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Everything posted by CapoValley

  1. (Makes fun of post with incorrect spelling) (gets incredible amount of meaningless points based on stupid joke) (reads thread about how important said fake points are) (stalks thread waiting for next grammar error)
  2. Utah’s kicker is my spirit animal

  3. For anyone saying this is to avoid news coverage or that no one cares, this game time decision is on the crawl non stop during the BYU v Utah game. Also, watch this game. It’s fun as hell.
  4. I hate lightening storms. It’s worse than lightning because this has the potential to erase all of the s&c gains they’ve made if they get lighter.
  5. It’s also a moot point. She’s below the age of consent. And to pretend any level of “coercion” of a girl outnumbered 2 to 1 and a married couple on a random night is equal is patently ridiculous
  6. I know this, if the choice is keeping meaningless points or having to go through three pages for 21 posts I know which choice I’d prefer.
  7. I think they’re being noncommittal just so the opponents and future ones have to plan. I’d bet we don’t see a lot of him on Saturday. If things go south past his court date that play might get harder. It’s just wait and see at this point.
  8. I don’t know how many points Nebraska is going to score. We have a team good enough to pull the starters against a team like this but I doubt the depth is good/experienced enough to keep the scoring up, or then from scoring a garbage time td. 35 points is too much
  9. The game will never be in doubt but Nebraska won’t cover the spread.
  10. Here’s the problem: Mo's case is anything but the "standard" boyfriend-girlfriend sexting like is being talked about here. He objectively possessed (at least long enough to forward) a video of his ex girlfriend (allegedly) being sexually assaulted. He clearly knew her thoughts on the video. He then possessed that video (probably for close to 4 years) long enough to use it to revictimize her. That's only the misdemeanor, and you may or may not be right on the revenge porn charge. His felony is for possession, which couldn't be clearer. Mo screwed up badly by having the video and sending it back. There’s no real debate that he possessed it. Now...is there a prosecutor looking to get a notch on a belt? Sure, they’re looking for a successful prosecution under a new law. This is going to trial unless he pleads out. And the team is going to have to do something.
  11. Sexual harassment/assault falls under the title IX purview on campus Title IX violations were the first domino that undid the Baylor/Art Briles disaster. So it’s smart to suspend them immediately if there’s a whiff of anything.
  12. The world learned a powerful lesson that day. You can’t stop Tim Rattay, you can only hope to contain Tim Rattay. Thanks to us he’s been successfully contained for decades.
  13. The posts per page went from 50 to my estimation, 7.
  14. All right fellas. Let get some pictures.
  15. You keep people’s avatars and seven years of false points on your personal hard drive?
  16. People are gonna freak when the alt uniform game drops and 110 blackshirts are handed out
  17. It would be really awful if the points started over. We’d have to judge each individual post on its own merit and people couldn’t point to an arbitrary, meaningless tally of ghost currency as some proof that their take has validity. Frankly I think we are all too busy for that
  18. Yeah. This isn’t rocket science. Someone realized they were about to hit their peak traffic season, and decided they couldn’t swing the upcost in bandwidth. So here we are.
  19. Considering one bought the other, I’m guessing the difference is one was self sufficient and the other couldn’t afford the traffic.
  20. That’s not what I meant. Your reply to me had nothing to do with what I said.
  21. I find it unlikely it’s that minor when they are suspended from ALL team activities when there are players literally awaiting court dates and will likely play, even start.
  22. I wonder if there’s some sort of database where you can quantify which infractions are kept in house, which are investigated and which result in dismissal. That would be a great spreadsheet
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