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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. This sums it up. It is "all about me" and that's why some identify with a President that is "all about me". It's like a pandemic of narcissism has hit..
  2. This is a completely untrue statement. Please post all their contact information here so I can personally ask them why they would blow off science as physicians.
  3. Please post your epidemiology credentials and experience so that we can compare them to those of Dr. Fauci's. It might help some of those who want to follow your lead have a little more confidence jumping into a sea of humanity by blowing off science and the facts about how respiratory viruses work. Thanks in advance. And Happy Trails.
  4. And they sacrificed for their country but now the "courageous" can't be bothered to wear a mask, keep their distance, or skip the pool orgy. It's not about you. It's about not passing this on to someone who is at risk. And that doesn't have to be direct transmission. You hand it to someone who hands it to someone at risk. They then end up on a ventilator. Living hell for a cheap transient thrill. For a fleeting sense input. Sacrifice, huh?
  5. You're really struggling with 7th grade level biology here.
  6. You're kin have been wrong about the trajectory of this virus from the start.... "It's a hoax", "it's not a pandemic", "it'll soon be zero", "it'll miraculously disappear in April", "if we just close off travel from China we'll be fine", "hydroxychloroquine is a game changer", "we're testing more than any other country in the world", "anyone who needs to get tested, can get tested", "we don't really need testing", "maybe we can all inject disinfectants or shine a bright light through our skin".... Why would you start getting it right now?
  7. Which, we will. 30 to 40% of the country doesn't believe in science, thinks wearing a mask is an affront to their liberty and will eat any conspiracy fed to them. Even when cases and hospitalizations start going up again they'll call it fake news. We're a country full of fat, stupid people.
  8. I'm thankful for the tough guys out there, the armchair epidemiologists, that are going to be first in line for the placebo arm of the challenge trials for any potential vaccine. Thank you for your service.
  9. 4. Bury your head in the sand 5. Stay uneducated
  10. Do you have a link for this? I'm not finding anything. It seems there's always a promising cure in situations like this, then it fizzles.
  11. I figured a quitter with a tough guy cartoon for an avatar wouldn't get it...lol
  12. All about me quitter's take circa 2020
  13. Your kids are getting fat on the teat of Bi$RedMax
  14. 0:23 Wandale Wobinson....lol Wascally Wabbit
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