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Everything posted by nic

  1. I saw that part, but was hoping for more detail. Fraudulent loans were mentioned in another article. I lot of people take out loans they shouldn’t and banks lend them when they shouldn’t….I.e. 2008. I was thinking that if the school closed then thinking credits would transfer and the money would not be needed for additional school years, but I guess there were probably kids about to graduate in another year with lots of debt that no longer could and their credits would not transfer. The cost of school is nuts. It seems possible that the cost of certain degrees are not worth taking a loan out based on what you will make once you graduate. No wonder lots of kids are starting to skip college….mostly men for some reason.
  2. Democrats saying Republicans passed a good gun control measure….red flag law….in Florida. Mind blown. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/01/politics/florida-red-flag-law/index.html
  3. What was the college was sued for and did that somehow play into getting debt relief? Now I am interested. I agree. Government wastes money paying for stupid things.
  4. Well he did it. So who pays for it? https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/01/politics/student-loan-cancellation-corinthian-for-profit/index.html
  5. Who said anything about being happy. Muellers mandate was to prove Russian collution and nail Trump. He ended up with peripheral charges against shady minions that work in business and politics. Surprise, surprise. And they all get pardoned anyway. Perhaps it was a waste of money. Now they are going after Trump for Jan 6th and he is still walking around and may soon be tweet storming again. How is this dude so hard to take down?
  6. And yet Trump is still out there running around colluding with Russians.
  7. Here is a futrure candidate.Gina Viola. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-05-30/mayoral-candidate-gina-viola
  8. Lots of angst about this comment from Biden on 9mm weapons...he did not say to ban them, although implied they are not needed for self defense or hunting. Of course Biden himself never seems sure of what he is saying or implying. Several years ago in Colorado when the Dems took over and Hickenlooper was Gov, they tried passing gun legislation that would have banned most 9mm weapons that had more ammo than 6 or 8 rounds. I cannot remember where the legislation started. Hickenlooper made compromises and the number of rounds went up, but not before there was a mass buying spree of all guns that were about to become illegal. "So the idea of these high-caliber weapons is of — there’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of thinking about self-protection, hunting. I mean, I just — and remember, the Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute. You couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed. You couldn’t go out and purchase a lot of weapons." https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/05/30/remarks-by-president-biden-after-marine-one-arrival-10/ His preceding remark was asking a doctor about what makes 9mm weapons so deadly.
  9. no one else either....unless its conventional....then Russia would be done in weeks with what they have left, unless China jumped in on their side.
  10. This ups the rhetoric... World War Three ‘has already begun’ claims Russian state TV with threat to Nato (msn.com) "One of Putin’s top propagandists has said World War Three has begun and Russia will now ‘demilitarise’ Nato. Russian state TV anchor Olga Skabeyeva claimed Moscow's special military operation in Ukraine was ‘now over’ on her Rossiya-1 show. She then said the West’s supply of weapons to Zelensky's troops meant it was now a global conflict."
  11. This! https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2022/05/world/iter-nuclear-fusion-climate-intl-cnnphotos/ …screw wind power…solar I can deal with on everyone’s roof, but it doesn’t help the large cities.
  12. Interesting idea about having showcase games on CCG weekend. 1 v 2, 3 v 4, and so on for all 14 teams with the caveat that teams don't play each other if they already played during the season. https://mgoblog.com/content/case-big-ten-showcase
  13. Yes primaries. The more active people are likely to vote and are probably further to the extremes. Then there are all the independents that can’t vote in a primary in some states. I was able to vote in Colorado as an independent in the last election. They sent me both ballots. At first I thought this was a stupid idea but maybe it’s what we need. I voted for Klobuchar. I thought about Yang. It didn’t makes sense to vote on the republican side cause it was a one horse ballot. I need to find the Denver post clip I took a snapshot of, because a day or so after the primary with 75+% of the vote counted Klobuchar had zero votes. I am not sure if I was in the 25% mix or there is a weird primary rule with candidates that get less than 1% of the vote, but it looked like my vote didn’t count. My neighbor voted Klobuchar too. It Sort of pissed me off.
  14. Whitmer or Newsome? Please pick someone further to the center that is not a hypocrite. Although I would say that politicians and hyocrites are synonymous regardlesss of party affiliation.
  15. I am not sure where this goes, but it is funny. Who thinks Musk and AOC will hook up?
  16. Not sure how officers stayed in the hallway if even one kid was alive, incredible failure by the dude in charge and he has to live with that. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/27/us/uvalde-texas-elementary-school-shooting-friday/index.html
  17. I read 102k minorities voted in the primary as of May 18th in the national review. that was supposedly up from the 2018 primary, but I didn’t see the comparison data. Roughly 10% of the total you listed above, but from an earlier date.
  18. MSU vs PSU is forced though. I think sometimes those teams end up with Rutgers or Maryland.
  19. The DPS said no armed resource officer was onsite and the shooter entered through an unlocked door without any resistance. No one confronted him until the first two officers arrived and were shot at. It a bummer that an untrained 18 year old can best two officers.
  20. Since this law was supposedly pushing Georgia back to the Jim Crow era, do you have comparisons of Black voter turnout? I would curious to see it.
  21. Red wave apparently… https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/26/politics/midterm-election-wave-republicans/index.html
  22. I didn’t say successful, but I bet she saved lives. I think she was shot too. She did better than the guards at Robb….or the police from what I am reading.
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