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Everything posted by HuskersNC949597

  1. We can't rely on opponents to throw 8+ wild pitches in a series every time? Damn it.
  2. I try not to beat the dead horse too much, but yes, the amount of strike outs, runners LOB, GIDPs, etc just seems higher since Bolt left (I haven't looked at all of them, Ks have definitely gone higher since, on pace for over 450 this year ). Jim Rose, I admit a terrible pbp guy but a huge Nebraska baseball homer with no axe to grind against DE, apparently said last year or before that Erstad struggles with teaching. DE's actually recruiting better than some people who want to use our conference as an excuse for his shortcomings may realize. But development is lacking. Guys have to come in already pretty much a stud (ie Schreiber). DE can definitely stay, but he needs a hitting coach EDIT: just saw your reply to Xmas, so we agree
  3. Minnesota lost two games to a fairly bad Purdue team (finished 8th in the league), after Nebraska lost to a Penn State team that won maybe 3 games in conference play that season total. Iowa wasn't much of a threat to win the regular season but did win the tournament and even managed to win a game or two in the NCAA regionals who knew it was possible to succeed in any kind of tournament? 1 conference trophy so far out of a possible 14, is basically the bottom line. Meh. The NCAA has been generous with trying to give northern teams shots in regionals, and Nebraska has sh*t the bed repeatedly with those opportunities. It's not a matter of recruiting, either. Yale and Holy Cross didn't even give any scholarships to baseball.
  4. Erstad's boys have, I believe, 24 strike outs in today's doubleheader, Minnesota's All-American pitched yesterday. If Erstad would hire a half-decent hitting coach, I might be more in his corner.
  5. I voted NCAA tournament win in 3 years. Fred's been out of the college game for a few years, and may need to adjust/tweak his system to the way the Big 10 plays and is officiated, stuff like that. Nebraska basketball isn't in a position to demand instant gratification, give him some space and time.
  6. Can Hoiberg's first game possibly be interrupted by lightning? Just curious. Moos is an undeniable, unstoppable pimp, btw.
  7. I think Mike has what it takes to keep them off the board for a few innings. Of course, not if others are suddenly error prone :/
  8. SHSU's starting pitcher has **** the bed 9-2 Huskers in the 5th after an error opened the floodgates.
  9. That may be. I'd have to review box scores etc. that's a lot of work I think that was the case in the only bunt I remember so far this season.
  10. He calls bunts at weird times, though. The offensive strategy remains muddled, at best. Fortunately pitching was basically perfect, and it sounds like Tech's only run was helped by a questionable safe call at second base.
  11. Nebraska beat teams like Arkansas and Oregon State early in Erstad's career. Then Will Bolt left. Hm.
  12. Download the official Huskers app. I just opened it on my phone and the baseball game's updated start time with a little speaker icon was literally the first thing I saw. Bigwest.tv also has today's game on the front page if you scroll down through the schedule. Check at 4 pm to see if KSU-Northridge is on yet, until then ignore the page that only shows Hawaii vs whomever as "upcoming"
  13. Come on, back to the lazy poetry! Roses are red Revenge porn laws are stringent I thought that this thread Would be more about Vincent
  14. Sunsets are red One of nature's great forces These forums are great For beating dead horses
  15. Roses are red Growing fresh from the soil Your leftover pizza Should be wrapped up in foil Just a tip for a couple guys on the team. Violets are blue Roses? They're red Better wipe your phone's memory Or end up like Jared The Subway guy. Just in case that wasn't clear.
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