama spoke about his response to the Russian hacking of Democratic National Committee emails during the election. He said that when he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in China in September, he told him to “cut it out” in terms of the hacking. Sorry, Mr. President, the world isn’t afraid of you and your empty threats. Eight years of leading from behind has left America’s standing in the world diminished, its moral authority compromised and its foreign policy in tatters. -Has his record been perfect? Of course not, however foreign policy rarely yields simple answers and solutions. I'd rather take a stab at diplomacy than starting endless wars. 4. Divided we stand Obama may have broken racial barriers when he became the first African-American president of the U.S., but his election did nothing to improve race relations. -Obama isn't responsible for changing racist people's minds. 5. That which must not be named Radical Islamic terrorism. Obama has spent eight years deftly avoiding using those three words to call an act what it is. He has intellectualized his position by claiming the phrase “equates Islam with terrorism,” which is counterproductive to U.S. counterterrorism efforts. - Maybe he just took a lead from W and ran with it. But hey, why would we want to "intellectualize" anything anyway? "The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself.” -George W. Bush "“There are thousands of Muslims who proudly call themselves Americans, and they know what I know — that the Muslim faith is based upon peace and love and compassion.” -George W. Bush
  2. Forgive me if this has already been discussed or posted about. So with the crummy weather this past weekend, I hunkered down and rewatched this documentary. Man, there's some fascinating stuff in there. I kept thinking how the whole case was such an incredible culmination of various parts of our society. LA in the 90s, race, wealth, status, fame, tabloid, celebrity worship, social class, justice system. I have also DVR'ed, however have not yet watched, another series about this case that focuses on William Dear's theory that OJ's son, Jason, was the culprit. Thoughts, feelings, opinions on the documentary or memories from the case in general?
  3. "Betsy DeVos apparently ‘confused’ about federal law protecting students with disabilities" https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/01/17/betsy-devos-confused-about-federal-law-protecting-students-with-disabilities/?utm_term=.8eb5a71e276d Kaine asked her if she believes that all schools that receive federal funding — whether public, public charter or private — should be required to meet the requirements of IDEA. She responded: “I think they already are.” Kaine: “But I’m asking you a should question. Whether they are or not, we’ll get into that later.” He then repeated his question. DeVos said: “I think that is a matter that is best left to the states.” Kaine responded: “So some states might be good to kids with disabilities and other states might not be so good and, what then, people can just move around the country if they don’t like how kids are being treated?” Devos repeated: “I think that’s an issue that’s best left to the states.” Kaine said: “What about the federal requirement? It’s a federal law, the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act,” and he repeated his question. DeVos began speaking about a Florida voucher program for students with disabilities that requires students to sign away their IDEA due process rights. Kaine interrupted her saying, “Just yes or no.” But she continued, saying many parents are happy with the program. Kaine persisted: “I think all schools that receive federal funding — public, public charter, private — should be required to meet the conditions” of IDEA. He asked if she agreed. DeVos said: “I think that is certainly worth discussion.” Kaine interrupted her saying, “So you cannot yet agree with me.” Hey all you 100% Pro Lifers and "Trump surrounds himself with the best people" folks, do some backflips for me on this one. Every life is sacred right? Every life deserves a chance eh? Why not enforce federal laws that protect disabled children's right to an education?
  4. Because he is masterfully manipulating the next President. If he acts like he totally agrees with Trump and supports him in his trashing of the media and others who criticize him, he will have Trump begging for the chance to lick his shoes. Bingo. It's amazing to see people being played like fiddles.
  5. To me, health care is such an important and critical issue that I don't care who implements/improves it. If the GOP had proposed something more efficient and better than the ACA then that's phenomenal. But they didn't, and haven't. They're about to strip life saving health care from people. Explain that one to me all you "100% Pro Lifers"
  6. GOP Congressman Leaves Meeting Early After Constituents Want to Talk Obamacare Repeal http://time.com/4635551/mike-coffman-aca-obamacare-repeal-meeting/?xid=tcoshare Unconscionable.
  7. Republican Cancer Survivor Tells Paul Ryan He "Would Be Dead" Without Obama https://www.buzzfeed.com/juliareinstein/republican-cancer-survivor-tells-paul-ryan-he-would-be-dead?utm_term=.hiOe9aVr#.kaVXqKJZ "Being both a small-business person and someone with preexisting conditions, I rely on the Affordable Care Act to be able to purchase my own insurance,” he said. “Why would you repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement?” Speaker Ryan told Jeans, “We wouldn’t do that, we want to replace it with something better.” Then what was with all that late night voting, Paul?
  8. I want him just because of the red pants.
  9. Nice. This just keeps getting better and better
  10. Dammit. Didn't know he was there
  11. Wow. I thought maybe Banker was going to be shown the door after the bowl game, but since so much time had passed I figured that wasn't going to be the case. When Riley axed Bruce Read, it seemed to be pretty calculated, and already had a replacement lined up. I'm guessing this DC vacancy won't last long. Part of me is excited to see who he brings in, and part of me is bummed that we had to endure two years of Riley's cronies. I think it's safe to say the heat has been turned up.
  12. 1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Sayshttp://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/02/14/277058739/1-in-4-americans-think-the-sun-goes-around-the-earth-survey-says Last one.
  13. I think this is key. Americans are best entertained and least informed. This is not a reality show. This is not normal. This is downright scary. The first bolded statement is a broad brush to paint over 300 million people, and frankly, it's just bullsh#t. The second bolded statement is far-left hyperbole. I dislike Trump as much as anybody, and the latest news is alarming, but it's far from scary. What do you think is going to happen? The other two branches of government are only going to let Trump go so far. I'm of the mind that one man can't destroy our country. Trump is the perfect example of why we have three branches of government. http://www.businessinsider.com/poll-many-americans-dont-know-basic-facts-about-government-2014-9 "The poll showed only 36% of Americans could name all three branches of the government and 35% couldn't name any of them. It also found over 60% of Americans don't know which political party controls the House of Representatives and the US Senate." Seems pretty uninformed to me. So you're saying a President Elect being compromised by a foreign government isn't scary to you? You're right. The greatest, and most prosperous nation to ever occupy the planet is full of morons. It's alarming, and should be dealt with. It won't have any affect on how I run my business, and it won't keep me up at night, so no it's not scary to me. Just pointing out the stats. Here's another gem. https://www.goacta.org/news/survey_half_of_americans_dont_know_when_the_civil_war_took_place Well I am glad you are fortunate enough to not be afraid. However I'm sure you have the capacity to appreciate that for some of us, this is scary.
  14. I agree. I think it's only fair to use to describe the people who actually treat this as entertainment and theater. That's far from everybody, although it's far from nobody, also. I think any understanding of history has to acknowledge the power singularly inspirational leaders have wielded. I certainly don't think it's far-fetched to say that one branch of government, if determined enough, can twist power structures in order to dominate, and dismantle their opposition. At the least it ought to be recognized that this is being attempted. If it does indeed come to pass, complacency will have played a large role in it. I think our saving grace may be that Trump is too lazy/incompetent to pull this off. I think the American Populace is too lazy or incompetent to hold him or anyone in his administration accountable.
  15. I think this is key. Americans are best entertained and least informed. This is not a reality show. This is not normal. This is downright scary. The first bolded statement is a broad brush to paint over 300 million people, and frankly, it's just bullsh#t. The second bolded statement is far-left hyperbole. I dislike Trump as much as anybody, and the latest news is alarming, but it's far from scary. What do you think is going to happen? The other two branches of government are only going to let Trump go so far. I'm of the mind that one man can't destroy our country. Trump is the perfect example of why we have three branches of government. http://www.businessinsider.com/poll-many-americans-dont-know-basic-facts-about-government-2014-9 "The poll showed only 36% of Americans could name all three branches of the government and 35% couldn't name any of them. It also found over 60% of Americans don't know which political party controls the House of Representatives and the US Senate." Seems pretty uninformed to me. So you're saying a President Elect being compromised by a foreign government isn't scary to you?
  16. I think this is key. Americans are best entertained and least informed. This is not a reality show. This is not normal. This is downright scary.
  17. He may not lose support from Americans that support him, but it would surely be enough for Congress (from both sides of the aisle) to act on removing him from his position. Personally, I don't think even Republicans would need much convincing. I thought it was over when he mocked a disabled reporter. GOPers didn't care. I thought it would be over when he said McCain wasn't a war hero because he got captured. GOPers didn't care. I thought it'd be over when he bragged about sexual assault. GOPers didn't care. I think there'd be plenty of GOPers that would stand right by him, and plenty in Congress that would as well.
  18. If nothing else, Ryan or Pence for that matter would return a modicum of dignity to the office. They're serious people. Trump is an circus.
  19. Thinking the same thing. I'm curious if he knew this would all implode at one point and Frank Underwooded his way to the Presidency. I'm hoping he knew something and did nothing ... we get him out too and deal with Ryan. He's not my perfect dream of a pres, but he's not crazy, and I do think he wants to do good things. Pence not crazy? In comparison to Der Orangenführer, yes. In comparison to, say, the majority of America, hell no. Conversion therapy and creationism are still bats*** crazy--it just happens that Pence's brand of Bible-thumping hypocricitial crazy is outpaced by a urine-loving, Cheeto-colored bully that will get the codes to our nukes and may or may not be under Russia's thumb. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think "He's not crazy" was referring to Paul Ryan.
  20. Thinking the same thing. I'm curious if he knew this would all implode at one point and Frank Underwooded his way to the Presidency.
  21. Dismissing the people in charge of the nukes. Selecting Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy, a position where the last 4 were Ivy League, MIT educated nuclear physicists. So how do you Trumpeters and GOPers reconcile this? Bump. The silence on the part of Trump supporters to answer the issues being raised here and elsewhere on the board is deafening. I was just thinking the same thing.
  22. Discrediting and controlling the freedom of the press. Sounds like Nazi Germany to me.
  23. People who lack critical thinking skills fell for a dog-and-pony show put on by what amounts to a used car salesman, allowed themselves to be distracted by minutiae and affected by ridiculous side-stories, and either A) voted for the least qualified candidate in the past century or B) they didn't come out to vote at all. Also, the press abrogated their job for more than a year in the run-up to the election, choosing catchy soundbites rather than actually reporting news because the news has become more commercialized commodity than fact, thus the absolute unfitness of this man to run this country wasn't properly explored/explained by the people who are supposed to act as a watchdog over politics. Hit the nail on the head man. What a time to be alive.
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