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Everything posted by OTHusker

  1. Always seems to be an excuse did the conservative college kid getting beat up at Berkeley make big news any talk shows other than fox? any late night ? how about all the trump supporters being hunted down and beat up after his rallies? where was the outrage and publicity? If the shoe was on the other foot a near national emergency would have been called
  2. Was this being heavily reported in the major media ? tv? opinion shows? mentioned by late night talk show guys? front page of your local newspaper? are we seeing the constant reruns everywhere like the “racist” harassment of a Native American like in the covington student hoax? really think about it do you really think in your heart of hearts that both events would be given equal coverage if the difference was the label on the hat or shirt?
  3. Rivals got catfished ended up rating a fictitious player as a 3 star player http://footballscoop.com/news/fake-football-recruit-successfully-catfished-recruiting-sites-local-media/ rivals rankings do matter in the aggregate But they aren’t the gospel
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Teen-Arrested-for-Attack-on-81-Year-Old-Man-Wearing-MAGA-Hat-Prosecutors-506454691.html%3famp=y 81 year old maga hat wearer assaulted by 19 year old is this a big deal? probably not so much uncool yes, life threatening ? Probably not But let’s be honest here, put the shoe on the other foot and see all the news outlets, politicians and talk show guys respond if instead the headline was: 81 year old black obama supporter with blm shirt on attacked by white 19 year old in target parking lot- fight over blm shirt be honest- what would the narrative be and how widespread would the coverage be? would there not be Coast to coast outrage and publicity and a call to action? Wouldnt this man be interviewed and be the face of oppression? The lesson is there are a few idiots on both sides yet the mainstream media, politicians and talk show guys makes a huge deal about the assault on one side while it’s crickets on the other very telling
  5. She works at chi heart 48 hours a week 4 shifts just did taxes this week she has a full bachelors of science in nursing which some do not have
  6. My wife made over 80 k in her 3rd year out here in Lincoln working nights not enough experience to get days
  7. I was there no note cards extremely fluid and polished talked about why he loves it here from hunting antelope in aurthur to canoing the niobrara to just having friendly engaging people everywhere talked about why recruits love the city and family atmosphere culture frost is creating in the program giving credit to others the guy is a rock star
  8. Scott frost talked about that today at the lcoc lunch deal at noon said some LINCOLN high school was going to get real good real fast 4 boys
  9. Not cool doc poured his heart out into his teams faithful, classy, committed and very hard working guy he couldn’t get it done but it was easy to root for him felt bad he wasn’t able to get it done here, for his sake guys like riley and even pelini, glad to see them leaving guys like doc, not so much
  10. Moos and company have visited other universities and seen what we are competing against while our facilities are excellent, they no longer are upper elite moos and frost want to be able to blow out anything they have direct control over and facilities matter when it comes to recruiting our wow factor isn’t what it used to be frost is a players coach and is in tune to what kids like. He was on the cutting edge at Oregon too . moos is a big picture, big projects guy who will want to leave his mark thanks to the gobs of money the big throws at us every year, crazy generous donors and the loyal season ticket holders Nebraska will build a palace that solves all the issues frost has been complaining about this won’t be an incremental improvement it will be an attempt to leapfrog them all imo it will be announced this summer but the big push to fund it won’t happen until after nu wins the 9 or more games I expect them to win this fall and momentum really starts kicking in expect some hints sprinkled in along the way, heck you might even hear a crumb today from frost at the LINCOLN chamber of commerce lunch at pinnacle
  11. Some get psychologically addicted https://www.healthline.com/health-news/marijuana-addiction-rare-but-real-072014#3 One of my college roommates was like this well after everyone got real jobs and quit he was still a daily user
  12. Ok you’re right blitzfirst and one of his buddies thought I was wrong no eye rolls anyone that knows anything about the situation knows he never plays it was a 4 star non padded camp thing as to why Riley offered him chronic injuries be damned
  13. Good lord i said that he would never play center because he was chronically injured in high school when it was announced he would move to center I made that comment months ago Riley made offers to Nebraska kids with stars and national pedigrees not great football players see jurgens and the Lincoln kid who played at img and can’t make the 3 deep now see all the kids at Iowa and Wisconsin who consistently beat us and the local kids he passed on the gift that keeps on giving
  14. It was just so funny how I was attacked and rolled eyed for stating he would be consistently injured, not to depend on him playing center let alone being the next rimington Detractors said it was a hs thing that our s&c guys would get a handle on ive seen him sitting on benches multiple times in multiple years due to same injuries talk to anyone in Beatrice football they will tell you the same yet people that have never seen him play and have never talked to people in Beatrice football will ridicule those who have
  15. Told you so stated here after he was announced to be moving to center
  16. So people aren’t responsible for their actions they have zero part of developing their culture ?
  17. You are moving the goal posts they wanted to burn the place down becAuse of the race baiting fury over the lie that gentle giant Michael brown was shot with his hands up and in the back
  18. I have zero problem with body cams or police accountability if a cop is wRong prosecute them ive never understood how people of a particular group supported one of their own no matter how guilty that person was Michael brown was not shot with his hands up or in the back like the blm people tried to get everyone to think black witnesses said it wasn’t so blm and their supporters didn’t care or apologize so yes it seems like you’ve agreed blacks do cause more than 1/2 of all murders and robberries overepresenting themselves by 300 percent but are only shot by cops at a 100 percent over represented rate so this may not be as racial as many are making it out to be how to solve the problem spending trillions has only destroyed the black family putting more money into social and education programs? That’s been Tried the below hasn’t been tried some very simple answers and truths no one wants to hear about even or especially when uttered by black people
  19. Let’s look deeper into the numbers yes blacks are over represented compared to their white counterparts when it comes to police shootings, but why? thats like saying the nba discriminates against whites because they are underrepresented compared to their ratios in the general population we have to ask why? these fbi crime stats from 2017 might help us understand https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/topic-pages/tables/table-43 blacks make up about 13 percent of our population however these fbi crime stats clearly show that blacks commit well over 50 percent of our murders and well over 50 percent of our robberies sadly blacks are over represented by a factor of about 300 percent when it comes to murder and robbery one could assume those that murder and rob probably have a higher chance of having a fatal interaction with police than those who do not correct? the Hillsdale College article states that when we compare police interactions by race that the percentage of interactions that result in the death of blacks is actually lower than that of whites that of of course doesn’t mean all blacks are bad murderers or all whites are law abiding Lilly’s or that all policemen are great people there are awesome and bad people in all races but these numbers help to explain why blacks are over represented when we look at who are shot by police blacks are over represented by a factor of about 100 percent there and again they are over represented by a factor of about 300 percent when it comes down to murders and robberies- violent non property crime no one is allowed to bring these facts up if you do you stand on that third rail and are labeled the worst thing one can be called in the USA Today- a racist again body cams - good cop accountability- good vilifying all cops and putting a narrative out there that the biggest danger facing young black men are cops- bad
  20. Well isnt black lives matter all about police killing black people? i don’t remember them getting upset about Any issues with police problems with whites I don’t remember the blm people getting upset about murders of young blacks men by other young black men which seems to be the biggest danger to that demographic
  21. I’m all for cop accountability and body cams they help the cops too from fake claims like from this naacp leader who claimed he was treated badly, berated, humiliated etc and not true at all only thing cop was guilty of was being over the top polite and letting the guy off the hook what I have a problem with is the narrative that we have a lot of racist white cops who target and murder young black males- that is the narrative the “problem” is trotted out as a common problem that is something all blacks should fear and rail against an oppressive racist and hate filled police state
  22. It is partially Obama’s fault because he chose not to diffuse the situation by presenting the truth The data says white cops are not targeting black youths for death white cops are far less likely than black cops to murder a young black man the incidence of lethal force is much higher per incident against whites than with black suspects the data clearly shows the reduction in crime in the last 20 plus years through more aggressive policing has resulted in far fewer blacks being murdered the data also shows the Ferguson effect of significantly higher numbers of black murders once policing efforts have been lessened in those areas
  23. It is being painted that way racist white cops are killing black youth that is how it has been framed for the start
  24. Ok it’s a conservative Christian school started by aboloisonists But attacking the school because it’s conservative instead of reading and commenting on the data presented is kinda like attacking the ocs for her residence or obama because of his jeans
  25. The color matters in a big way if the narrative is many white cops are racist and murder blacks but the data shows that black cops kill black suspects at a 3/1 rate that whites kill blacks in those very same stations then the data overwhelmingly show that that narrative is absolute nonsense
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