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Dr. Strangelove

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Everything posted by Dr. Strangelove

  1. I've been trying to warn the Conservative posters on this board about DeSantis for awhile. The Republican Party is a toxic sludge pile that needs a complete makeover to repair itself.
  2. Several crystal ball predictions going Georgia's way. At the end of the day, it's hard to blame him. Until Nebraska's offensive ine improves significantly, any QB would be crazy to want to play behind it. Best of luck to Dylan!
  3. 1. Not directly, not many people do. But being a wealthy person he undoubtedly has indirect interest in SCOTUS decisions. He's also a donor to conservative causes and has personal interest in conservative outcomes. He could be against anything he perceives that could raise his taxes, against laws that limit mega-donations to super PACs or he simply champions conservatism. All of which involve an exchange of gifts and deals in exchange for desired rulings. 2. While determining fair value is difficult, Harlan Crow also bought a house and additional vacant lot on the same block for $40,000. For his best friend Clarence, he bought the house and two adjacent lots for $133,363. The additional vacant lot would have to be worth more than other lots (that include houses!) And/or the house Clarence owned would have to be $93,300 nicer than the comparable home. Which seems sketchy because he also paid for thousands in repairs and upkeep. 3. According to CNN which I hope has at least some integrity to have decent sources.
  4. It's pretty easy to brush aside any obvious corruption or violation of ethics rules if you just say it was "an honest mistake". I personally make the same mistake all the time when my billionaire, right-wing friends spend 6 figure sums of money on me, purchase my properties or house my elderly parents free of charge.
  5. Why are the safest states run by Democrats? It's almost like a mayor of a city in a Red state can't do much about guns, can't pass legislation to combat crimes, or impact government spending to address problems.
  6. My favorite part of this thread are the conservative posters finding stories that are strange, one off examples of Liberals running amock. Like, yeah, San Francisco is an idiotic mecca of bad policy. We all know that. But they act like this is somehow worse than Republicans authoritarian, anti-democratic policy which is actually dangerous. You know, melting the brains of their electorate by trying to convince them an election was stolen? That's actually bad.
  7. I agree. There isn't anybody who's seen Trumps act and still suddenly vote for him. They're are however, thousands of voters who've seen the GOP walk themselves into the abyss and want nothing to do with them. As frustrating as Biden is... the new normal for any President is going to be low approval rates. Democrats best chance to win in 2024 is for him to be the nominee and it's not even close.
  8. Frankly this is not true. Incumbents enjoy a small advantage. Democrats would be stupid to throw away that advantage when the election is going to be decided by 4 swing states. The infighting this would cause is a stupid self-inflicted wound. Biden's unpopularity is what any Democrat would have at this point in their Presidency. Any Republican/Democrat will likely be setting "record low" numbers for the next few decades.
  9. Good. The citizens of Florida are getting policies that they vote for and deserve. If Florida's residents thought that rape victims deserve dignity, respect, care and that women are more then baby making machines, they'd vote differently. The citizens of Florida do not, and as such, are getting policies they deserve.
  10. I don't think those teams are great, they're merely solid teams that can make it to bowl games. Nebraska is no longer a 9 win team with "normal" coaches. It's much, much more difficult now than when Bo was doing that a decade ago. Firstly, the on field talent isn't decidedly in Nebraska's favor anymore, as explained by increasing recruiting consolidation in the sport. Secondly, flush with cash, all B1G teams have hired quality coaches and each can afford an army of Analysts to help the team prepare each week. Beating up on teams with less resources isn't really a thing in the B1G anymore.
  11. With the way recruiting works, Nebraska isn't significantly more talented than teams like Minnesota. In 2023, Nebraska had the #24 class with four 4* players. The team that finished with the #50 class had three 4* players. (Illinois had the #43 class and three 4* players, Minnesota at #44 and two 4* players, etc). The team that finished with the #15 class - 9 spots ahead - had two 5* and eleven 4* players, 3x the Blue Chip talent. In other words, teams that finish with classes ranked ~25th are much closer to teams that finish 50th in terms of talent than they do with teams that finish 15th. The primary difference between teams that finish 25th-50th is class size.
  12. My hot take is that Nebraska massively upgraded their coaching staff. They have a recruiting plan, they take the job seriously, and Nebraska will be a well prepared team. But, realistically, Rhule is likely to push Nebraska football to the level of peer teams like... Minnesota. A massive upgrade over how things have been for 7 years, but without significant upgrades to talent acquisition, Nebraska simply don't have the talent to rise above a consistent 7-5 to 9-3 team.
  13. There are no amount of data points I can link, no number of factual sources I can provide that is going to change your pre-determined mindset. However, what I can do is thank you. Your belief system - exemplified by right wing politicians you vote for - absolutely terrifies people to the point where Republicans are losing elections they have no business losing. You've pushed suburban women away from your party at unrecoverable rates. You've lost the vast majority of voters under the age of 35; a generation of voters who will no longer vote for Conservatives. Instead of getting more conservative as they age, middle aged voters and younger are getting more liberal with no signs of changing. So please: keep it up. Spread your message far and wide. Please keep voting for people to ban books, please keep making booogiemen out of harmless marginalized people. Go to every swing state and sing it from the rooftops.
  14. I think you've been provided with numerous responses pointing out why your beliefs aren't just out of touch with reality, but grossly wrong. The result of a brain that has succumbed to Newsmax and Fox News. A poster child for what happens when a voter goes down a YouTube rabbit hole. Which is why my central thesis is to simply give up on voters like you. There is no hope for them, no reason to believe they will change. My proposal is to simply stop trying to save Red America: if voters like you want to ban books, let them. If you want to dictate that being LGTBQ is an abomination, let them. If they want to allow gun violence to slaughter their school children, let their s#!tty healthcare lead to low life expectancy, push for trickle down tax policy causing their population to live in poverty, let them.
  15. If you think there's any hope for Republicans in this country, just read this guy's posts and just accept the fact that they're completely hopeless. They truly have a belief system that is dislodged from reality. I advise you to do what I've done: just give up on them. If they want to vote in ways that are bad for their communities, let them. If they want to reduce government spending leading to the proliferation of poverty disproportionately impacting red states, let them. If they want to push for gun laws leading to high crime rates in red states, let them. Stop trying to drag them forward kicking and screaming.
  16. Both had concealed carry permits. The Founding Fathers are no doubt beaming with American Pride.
  17. Deaths of despair is a real thing plaguing rural America.
  18. ...if it's Democrats fault then why are the safest states run by them?
  19. Even adjusted for homicides, the most dangerous states are: 1. Mississippi 2. Louisiana 3. Alabama 4. Missouri 5. Arkansas 6. South Carolina 7. Tennessee If you include suicide by guns, the numbers and differences become even more extreme.
  20. Republicans live in their own world. It's a s#!tty, dangerous world with high crime rates, low life expectancy, poor healthcare and weakened institutions where its difficult for governments to help people... but they live there.
  21. Eh, why even send T&P anymore? After a 40 second conversation with any conservative voter, it's a complete waste of time to do anything other than shrug. They won't change their voting behavior. All we can do is hope we're not in the wrong place in the wrong time.
  22. Eh, if Republicans want to use the judiciary - who's entire design is supposed to be non-political - as theater for political hackery by nominating complete and total morons - don't act surprised when the legitimacy of the court is called into question. Like, I get it: having a judge that will literally do whatever moronic culture war nonsense pushed by Tucker Carlson is probably great of you're a right wing nut job. But you can spare the faux outrage if people rightly question the stupidity of this judge, the apparatus that empowers him, and the Federalist Society that rewards and pushes similar moronic judges into positions of power.
  23. I don't see the problem. They voted for incompetentcy. The electorate voted and they're getting the government and politicians they deserve.
  24. No denial of the obvious corruption, funny. Raw numbers mean something, but if you had to choose between the following: 1. Living in a city of 1 million people where 2 murders take place per year. 2. Play Russian roulette with 6 people once per year. @teachercd is arguing that because it has more deaths, option number 1 is much more dangerous than option 2.
  25. Being okay with expelling members of the opposition party in a gross display of being authoritarian and antidemocratic is the absolute peak @Archy1221. I didn't say he broke time law. Do you not understand what quid pro quo corruption is? Anybody who has a brain not completely melted by right wing news can see that's what's happening here.
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