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Red Five

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Everything posted by Red Five

  1. Khizr Kahn didn't use a telepromter or have any of his speech written down
  2. We took it home with us last year, so probably somewhere in the football offices. Probably right next to the 5 NC trophies.
  3. Khizr Kahn was great. This was the moment of the night for me, more so than Hillary or Chelsea (or Katy). "Donald Trump, you're asking Americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you, have you even read the United States Constitution?" he said. "I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words, look for the words, liberty and equal protection (under) law." "Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America -- you will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities"
  4. Considering that we return 6 out of 7 starters in the back seven and several backups played significantly last year, I don't think big plays that are given up can be attributed to lack of experience. Are we not going to start the Davis twins or new faces in the secondary? Even the smallest rotation with an inexperienced player can allow for a big play.But I see what you mean. You also glazed over the part where I said we are going to be much saltier on defense than many expect. No, I don't think any of them will start. I didn't glaze over anything. I read your entire post and pointed out where I disagreed. I'm not trying to disagree, I'm genuinely looking for insight here. We aren't going to be starting any new faces up front in 2016? K-Mo is probably locked in at one DT. The other will be Mick/Davis/Davis. Mick played a little last year, but I wouldn't call him experienced by any means. Although I would guess the hope is to rotate the 4 of them. As far as CBs, I would think that Kalu/Jones enter as the #1 CBs. I guess L Jackson could make a push, but its tough to know how a TFr will react to live play. Is E Lee the starting nickel? At S, one spot is Gerry. The other is between Williams/Williams/Reed. They all had some good experience last year I think. Then you also have A Anderson added to the mix as well. Can he bump one of those 3?
  5. "Supporting the team" means what ever you want it to. Just don't tell other how to do it or you sound like a dbag.
  6. Umm...Barack has never taken the high road against Republicans and has called them terrorists before. The only thing he is passionate about anymore is bashing Republicans so I 100% disagree that he has taken the high road, but will agree that Michelle has overall. He was openly courting Republicans last night. Talking about the military. Talking about "real America". Talking about Reagan and how his values no longer apply to the party.
  7. Here is what I gathered on his press conference from my twitters: Called for the Russians to spy on the US, said Kaine was from NJ, called for banning immigration from France, called Cruz "not a smart guy", told a reporter to "be quiet", and said he was going to "renegotiate" the Geneva Conventions
  8. On a second note, could you imagine the stories that Bill could tell if you were sitting in a bar having a beer with him? And its not only the stories that he could tell, but the way he could tell them.
  9. Just listened to the Bill speech in the background while working. I think he did a good job of humanizing Hillary by telling stories that don't see the light of day. Also did a good job laying out what she has accomplished and some veiled shots at Trump and the fear mongering R convention.
  10. +1 We can look all across this nation of democratic controlled cities that are failing, this is exactly why Trump has the support he does. Because democratic policies are failures. This country will collapse if we continue down this path, and I don't care who is the president. Yup. Everyone should strive to be like Kansas and their great conservative movement that Brownback enacted.
  11. Some are thinking that part of the reason that he doesn't want to release his taxes is that it will have a lot of dealings with Russia. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/07/25/george_will_trump_doesnt_want_to_release_tax_returns_because_he_is_deeply_involved_in_dealing_with_russia.html
  12. Leaked schedule for the new show: Week 1: Hawaii @ Michigan Week 2: Tulsa @ Ohio St Week 3: Colorado @ Michigan Week 4 : Michigan @ Penn St Week 5: Rutgers @ Ohio St Week 6: BYU @ Mich St Week 7: Ohio St @ Wisconsin Week 8: Ohio St @ Penn St Week 9: Michigan @ Mich St Week 10: Nebraska @ Ohio St Week 11: Michigan @ Iowa Week 12: Ohio St @ Mich St Week 13: Michigan @ Ohio St
  13. Their in-studio pregame show has been pretty meh. Not sure how taking it on the road will make it any better. Especially if they keep DiNardo.
  14. Back to Michelle, she had a serious takedown of Trump in her speech without ever mentioning him. The problems aren't solved in 140 characters, not making spur of the moment decisions, not wanting a thin-skinned leader, etc. It was almost like she was baiting him to attack her. He took shots at Booker, Warren, and Sanders last night on twitter, but not Michelle. I'm waiting to see if he can restrain himself from taking a shot today if he is asked about it or goes on one of his stream of consciousness talks.
  15. Agree here. I'm going to give the D higher ups some credit and think that it was a great plan to get Warren/Sanders out of the way night 1 (and have Michelle speak to hopefully take attention off them in the news cycle). Appease the far left of the party right away, then hopefully move on with some more "centered" speakers. Bill tonight, then Obama/Biden/Kaine on Wednesday. And then Chelsea and Hillary on Thursday.
  16. I like Michelle Obama and all, but no thank you. After Bush I & II, and with the threat of Clinton II on the horizon, I'm done with political dynasties in this country. We got rid of kings for a reason. Let's keep it that way. 100% agree. The hashtag was a take on the pundits saying anyone who gives a good speech is setting themselves up for 4, 8 ,12 years down the road.
  17. Now that is how you give a speech! #Michelle2020
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