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Chef K

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Everything posted by Chef K

  1. Went and saw it last week, made the wife go too. And we both liked it. But I do have one question. Just where in Iowa is there a cliff anywhere near that size?
  2. And how do you know about those Story County shower parties?
  3. Nobody gets 'em all right, but if you look at his prognostications through the years. He's been pretty spot on than a lot of other so called experts.
  4. My first beer sir is dedicated to you!!! Thank you my friend, but don't feel too bad for me. One of my jobs is working security for a "Gentlemen's club" here in Harrisburg.
  5. No, because what's written in history books is written by the winners. Not necessarily, the Japanese have written their version of events of WWII. And they do differ substantially from our retrospective.
  6. Exactly, Steele is far superior to a lot of these so called experts.
  7. Talk about ignorant!! So, because somebody cares about the Constitution and their personal freedom you lump them in with the likes of Timothy McVeigh and "rightwing nut jobs?" Nice!! Maybe people are referring to Obama as a socialist because he is a socialist. Take a look at his policies, speeches and ideas for proof. The evidence speaks for itself. Also, how about you take the time to look at the solutions other people present before you start ranting about what is best for the world. Is an all-powerful, dictating government the only way to make the world a better and safer place? Do we need them to run our lives and save us from ourselves? Is that what you truly believe? What's wrong with following the solutions outlined in the Constitution, or is that just too much personal responsibility for you? He could probably use the same argument against you . . . maybe he is calling them right-wing nutjobs because they are right-wing nutjobs. (Not agreeing with him, but your argument works both ways.) Obama's policies might seem terrible to some (I'd include myself in the group of doubters to a large extent) but I hardly think they rise to the level of an all-powerful, dictating government. As far as I know our government is still composed of legally elected officials. So what your saying is, because I believe in the Constitution and individual liberty I should be lumped in with those considered to be right wing nut jobs, even if I don't believe in any of their other wacky ideology? Because that's exactly what he said. If that's not true, your point is moot. And yes, while Obama's policies will definitely lead to unprecedented control by the government and great loss of personal freedom that wasn't the point of what I was saying. What I was referring to was the fact that huskerbob thinks that if we all just bow down to governments control, never question their solutions or policies and come to rely on them for everything from jobs to safety then the world will be a much safer, more prosperous place. I could just imagine that utopia They make valid points SoCal, you conservatives that rant about supposed dictator-like government from Obama are awfully silent on similar right wing tendencies. Case in point; Arlen Specter {R-Pa} has switched parties because of the conservative hierarchy is speeding towards it's own ruin by using an ideological litmus test developed by the likes of Limbaugh, James Dobson, Hannity and others of that ilk. I could easily see an American Taliban on cultural issues should they ever got to power. Far less personal freedoms would be the order of the day. And if that is truly a concern for you, then fixing "your own house" should be a priority. I don't need to "fix" any house because I'm neither conservative, liberal, Republican, Democrat, left or right-wing. I'm an American who would like to live peacefully in a country I've defended so that we can enjoy the freedoms our forefathers had the common sense to make into law. Maybe you need to read my post before you start blabbering your non-sense. In no way do I support the fascist/warmongering ideology of the Republican party or the neocons whom you refer. I believe in Constitutional law, personal freedom, limited government, a non-interventionist foreign policy, free markets and sound money. Now go ahead and make a valid point about what I need to fix. Interesting way of putting that I guess. You claim neutrality in ideologies, but you sure come off as a talk radio neo-con. And this observation is from somebody who HAS demonstrated his beliefs in true personal liberties, constitutional rights, free markets and etc. All you've done is played the chicken little argument that Obama {and NO ONE ELSE} is sending this country to hell on the express lane. And also using that tried and true neo-con tactic of name calling and demoting a opposing view as blabbering nonsense.
  8. Talk about ignorant!! So, because somebody cares about the Constitution and their personal freedom you lump them in with the likes of Timothy McVeigh and "rightwing nut jobs?" Nice!! Maybe people are referring to Obama as a socialist because he is a socialist. Take a look at his policies, speeches and ideas for proof. The evidence speaks for itself. Also, how about you take the time to look at the solutions other people present before you start ranting about what is best for the world. Is an all-powerful, dictating government the only way to make the world a better and safer place? Do we need them to run our lives and save us from ourselves? Is that what you truly believe? What's wrong with following the solutions outlined in the Constitution, or is that just too much personal responsibility for you? He could probably use the same argument against you . . . maybe he is calling them right-wing nutjobs because they are right-wing nutjobs. (Not agreeing with him, but your argument works both ways.) Obama's policies might seem terrible to some (I'd include myself in the group of doubters to a large extent) but I hardly think they rise to the level of an all-powerful, dictating government. As far as I know our government is still composed of legally elected officials. So what your saying is, because I believe in the Constitution and individual liberty I should be lumped in with those considered to be right wing nut jobs, even if I don't believe in any of their other wacky ideology? Because that's exactly what he said. If that's not true, your point is moot. And yes, while Obama's policies will definitely lead to unprecedented control by the government and great loss of personal freedom that wasn't the point of what I was saying. What I was referring to was the fact that huskerbob thinks that if we all just bow down to governments control, never question their solutions or policies and come to rely on them for everything from jobs to safety then the world will be a much safer, more prosperous place. I could just imagine that utopia They make valid points SoCal, you conservatives that rant about supposed dictator-like government from Obama are awfully silent on similar right wing tendencies. Case in point; Arlen Specter {R-Pa} has switched parties because of the conservative hierarchy is speeding towards it's own ruin by using an ideological litmus test developed by the likes of Limbaugh, James Dobson, Hannity and others of that ilk. I could easily see an American Taliban on cultural issues should they ever got to power. Far less personal freedoms would be the order of the day. And if that is truly a concern for you, then fixing "your own house" should be a priority.
  9. Huh, no wonder all those porn stars seem to be so healthy.
  10. I didn't realize being a Yankee was bad thing now, after all we are the asskickers in this country. Though I was born and raised out in the mid-west, I'd have to consider myself a Yankee. I know my brother does, he lives in Concord NC. Bandwagon jumper. At least we have the women. Bandwagon jumper? Hell I now live in the northeast. And as far as the women, while it's true southern women in general have a more cordial attitude. By no means do you have a monopoly on babes. Well yeah, but I wouldn't turn into a Japanese man by moving to Tokyo. So moving to the northeast doesn't make you a yankee. Okay, still being born and raised in the mid west and then residing in Pennsylvania still would make me a yankee. Again going by my southern brother's definition.
  11. Simply put, your answer is Montreal. "French" Canada has never been a fan of America. But from what I understand, most of the rest of Canada doesn't like that region either.
  12. I didn't realize being a Yankee was bad thing now, after all we are the asskickers in this country. Though I was born and raised out in the mid-west, I'd have to consider myself a Yankee. I know my brother does, he lives in Concord NC. Bandwagon jumper. At least we have the women. Bandwagon jumper? Hell I now live in the northeast. And as far as the women, while it's true southern women in general have a more cordial attitude. By no means do you have a monopoly on babes.
  13. I didn't realize being a Yankee was bad thing now, after all we are the asskickers in this country. Though I was born and raised out in the mid-west, I'd have to consider myself a Yankee. I know my brother does, he lives in Concord NC.
  14. Did you even watch the video? Go ahead, click the link and watch. I'll repost the link here for your ease and convenience. What I'm saying here guys is ask yourself some very basic questions about what you believe: Do you believe in freedom? Do you believe that individuals should be responsible for their own lives? Do you think that the federal government has grown too large? Do think that entitlement programs need to be expanded? Do you think that the money you work so hard for should be taxed even more to fund entitlement programs? If you answer yes to the first three questions and no to the second two then you seriously need to do some research on just exactly what Obama wants to do. Then, look into the people who he appointed as members of his cabinet and what they are trying to do. Trust me...it'll give you the creeps. What I'm saying here guys is ask yourself some very basic questions about what you believe: Do you believe in freedom? - Yes and that INCLUDES the freedom of choice and gays having the freedom to get married. Which is something a lot of conservatives have a problem with. Do you believe that individuals should be responsible for their own lives? - YES, See previous answer Do you think that the federal government has grown too large? - Yes, but again this is just schematics. Conservatives have certain areas of government that they like to keep huge. {i.e. the defense dept.} Do think that entitlement programs need to be expanded? - No with the exceptions of Social Security and a National health plan. Every other industrialized country can take care of their citizens {And I'm sure they have conservatives too} But I'm a firm believer in getting rid of corporate welfare. Do you think that the money you work so hard for should be taxed even more to fund entitlement programs? - Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Obama CUT taxes for most everybody? If you answer yes to the first three questions and no to the second two then you seriously need to do some research on just exactly what Obama wants to do. Then, look into the people who he appointed as members of his cabinet and what they are trying to do. Trust me...it'll give you the creeps.
  15. NAMBLA is building playgrounds now?
  16. Strigori, Do me a favor, I want you to read the Communist Manifesto and then listen to Obama, Pelosi, etc give a speech. If you do this, over time, you'll begin to see exactly what the author is talking about. Here's an example of what the author is talking about... Okay. I'm a government agent and I'm coming for you. I'm taking your house, your car, your 52 inch flat screen HD television and all your other personal property and I'm going to redistribute those items to people who don't have them. Then, I'm going to take a look at what you make each month and then I'll decide what you should receive. Let's see, you make $4,500 per month so I'm taking 75% which equals $3,375. This means you'll have $1,125 for the month which is plenty for where you live. Then the $3,375 that I collect will be redistributed to others who have more of a need than you do. Your example is absurd. A 3% change on income tax on the top 1% of wage earners, is a far cry from your example. And hardly Communist. Stop listening to the likes of Lembaugh and think for yourself. Nothing being done is communist. Communist is a scare word again. If you want to take a look at communism in action, look at Venezuela. If we did things the neocon way(which is such a walk into hypocrisy considering neocons usually consider themselves Christians) we would have thousands of people starving to death, and dieing in back alleys from lack of medical care. So much better than medicare or foodstamps. Such is the price of living in a civilized nation. 1. I can't believe how badly you missed the point here. 2. I love how you stupidly assume I listen to Limbaugh. Well do you? Or Hannity, Coulter, Beck, Weiner.......... I'd like to see some proof about Obama or Pelosi wearing red stars on their persons.
  17. You gotta remember that ESPN loves to rebroadcast Nebraska's bowl losses.
  18. You? Nothing much to say? Please!! By the way, what's the story behind the rabbit jumping around with a pizza on it's head? Not a pizza but a pancake I believe, I know this story has been told here before as to why we have that.
  19. Enjoy it now, when they're teenagers you'll wanna get rid of them. Not true. The older they get the more wonderful they become. These are the lyrics from Kenny Chesney's There Goes My Life: All he could think about was I'm too young for this. Got my whole life ahead. Hell I'm just a kid myself. How'm I gonna raise one. All he could see were his dreams goin' up in smoke. So much for ditchin' this town and hangin' out on the coast. Oh well, those plans are long gone. [Chorus:] And he said, There goes my life. There goes my future, my everything. Might as well kiss it all good-bye. There goes my life....... A couple years of up all night and a few thousand diapers later. That mistake he thought he made covers up the refrigerator. Oh yeah..........he loves that little girl. Momma's waiting to tuck her in, As she fumbles up those stairs. She smiles back at him dragging that teddy bear. Sleep tight, blue eyes and bouncin' curls. [Chorus:] He smiles..... There goes my life. There goes my future, my everything. I love you, daddy good-night. There goes my life. She had that Honda loaded down. With Abercrombie clothes and 15 pairs of shoes and his American Express. He checked the oil and slammed the hood, said you're good to go. She hugged them both and headed off to the West Coast. [Chorus:] And he cried, There goes my life. There goes my future, my everything. I love you. Baby good-bye. There goes my life. There goes my life. Baby good-bye. T_O_B Think you took my post a little too sincerely, I do have a sixteen year old daughter that yeah I'll dread when this day comes.
  20. But even MORE important is my third year anniversary on the greatest board of all time.
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