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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. I seem to remember MAGA claiming there's no evidence the GOP is pro-Putin
  2. The Big Guy guided the nation out of the doldrums of the pandemic, averts a banking meltdown, employment at record levels, gas prices down, and the stock market blowing doors. Can you imagine the bellowing MAGA would be doing now if this were under Trump?
  3. Tucks with that look of your life flashing before your eyes. Gulp.
  4. "There is in fact a shortage of evidence"
  5. Hur was appointed by Trump as US Attorney for the Maryland District.
  6. How Brownshirt-esque. Of course it happened live on Fox. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2024/02/08/fox-news-live-tv-guardian-angels-attack-man-cprog-orig-fj.cnn
  7. Ah Ted you sold your soul, what little there ever was, for a future in a dacha and an ankle bracelet after your puppet master turns on you.
  8. Is it wrong to hope he was getting an onsite tour of the facility with his bestie Vlad?
  9. The tell is that if the MoD said it was an industrial accident it 100% was not that.
  10. Lol..but of course it was "technical work" that did it.
  11. That's over 1000 miles from Ukraine. WTH?
  12. The "let's be fair and balanced" argument falls flat when Putin hand selects his interviewer, a known purveyor of propaganda. Now if he was willing to sit down with journalists who won't feed him softballs then that's another matter.
  13. LMAO..when literally everything out of both Putin's and Tucker's mouths are lies we need to give Putin a platform to spread more disinformation?
  14. I don't know but he seems a little nervous. Like maybe he did something that's illegal and he needs "FULL IMMUNITY!!!". Slams fist
  15. Waiting for the "we need to hear both sides" takes
  16. That photo could easily represent the likes of Mariupol, Avdiivka, Bahkmut, Kharkov, Aleppo and on and on. But, you know we forced Putin into doing this and once he takes the whole of Ukraine he'll play nice with his neighbors. No way he has intentions on rebuilding his military. He'll never again attempt to overwhelm other antagonistic democracies not with high-tech weapons but with meat waves. I mean it's not like the Soviets lost 8.5 million soldiers in WWII and don't consider dying for Mother Russia an honor. Best of all our isolationism is sure to repeat history and save us money in the long run. It's not like having to supply our troops and maintain our high-tech weapon systems we'll need to station in the region to deter Putin is expensive. It's a brilliant strategic move to bail out on another ally and send the signal to the likes of China, North Korea and Iran that we don't have the intestinal fortitude to see things out. Who doesn't agree that national security should cost nothing?
  17. Jesus shirts, bible passages on their signs, megaphone p.a., violence and don't miss the "White Privilege Edition" emblem on the Jeep. Yep this checks out as 100% MAGA
  18. You originally claimed that we gave $200 billion. Then you came back with some snarky comment about $175 billion being close to your claim of "already giving $200 billion". You added proposed future expenditures to make it seem like your disinformation was even in the neighborhood. If you're going to just toss numbers out why not add the $60 billion to your "already given $200 billion claim" and just say we've given $260 billion?
  19. This you? "we've already sent them the neighborhood of $200 billion."
  20. His quote was "already sent them in the neighborhood of $200 billion". Now we're adding proposed future expenditures to get try to get close to the $200 billion number he just tossed out there? I also linked a more recent analysis showing we've sent $75 billion to Ukraine. The $114 billion is clearly noted in his link as being for other neighboring countries affected by the war.
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