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The Murphinator

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Everything posted by The Murphinator

  1. 1. Lindsey 2. Blades 3. KJJ 4. Daniels 5. Gebbia 6. Roberts Sleeper: Hampton
  2. 1. Tyjon 2. Blades 3. Roberts 4. Gebbia 5. McQuitty 6. D Thomas 7. Keyshawn Jr. 8. G Thomas 9. Sichterman 10. Daniels 11. Jaimes 12. Watts 13. Hampton 14. Rafdal 15. Allen 16. Bradley 17. Miles 18. Ward 19. Bando 20. Walker
  3. Don't waste scholarships this year on lower rated players when you could use them next year to try and get some more big fish.
  4. I was typing and when I posted it,I saw that you beat me to it by a few seconds. I guess brilliant minds think alike.
  5. Of course he is going to deny it. He doesn't want to announce his decision until signing day. Still believe he chooses Nebraska.
  6. He probably wasn't supposed to give out this information, and that is why he deleted the tweet. Blades will likely wait until signing day to announce.
  7. His brother is David Njoku and he was a beast at tight end for Miami. He is now entering the draft and is probably going to be drafted in the first or second round.
  8. Are they the same sources that you had with Darnay?
  9. Oh, man.... I'll have to use that at practice this week! Not in the NBA!
  10. Yeah he is thanking a bunch of people on Twitter right now. He is announcing really soon!
  11. I am thinking Tyjon Lindsey, Kurt Rafdal, and Damion Daniels are next.
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