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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. I’m sure we will make a bowl sooner than we will switch to a full option attack
  2. I take that back, they are 0-0 with 2 fumbles.
  3. Because they don’t want to suck even more by doing that
  4. Well they are 0-2 in games with that play to start the game.
  5. Mehhhh, it is funny when this happens. However, 2 things: 1) Most rational people would agree that those who lost jobs because of the gov’t shutdowns deserve help with lost income. 2) you see this same thing with man on the street interviews and they go up to Obama supporters with Obama quotes and put Trump’s name to it. Same people hate the quote Or they have Trump policies and put Obama’s name to the policy and the interviewee loves the policy. just proves that too many people automatically agree with their own echo chamber no matter what.
  6. I am pro-life for innocent babies and pro eye for an eye for murderers. Call me imperfect, I don’t really care. Kill someone in my family and I will be happy to watch you die.
  7. When you don’t want to take accountability, you look for every excuse possible. Looks like he found a new one to talk about this week. It’s what losers do
  8. Ya no kidding. Basically saying “well we did everything we could as a coaching staff to get the kids ready to play. The practices went great, they just didn’t do their job and execute”
  9. Correct, all of the above combined add up to another typical NU loss. Combined with Frost and his band or morons can’t figure out how to change the flow of a game while actually in the game. Once a game starts out s#!tty, well, that’s how it’s going to go I guess under this staff.
  10. Close losses are also an indicator of coaching and in-game coaching adjustments (or lack thereof). Year 1 put it on the inexperience if players, year three it’s on the coaches.
  11. What a clown. At this point why does he say this week after week. Fricken own the loss, own the sucktitude, find a way to get better. Stop the BS talk and figure it out
  12. Yet I never said it cost us the game. It did AFFECT the game and that should not be happening at this level of football. maybe you missed the part where I said time after time that our QB’s suck, the coaches are clueless most of the time in game, and we are mistake prone. None of that gives a pass for s#!t reffing.
  13. I’m glad they threw downfield and yes AM sucked today throwing and sucked most of the year throwing. There is a reason his YPA is what it is. I don’t care about completion % with him because his warts show in games like this.
  14. So your saying the hold call on Piper is just a crap shoot. To just expect that every game???? Again, the team sucks, but come on and get competent refs.
  15. Yes. Why are people clueless to the fact that refs can suck and affect the outcome of a game just like s#!tty play by our team can affect the outcome of a game too.
  16. 100% agree. Team still sucks, but the league should be embarrassed with the officiating. Hundreds of Millions of dollars in Big10 football and this is the best they can do???? He needs canned sooner rather than later
  17. Did I say refs lost us the game. I’ve complained about AM more than anyone this whole game and year. Everything. You said is right, but that was 7 points taken off the board for an absolutely wrong call. Stop being an idiot to prove the team sucks. It does and Also the ref took 6 points off the board. It’s not mutually exclusive
  18. More of the same next year with our s#!t QB’s, s#!t D-coordinator and clueless head coach who doesn’t know how to game manage.
  19. Ok I’m soft. How can they get lay better on the touchdown play exactly? Have a clue
  20. Maybe the refs should call the game like it should be calls
  21. Ok let’s play 12 yards off and give them feee pass plays
  22. It was the right call to take the penalty. Not coaches fault the refs suck a$$ on holding calls
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