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Making Chimichangas

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Everything posted by Making Chimichangas

  1. Assuming Gebbia signs, Nebraska will then have 3 QBs who were recruited for Riley's offense for '17. As opposed to the 0 we've had his first two years.
  2. Maybe it could be, but the story says that Russian police can still arrest you. Which makes me wonder, to your point, would they stage murder, rape, and other heinous acts? Either way, in the entire history of bad ideas, this has to be near the top.
  3. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russian-reality-tv-show-to-allow-rape-and-murder-in-siberian-wilderness/ar-AAlCnG7?li=AA4Zpp&ocid=spartanntp
  4. This offense would flourish with Vince Ferragamo. Would probably do really well with David Humm or Brook Berringer. The rest of the QBs you mentioned, we'd probably be worse, a lot worse.
  5. Yeah, I know right?! Look at Alabama and that terrible West Coast Offense they run. Complete disaster! My sarcasm aside, any offense will work if you recruit the right players needed to run it. Mike Riley's biggest issue isn't his style offense, it's his focus within that offense. His focus needs to be more on the physical, downhill, running. Think about the Dallas Cowboys with Aikman, Smith, Irving, Novacek, etc. Think about Green Bay with Ahman Green, the Seattle Seahawks the year they won the Super Bowl. My point here is to NOT devolve this into a talent discussion. Rather, to highlight that those teams, and certain college teams, run exceptional west coast offenses and they are able to do so because they are physical and run the ball. Maybe not to "95 NU standards" but they still run. Mike Riley, for as much as I like him, is probably never going to win the Big 10 by averaging 130 rushing per game. I do not mind a balanced offense at all. But we need 225-250 yards on the ground (at the minimum) every single game.
  6. As someone who is a member of the LBGTQIA community, to read stuff like this...it terrifies me. It terrifies me that there are large numbers of "christians" who want to install their own version of christian sharia law and literally FORCE everyone into adhering to their beliefs. It terrifies me that there seems to be an ever growing portion of the population who are perfectly fine with this kind of discrimination, bigotry, and hatred. It terrifies me that I will soon have nowhere to go for any kind of legal protections. It terrifies me that this kind of bigotry, intolerance, and hatred, is so "normalized" and accepted. It makes me incredibly angry that christian bigots are given free reign to spread such hate in the name of a "god" that doesn't even exist. The Founding Fathers saw the corruption in the Church of England and founded our country with a Constitution and as a Democratic Republic, where religion was purposefully excluded from the public sector. And here we are, in 2016 and the forces of evil, hate, and corruption (most christians) are busy trying to create the type of society they think they want, saying to hell with the Constitution, all because they think it's the LBGTQIA people who are ruining America. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/louisiana-governors-lgbt-rights-order-thrown-judge-44191156 This link is about one state, and a Democratic Governor, who tried to protect his state's most vunerable residents and a bigot republican who blocked it. Stuff like this is happening all across this nation. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of dealing with these christian bigots who use one damn line in their book of lies, fairy tales, and fables, to justify the demonization of one small subset of the population. I'm tired of their hypocrisy, I'm tired of their holier-than-thou attitudes, and I'm really tired at constantly having to explain and justify my existence to a group of morons who conveniently ignore their own sin while using their utterly bullcrap beliefs to bully, threaten, discriminate, and hate on me and people are like me. You know what else is considered an abomination according to "god?" eating pork, shrimp, crab, mussels, clams, lobsters, rabbit (and the list goes on) wearing mixed fabric clothing shaving your face getting re-married if you're not a true widow Do know what's NOT an abomination according to "god?" slavery (god even gives prices for slaves based on age and gender) murder (god kills so many people in the bible and instructs others to kill in "his" name) rape (several passages say for men to just take a woman for themselves) incest (several instances this is condoned) genocide (god routinely wipes out large numbers of people, for example, Noah and the flood) I just want the same freedom, rights, and protections under the law (both state and federal) that a cis, heterosexual, white male takes for granted. I have no idea why my wanting to treated fairly, to be allowed to be present in society, and not be bullied, threatened, harassed, and/or discriminated against is considered such a "radical" concept.
  7. Dear Foster Sarell, please be N. -Pretty Much EVERY Husker Fan

    1. Redux


      Yes...that would be lovely

    2. khaake
  8. Has the "quarterback whisperer" done much for our situation in his couple of years?Ask me next year Ah yes....wait till next year..... There is already a built in excuse for it anyhow..... Come on...Tommy Armstrong was basically a finished product by the time Riley and Langsdorf got here. Listen, I like Tommy, he's a good young man, he owns about every Nebraska QB record there is and all that... But, as a QB, Tommy's game fits a west coast passing offense about as well as a fat John Goodman does a size 30 waist jeans. The true test is what we see out of our QBs next year. That'll be basically 3 years in this system with 3 QBs who were recruited specifically for this system. If our QBs are crap next year (or still the equivalent of Tommy), then it'll be Langsdorf's fault.
  9. 1. Talent that's as good as anyone...that's recruiting, not dreaming. 2. Giving effort every snap, that's finding the right players within the recruiting. 3. Sure some players will get in trouble, but it is expected that they'll do things the right way, that's called discipline. 4. Coachable means they are open to learning, and in reality, not all players are. 5. Realistic expectations for me are consistently being in the hunt for conference and national titles and then winning a few every now and then. 6. Nebraska was 7-0 heading into Wisconsin. They get to that point next season, then get over that hump, who knows what could happen.
  10. For two interior studs like Sarrell and Filaga, you MAKE room.
  11. Well, I implied that, with competent to excellent coaching... * winning 9-11 games yearly, * being in regular contention for conference, and in some years national, championship contention, should go be achievable if we have my points 1-6 listed above.
  12. As 84HuskerLaw stated, Indiana already fired Kevin Wilson, who was legit on a hot seat. However, Purdue already hired a new coach, Illinois is still technically in their 1st year with Lovie Smith, James Franklin just won the Big 10 so he's safe at Penn State... So yeah, no one in the Big 10 is on any even slightly warm seat, let alone hot.
  13. I don't. Mike Riley goes 6-7 in his 1st year, to at worst, 9-4 in his 2nd year, and this guy thinks that puts him, "...on the hot seat," seriously? This is a case of someone just trying to get people to click the link and read his fabricated drama. It's cheap bait and I bet that guy has a side gig producing reality television shows.
  14. Realistic Expectations? (The sarcastic side of me wants to post something snarky.) However, I will answer the question as intended... 1. Players that have the speed, athleticism, size, strength, etc to be able to compete with any team nationally on any field. 2. Players who play every snap with 100% effort/motor/heart. 3. Players that are coachable. 4. Players that stay out of trouble with the law. (This applies to our coaches also.) 5. Players that go to class and graduate. 6. Players that are involved with the community. I figure, we get all six of those points (or, at the bare minimum 1-3) and the wins/championships will take care of itself.
  15. I'd like to reminder everyone that Mike Riley DID sign Lamar Jackson. (He's just a different Lamar Jackson and is a CB, not a QB.)
  16. Undoubtedly a slow news day, so dude just says, "I'll grab some pooh, throw it against the wall, and see what sticks."
  17. @NM11046 Thank you for the kinds words. My biggest fear is two-fold: 1) that those who supported/voted for Trump will think he hasn't gone far enough, and 2) a majority of those on the left will be unwilling to fight. The neo-nazis who are being ushered into power with the election of Trump, they are counting on white liberal cowardice and acquiescence. They are counting on the majority of people who oppose their racism, bigotry, and hatred to try and "talk" to them. These nazi bigots, they cannot be reasoned with, nor is there any conversation we will ever have where they will suddenly realize they are wrong. Now is not the time to channel Neville Chamberlain.
  18. The neo-nazis who will be coming into power in January are busy doing exactly that. And while I am exclusively talking about white people, ages 45-70 (plus or minus years cause it's hard to pinpoint), the neo-nazis are demonizing everyone of color, non-christian, gay/trans/queer, etc. I know that most people on the liberal left think that a witty retort, a clever tweet, or even a strongly worded letter/email of condemnation will rebuff the neo-nazi agenda currently sweeping America, but it will not. I know this is difficult for most of my compatriots on the left to comprehend, but you're going to need to get up, off your comfortable, well-heeled, arses, and actually fight. There is a civil war coming whether you want to admit it or not.
  19. Militia #1: Ever wonder how Batman affords all that tech? Militia #2: So Gotham is this corrupt, crime ridden hole where the police can't do anything cuz they gotta worry about civil rights and due process. But Batman, why, he's just some vigilante operating outside the law, right? Militia #1: Yeah. Militia #2: Like hell!! He's a CIA funded double agent, operating extra-judiciously, and illegally, on American soil. That's how he can afford all that tech. Militia #1: Makes sense. Militia #2: Damn right it does, I'll forward you a video I found on-line.
  20. Okay, so I am relatively new to this board and not sure how to imbed videos... But the opening scene in "The Rundown" is pretty sweet and really good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RhJK5fQ9w4
  21. No pictures no post...(totally lame I know)...but, places I've been: Portland, OR Tigard, OR Salem, OR Grants Pass, OR Medford, OR Vancouver, WA Seattle, WA Olympia, WA Albany, NY Queensbury, NY Troy, NY Columbia, MO Columbia, SC Augusta, GA Kuwait (middle of the desert) Iraq (middle of the desert) Weisbaden, Germany Mainz-Finthen, Germany, Frankfort, Germany Paris, France Newcastle, NE Wahoo, NE Scottsbluff, NE Lincoln, NE Omaha, NE South Sioux City, NE Sioux City, IA Sioux Falls, SD Boston, MA Springfield, MA Denver, CO East Lansing, MI Port Huron, MI Phoenix, AZ Yuma, AZ Salt Lake City, UT West Valley, UT Layton, UT And so many other places in the states I listed and other places which escape my recollection at the moment.
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