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Everything posted by Bad2theBONES

  1. Sounds to me like the dude has blocked and played football many times in his life. The staff knows what it takes. https://youtu.be/eTu6VvVTD8Y?si=LXkTKMtOl_06sp2d
  2. Ah dang didn’t see we already had him. My bad
  3. Callahan just tweeted he was N and now the tweet is no longer there.
  4. Did you forget that two times already I said I “used” to be in LE? Do you know what I do today? I could be a defense attorney for all you know. GTFOH
  5. You called me privileged knowing nothing about me except that I used to be in law enforcement. Me get off my high horse. Just give up and stop having to have the last word. You keep making yourself look dumber each time.
  6. I said I “used to be in LE” so you’re just an idiot and I’m not speaking one one side. You just don’t know your head from your a$$ and are trying to comment things you have zero clue on. Read a book.
  7. If you knew anything about the law works, you would know it didn’t happen a while back or else they would have been “serving a warrant” and that isn’t what the media release said happened.
  8. If only you knew what you were talking about #ignorantdumbasses
  9. Which completely contradicts what you said to me originally when you said they simply had to put their arms around their neck. No, they have to apply pressure, like I said.
  10. 28-323. Domestic assault; penalties. (1) A person commits the offense of domestic assault in the third degree if he or she: (a) Intentionally and knowingly causes bodily injury to his or her intimate partner; For purposes of this section, intimate partner means a spouse; a former spouse; persons who have a child in common whether or not they have been married or lived together at any time; and persons who are or were involved in a dating relationship. For purposes of this subsection, dating relationship means frequent, intimate associations primarily characterized by the expectation of affectional or sexual involvement, but does not include a casual relationship or an ordinary association between persons in a business or social context.
  11. 28-323. Domestic assault; penalties. (1) A person commits the offense of domestic assault in the third degree if he or she: (a) Intentionally and knowingly causes bodily injury to his or her intimate partner; For purposes of this section, intimate partner means a spouse; a former spouse; persons who have a child in common whether or not they have been married or lived together at any time; and persons who are or were involved in a dating relationship. For purposes of this subsection, dating relationship means frequent, intimate associations primarily characterized by the expectation of affectional or sexual involvement, but does not include a casual relationship or an ordinary association between persons in a business or social context.
  12. you should probably just stop commenting on something you are so absolutely clueless about. No it isn’t a male in the house, smdh Domestic assault; penalties. (1) A person commits the offense of domestic assault in the third degree if he or she: (a) Intentionally and knowingly causes bodily injury to his or her intimate partner; For purposes of this section, intimate partner means a spouse; a former spouse; persons who have a child in common whether or not they have been married or lived together at any time; and persons who are or were involved in a dating relationship. For purposes of this subsection, dating relationship means frequent, intimate associations primarily characterized by the expectation of affectional or sexual involvement, but does not include a casual relationship or an ordinary association between persons in a business or social context.
  13. 28-323. Domestic assault; penalties. (1) A person commits the offense of domestic assault in the third degree if he or she: (a) Intentionally and knowingly causes bodily injury to his or her intimate partner;
  14. Straight from the statute. (8) For purposes of this section, intimate partner means a spouse; a former spouse; persons who have a child in common whether or not they have been married or lived together at any time; and persons who are or were involved in a dating relationship. For purposes of this subsection, dating relationship means frequent, intimate associations primarily characterized by the expectation of affectional or sexual involvement, but does not include a casual relationship or an ordinary association between persons in a business or social context.
  15. The statutes wording is the statutes wording. I can guarantee the wording isn’t what you stated above. It takes more than putting your hands around their neck. At the end of the day it is all on what the county attorney/prosecutor in that area has communicated to Chiefs and Captains on what type of training is necessary for their officers and ehar evidence is necessary for them to prosecute the cases. More than likely this high profile of a case, it is common for a Sgt or Captain on scene to make a direct call to the county attorney and tell them the facts and they would be told right then if they had enough to arrest or not. Current statue would indicate pressure must be applied and simply putting the hands around the neck is not enough like you claim. Assault by strangulation or suffocation; penalty; affirmative defense. (1) A person commits the offense of assault by strangulation or suffocation if the person knowingly and intentionally: (a) Impedes the normal breathing or circulation of the blood of another person by applying pressure on the throat or neck of the other person; or (b) Impedes the normal breathing of another person by covering the mouth and nose of the person.
  16. As a previous LE officer in NE. The statute of strangulation doesn’t mean the victim has to be choked out cold. Hands around the neck are not enough to be charged. The action has to prevent oxygen flow to the victim. Marks around the neck are one of many things that could be used as probable cause for an arrest, but red marks by themselves are not enough. Officers are also supposed to look for red marks and bruising around the victim’s neck in the shape of fingers/hands. Witnesses can’t just say his hands were around the victim’s neck, but a witness would have to say the victim’s face was turning purple or the witness must be confident the victim couldn’t breath (example: when the suspect let’s go of the victim’s neck, the victim could be heard gasping for air). One of the biggest signs of strangulation and lack of oxygen is looking at a victim’s eyes. Specifically, any petechiae (red dots) in the white of the eyes is evidence of a sever lack of oxygen. Also important to note that the victim does not have a say so in the state of nebraska on whether or not they want to charge their loved one (suspect) with domestic violence. Police don’t ask the victim if they want to press charges and it is not the victim’s decision. Domestic violence is one of the ONLY statues in the state of NE in which even the officer has absolutely no discretion whether or not an arrest is made. The statue says if there is probable cause the officer “shall” make the arrest and if they don’t make the arrest the officer can be charged with a crime.
  17. This is B.S. why would he not take every opportunity to sell himself. This will only help with recruiting when he gets here.
  18. He is following Rhule now again and also - Lance - Dave D - Luke F - Matt Campbell
  19. Nfl coaches don’t need to have a social media presence l, they don’t recruit. Interesting time to get back on Twitter after all this time….
  20. He is one of the biggest boosters and is fully funding the 1890 Initiative for our NIL that Matt Davidson is running.
  21. Shawn Peed started following Matt Rhule today on Twitter. He follows 800 people. Bo Pelini and Scott Frost are the only other head college football head coaches he follows on Twitter
  22. I believe Trev has been telling separate individuals within his athletic department some specific pieces of inaccurate information to see if it spreads as rumor. Finding out who the leakers are. There has been issues within for quite some time and he is straightening that up as well. I have faith in him.
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