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Crusader Husker

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Everything posted by Crusader Husker

  1. Can I get a pick six or a scoop and score please?
  2. If AG would learn to lower his shoulders and run he would have 15 more yards today.
  3. That is problematic for a guy ejected for the game. Should cost him a game as opposed to a half.
  4. Run the ball, stop the run. s#!t ain't tough...
  5. We can all agree that George Flippin had a flippin great mustache!!
  6. We can all agree that George Flippin had a flippin great mustache!!
  7. Trump is closer to being an anti-Christ than he is any type of savior.
  8. Will we get to 700 before the announcement? I Say Yes!!
  9. We could pay that. My only motivation in this is that one of my good friends is a Washington fan. I would love to troll him. I am going to text him now and tell him the rumor. He is just getting up. I want to ruin his day!
  10. This would be entertaining if it was for another team. I am hoping in the end, it makes sense. But here is the deal. When Frost was fired we expected nothing until after the Iowa game. It is just the smoke from everywhere that makes us crazy. But remember, coaching searches and names being mentioned is how coaches get extensions and raises. It is silly season.
  11. So you were watching eSECpn and expecting something different? I stopped watching eSECpn a decade ago for everything except live sports. The place reeks of self serving BS.
  12. As a Husker Collective we wanted Frost. I don't trust us anymore. Trev can keep stuff quiet. UNO FB and Wrestling didn't know they were done, until they were.
  13. We have had interactions with Russia before. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/24/world/middleeast/american-commandos-russian-mercenaries-syria.html This didn't start WW III.
  14. Trump is a complete moron. I am now a Libertarian until this guy goes away. This unfortunately means 6 feet under. Maybe he will fall down the stairs. Every hardcore Trump person around me has now denounced him. I never thought I would see it, but it happened. I have been and still am an ABT guy. Anybody but Trump.
  15. I am sure NATO could accidently drop a few missiles on Russian troops located in Ukraine.
  16. Husker FB press conference today... Like every Tuesday.
  17. But, I really think we can get there. 1000+ posts of bust!
  18. It was B & S bar waaaay back in the day. Of course the Not-So-Special teams will be coached by Billy C.
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