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    Lincoln, Nebraska

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  1. Matt's Maize Mavens 31 Mark's Mewing Manx 21 Rushing 171 Passing 193
  2. I learned that our D is vastly improved. I kept feeling like "the Blackshirts are back!" We haven't seen them referred to as Blackshirts much.. I don't know, has Coach handed out the Blackshirt gear yet? Has he dropped the Blackshirts concept?
  3. https://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/0rukGpO3?pd=0AE8SRAv&lang=en_US&s=i16&send_time=1710777112 Facts, history, and feelings mixed in, mostly agree. Maybe it’s already been linked to here, if so, sorry. This is a good piece, imo.
  4. Agree. But also thinking about the possibility of a pattern as to Trev's job history; perceived uncomfortable situations he's found himself in. I'm asking/speculating, not stating. Mark May and Trev got into it more than once about various things (as they were probably supposed to for the broadcast), and things got hot more than once, most notably when Trev was doing a synopsis on a nice Husker win and he remarked at the end, "The Blackshirts are back." Mark May disagreed very much, Blackshirts always over rated etc, and laughed in a snickering manner and then turned to him and asked, "You were a Blackshirt, weren't you" Trev responded, rather reverently as I recall, "Yes I was." Mark put his pencil down and said, "I rest my case." Trev Alberts' voice went high, "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" He was gone in a few weeks. As noted in other posts here his job at UNO seemed to have been sprinkled with unhappy controversies. I just wonder about him a bit, now. He's obviously not Drunk Boy Scott Frost losing a job, but... I do wonder if there is a pattern of cultivating discontent. At best he's found himself in that.. hoping he's not a cause of it is all I'm saying.
  5. Yeah. Probs. But also I'm doing deep research on big schools in an effort to find 100% functionality. I think it's even a problem with many conferences at this point, beginning with the PAC ?.
  6. Terry Pettit, legendary former Husker volleyball coach: "Talented people (Ted Carter, Ronnie Green, Trev Alberts) leave a team when the leadership above them loses sight of the team's purpose. The team is the University. When the leadership cuts funding, and undermines the team's purpose with political dogma they leave." Never one to mince words.
  7. Nebraska now has an FBS-high 27 turnovers and a minus-14 turnover margin. I hope the new average QB can overcome that (with the same OC?). I agree with those sports writers who are opining our play calling as instrumental in our turnover woes.
  8. We don't have a turnover problem. We are a turnover team. Our D is keeping it from becoming a rout.
  9. So this 2014 thread of great concern by a "new" member has not been nuked. Nor has the "new" member. Huskerboard dot com seems tolerant to the max. Hi Max.
  10. Yeah. Very similar feeling about that. But I'm heading over into (somewhat shaky) confidence area of this game just to help with the vibe out there. We win.. WE WIN.
  11. Turtle Soup: 16 Corn Squeezins: 27 Thrown Wobbly Squawkers 101 yards worth Carried Loaves of Cornbread 216 yards worth (Special Teams will score 6 or so for us not counting PATs)
  12. Does that mean that in those few weeks the Illini backup QBs were able to develop and the Husker backup QBs were not?
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