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Everything posted by Decoy73

  1. I would take what Rose says with a grain of salt.
  2. And we can continue to dig up his alleged old flaws from past jobs all we like, but there is little doubt Trev was a great ambassador had NU athletics going in the right direction. The next AD isn't going to be Mr (or Mrs) Perfect either.
  3. We need him to be candid and very open about why he left. So appropriate measures can be taken and we can move on.
  4. He won't bail on the team this year. If we win 8-9 games and the big boy programs come calling, then all bets are off. I'd like to think that if he has a good say in who his next boss is, then I that calms things down. A good president would help too. But, honestly, who the hell knows. I figured Trev would finish his career here. Or at least give us 5-10 years.
  5. Pretty much sums it up. Maybe this was a necessary jolt to the system.
  6. Like maybe someone whose name rhymes with "villain."
  7. Shouldn’t the reason he left be the villain? I’m pretty sure this isn’t a money thing.
  8. What I’m thinking too.
  9. If he leaves, I'd be surprised if it were just for more money. Seems like he had it pretty good here and doesn't seem the impulsive type.
  10. A lot of good points made. It also probably involves people following an unjust narrative about his age, etc. Plus people just like to complain. For all their college degrees, I hope these D’s are smart enough not to pull a self serving card and go the “write in” route come November.
  11. Why is Biden a “bad” candidate? Serious question for anyone who doesn’t have a username starting with “A”.
  12. Insane indeed. Our country is minimum 40% pathetic s#!t heads.
  13. All those guys were impressive, but Ty Wallin with the windmill dunk at 250lb+, wow. Hopefully he can use that athleticism to get after some QBs too. I'm 50 lb less and can't even touch the damn rim anymore.
  14. FB players dunk contest at the BB game. Damn, Wallin. (1011 link)
  15. "as long as you keep repeating something, it doesn't matter what you say" -- Donald Trump
  16. If the pre-game meeting is true as alleged ….WTF was coach thinking? But this so far is just one side’s argument. Much more to come, I’m sure.
  17. No doubt. And they just put in more seating to accommodate the demand Jordy Bahl brings. What a downer. Hopefully people still show up. Most of all, hopefully Jordy recovers fully, gets the medical wavier and gets two more years to play.
  18. I came across this site the other day: https://www.youtube.com/@EyesOnCinema. If you care to take a trip down the rabbit hole, here's a good place to start IMO. I'm not saying that I think all or even any of it is true, but some of this is pretty wild to consider nonetheless. Keep an open mind and check some of these vids out if you're at all interested in the whole UFO/UAP phenomena. There's a ton of this sort of stuff on Youtube. I had no idea this "rabbit hole" was so freaking deep. Kind of mind-blowing. I've found myself not so much interested in the alleged beings or crafts per se, but the decades long cover ups, disinformation, the apparent ongoing slow-drip of public disclosure, and just the entire human psychology and other ramifications/rationale behind said coverup and disclosure.
  19. I was kidding about the job thing. I’m not one to talk on that. Your explanation isn’t bad. But if one writes in, then doesn’t that imply that they equally dislike the two listed on the ballot? If that’s not the case, then why not vote for the guy (or gal- hopefully some day) that you dislike the least?
  20. No offense to anyone in particular, but......Hey all you self serving dip-s#!ts out there who are planning on "writing-in" a candidate in November, this is exactly who you are helping win. The candidate that thinks presidents are and should be above the law. Let that sink in.
  21. I wonder if Ted realizes that with that nice bump in pay, comes a ten-fold increase in FB fan psychosis compared to where the average NU fan is now.
  22. I don’t think it overshadows VB. I can’t see Rhule orchestrating when to announce. Not his style. If VB loses and we lose DR. I’m quitting the internet.
  23. I bet we try and I don’t think the spending is the biggest problem. I would be surprised if a “top tier “ wanted to come here. If I had to guess I’d say a solid next tier or younger guy with multiple years of eligibility and no past turnover problems. Just a gut feeling.
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