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Everything posted by NUtopia

  1. NUtopia

    Tim Beck

    Sker fans still hating on good ol' Timmy Beck, eh? @ NE he made ~$750K per, which is about $300K per more than El Presidente, which says alot about American values. Anyway, I am so over Tim Beck, I wish him the best @ tOSU.
  2. Because it's cleaner than walmart Those very long, gray, cement block, flourescent lit corriders that lead to the latrines at the far end "bowels" of your average shopping mall really creep me out. It's like you're being punished.
  3. Try having a "must pee" emergency in downtown NYC or San Fran sometime and you slip into the nearby Starbucks and low and behold there is one BR for all members of the human species, with a line of about, oh say, 50 coffee(diuretic) imbibed folks waiting, struggling with all their might to hold it. Tell you what, forget about all the trans stuff, this is when the real fights break out!
  4. I have no doubt in my mind that Trump would do that if it gave him a chance to get elected. But plain and simple fact is, in present day and age where people blindly cast their votes for a member of their party affiliation without knowing much about them, it's damn near impossible to get elected unless you're a Republican or Democrat. OK...please answer my question as to how you get less government involved in the primary process. I guess I thought we were speaking generally. In regards to the primaries, as well as the general election, they should be controlled, regulated, and/or run by the government. IMO, all elections should be a true popular vote by the people. Interesting...I wonder if all Trump followers wish to have more governmental involvement. The few I know, have always been staunchly in the camp of the government is this horrible massive entity that needs to get out of our lives and go away. I guess it's a matter of.....well......unless it helps us. The Tea Partyists frequently get confused: http://democracyuprising.com/2012/05/12/keep-your-government-hands-off-my-welfare-state/
  5. Not true whatsoever. Allowing people to choose which bathroom they want to use is a legitimate threat to individuals' safety. Example: A guy "feels like a lady" on Tuesdays, so he chooses to enter the women's restroom so he can be a peeping Tom. Not OK. Stop being sexist. Women can be peeping "Toms" too. I guess they're just less scary because they're less likely to be able to overpower another woman. I thought maybe you were referring to womens peeping @ mens too, in which case, most men would probably be ok with it,
  6. FTR, "they have the technology", that is, "they" can change what "God gave ya". SRS, Sex Reassignment Surgery, you know, where "they" can turn your "inny" into an "outty" and vice versa, or create real breasticles where there were only man boobs before, etc, etc. So the idea that you gotta go according to "what God gave ya" isn't always relevant in today's weird, wacky world. That being said, not all trans folk undergo SRS--they are merely "psychologically trans"-- and therein may lie some/most of the contention re: the bathroom thing. I tend to agree that if you look like a guy, talk like a guy, and have all the God given parts of a guy, even though you may be wearing a prissy summer dress and have a purse around your shoulder and think you're a gal, sorry fella, you gots to go to the MENS ROOM!
  7. I don't Tweet, and generally don't read Tweets. And when it's to the point where presidential candidates voice many of their thoughts on Twitter and news reporting based on erroneus Tweets, well, I think it's just plain silly. Tweets are for the birds. All that said, bullying is apparently the #1 problem that exists w social media--FACEBOOK--especially among the young.
  8. Bama has had ~36 NFL picks in the last 3 years, it seems.
  9. Wow, if he doesn't make it in the NFL he has a very bright future as a piano mover...
  10. Henery got the yips. For some reason he lost his mojo. Bad deal.
  11. If Trump gets the delegates I fully expect a contested convention, especially considering the turnaround he's doing on positions now that he's just about sewn things up. Current GOP leadership wants nothing to do with Trump, regardless of his running mate. The problem is, who is the GOP going to put in there to run against Clinton? They have no one that would actually be able to capture demographic groups beyond the white, uneducated and evangelical vote anymore: Kaisch and Cruz would be lit up like a Roman Candle during a general election, Trump will alienate the remaining GOP moderates still clinging to the party in the hopes that leadership remembers they exist and polarize the country against him, Rand is too bats*** crazy to last on the campaign trail without getting full of holes, and Mitt Romney is the type of American that pretty much got our country in the mess it's in currently. Rubio was the only moderate that had any hope of salvaging any respect for the GOP and winning a general election, so naturally he was vilified and run out of the primaries on a rail. The best outcome for this election is that the GOP combusts, fueled by its own derp, and two parties emerge--one for the moderate, rational former GOP members, and one where the fringe zealots, uneducated, evangelicals, and bats*** crazy can hang their hat while the rest of the grown-ups go about their business. I have a crazy, out of this world idea... How about instead of trying to fix the nomination for or against candidates, we let the people of America cast their votes, and the person who gets the most votes wins. I know it's a unique idea for American politics to do things the right way, but it's just something that popped into my head. That is what you would call, "direct democracy", and that's just not acceptable in American politics--the power elite won't stand for it. Direct democracy could also include asking the people to vote on small issues that effect their lives, like say, going to war, or wage and tax policy, for e.g, but again, to ask the people to actually decide such things is, again, unacceptable. Theoretically, we are supposed to choose reps who are supposed to be honest people that vote our interests for us, but since they are all on the take, lie as a matter of course, and beholden to power, well, you know.... You both are wrong. We live in a republic. Our gov't was designed for good reason to have 'indirect democracy' wt originally only the House of Representatives having been elected by direct vote of the people - thus the House was always called the "People's House". In the wisdom of our founders, the president (via the electoral college), the senate (up until a century ago, Senators were selected by the state legislature - not direct vote), judges were not to be voted on directly. Our founders saw the mess of pure democratic vote in France plus they also had just won a war against the authoritarian rule of England. A representative republic govt was their answer. The importance of our indirect federalist republic system was to actually decrease the possibility of mob rule, constrain the power of a majority when that majority was wrong, re-enforce states rights, limit the power of the most populated states - allowing less populated states to having their voices heard, and to bring stability to the system (allows for a slower deliberation of issues vs a quick knee jerk reaction). Our candidates are chosen in the same way - through a representative process. The delegates are committed to the candidates on the 1st ballot. After that those delegates, chosen via different methods as determined by individual state party rules, are to act as our representative to vote as they deem best on any additional ballot. It is in this area, where Cruz has trumped Trump. In each individual state the primary is a different event than choosing the delegates - which is event 2 of the process. The primary only tells the delegate how to vote on the 1st ballot. The campaigning doesn't stop wt the primary and Trump's team ( the great business men that they are and the great deal makers that they are) failed to close the deal on this 2nd part of the nominating procedures. In most years this would be a non-issue as the leader typically has enough delegates well before the convention - so it would be a foregone conclusion that there will only be one ballot. Not this year. Thus you have Cruz and Kasich making a deal in order to prevent Trump from having enough delegates to win on the 1st ballot. If Trump doesn't win on the 1st ballot - I believe he will be toast regardless how close he got. The USA hasn't been a functional Republic and/or rep democracy for many many a moon: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/21/americas-oligarchy-not-democracy-or-republic-unive/
  12. Johnny Football is done, playing football. Can't even find an agent that'll work with him. He'll have to fall back on daddy's $.
  13. You gotta be able to get the right groceries and then cook the meal, as they say.
  14. I would've thought Henery would have had a longer and more solid pro career. What happened?
  15. If Trump gets the delegates I fully expect a contested convention, especially considering the turnaround he's doing on positions now that he's just about sewn things up. Current GOP leadership wants nothing to do with Trump, regardless of his running mate. The problem is, who is the GOP going to put in there to run against Clinton? They have no one that would actually be able to capture demographic groups beyond the white, uneducated and evangelical vote anymore: Kaisch and Cruz would be lit up like a Roman Candle during a general election, Trump will alienate the remaining GOP moderates still clinging to the party in the hopes that leadership remembers they exist and polarize the country against him, Rand is too bats*** crazy to last on the campaign trail without getting full of holes, and Mitt Romney is the type of American that pretty much got our country in the mess it's in currently. Rubio was the only moderate that had any hope of salvaging any respect for the GOP and winning a general election, so naturally he was vilified and run out of the primaries on a rail. The best outcome for this election is that the GOP combusts, fueled by its own derp, and two parties emerge--one for the moderate, rational former GOP members, and one where the fringe zealots, uneducated, evangelicals, and bats*** crazy can hang their hat while the rest of the grown-ups go about their business. I have a crazy, out of this world idea... How about instead of trying to fix the nomination for or against candidates, we let the people of America cast their votes, and the person who gets the most votes wins. I know it's a unique idea for American politics to do things the right way, but it's just something that popped into my head. That is what you would call, "direct democracy", and that's just not acceptable in American politics--the power elite won't stand for it. Direct democracy could also include asking the people to vote on small issues that effect their lives, like say, going to war, or wage and tax policy, for e.g, but again, to ask the people to actually decide such things is, again, unacceptable. Theoretically, we are supposed to choose reps who are supposed to be honest people that vote our interests for us, but since they are all on the take, lie as a matter of course, and beholden to power, well, you know....
  16. If Trump gets the delegates I fully expect a contested convention, especially considering the turnaround he's doing on positions now that he's just about sewn things up. Current GOP leadership wants nothing to do with Trump, regardless of his running mate. The problem is, who is the GOP going to put in there to run against Clinton? They have no one that would actually be able to capture demographic groups beyond the white, uneducated and evangelical vote anymore: Kaisch and Cruz would be lit up like a Roman Candle during a general election, Trump will alienate the remaining GOP moderates still clinging to the party in the hopes that leadership remembers they exist and polarize the country against him, Rand is too bats*** crazy to last on the campaign trail without getting full of holes, and Mitt Romney is the type of American that pretty much got our country in the mess it's in currently. Rubio was the only moderate that had any hope of salvaging any respect for the GOP and winning a general election, so naturally he was vilified and run out of the primaries on a rail. The best outcome for this election is that the GOP combusts, fueled by its own derp, and two parties emerge--one for the moderate, rational former GOP members, and one where the fringe zealots, uneducated, evangelicals, and bats*** crazy can hang their hat while the rest of the grown-ups go about their business. I like this post. I would like to submit, however, and this is not a criticism directed specifically @ VV, per say, but the idea that Trump followers are "uneducated" is rather demeaning/classist and largely untrue. They may mostly be un-college-educated, but instead, blue collar folk that are otherwise educated in other things, like say, the trades. Just ask your average yuppie to fix his own car or remodel his own house or repair his own frozen water pipes--for e.g.s--and it will be revealed quite directly the various types of education that are out there.
  17. There aren't a lot of them in America. According to a Williams Institute study from 2011, there were approximately 700,000 transgender persons in America. That's only 0.3% of the population, so not a large community. I know *of* two persons in my daily life, although I don't *know* them. Of the hundreds, maybe thousands of people with whom I'm acquainted, that's a tiny percentage. Well, that's the thing, if you were to go by all the media hype--including Caitlyn Jenner's endless saga--on the subject over the last year or so, you'd think we were being invaded by millions of trans folk, and it's so not true.
  18. Sure do hope they get this bathroom thing all figured out before global warming hits and ruins everything we(humanity) have worked so hard for. Actually, not sure I have ever met a transgender person before, though I guess it's all the cool thing to be nowadays. Have met a few folks that I'm almost certain were cross dressers, not sure if they were all the way "trans", didn't ask. And thus concludes my stories as related to this topic.
  19. I like that it is different. I just don't usually like their alternate football jerseys. No more duct tape numbers and names and ill be happy as a clam with Adidas. Adidas has yet to knock it out of the park w our alt unis, I agree. I don't hate or love any of our alt unis to date, they've been all "ok", nothing special. Practice makes perfect, hopefully, maybe they will come up w one that "wows" everybody at some point.
  20. With four 4* recruits already verbaled to the '17 class and the Rivals rating of 14th(top 10 as per ave * rating), yes, NU recruiting is experiencing a surge of momentum. If this continues and this class finishes with, say, 8-10 4*s and, heaven forbid, a 5*, it is safe to say that Riley and crew have definitely bumped up recruiting @ NU. Hope it continues.
  21. Welcome aboard! Pro Tips: Moiraine is a girl and avoid MattyIce at all costs. Hey thanks, will take note of it!
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