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Everything posted by GSG

  1. The Heroes Game Trophy (official name) will be on display to the public in the Osborne Complex lobby from 10-6 tomorrow and at the Husker Nation Pavillion from 8-10 on Friday morning before the game

  2. According to Scholastic.com, the Twilight saga is intended for kids in grades 9-12, but it's written at about a 4th grad level, which isn't much higher than a newspaper. The whole basis for the books was pretty much a wet dream that Stephenie Meyer had about a glittery vampire douche. I know there are some people out there that find the books offensive because Edward's "love" for Bella is on the abusive side. Edit: As far as my own opinion about it, I watched the first movie so that I could have an actual opinion and not just blind hate. It was awful. Almost unwatchable. It became comical in some ways as it went on. I love vampires, zombies, etc etc, and this cutesy, sparkly vampire crap makes me sick. Vampires are undead, bloodthirsty killers, not whiny little bitches. I suggest reading Bram Stoker's Dracula. That's how vampires should be. Or if you're into comics, check out American Vampire.
  3. Completely irrelevant: Jon Reep, the redneck from Harold & Kumar 2
  4. Got a reply from Kenny Bell aka "Afro Thunder" tonight on Twitter!!
  5. I hope you will soon meet the girl of your dreams. One with a throat like a fleshlight.
  6. Maybe we could get the Mens Warehouse to do our unis???? Dress for success and all that jazz. I just dropped about $200 at Men's Wearhouse about an hour ago. New ascots?
  7. Last time horseback Iowa City snowcone, I accidentally the whole thing!
  8. You can get ESPN text updates sent to your phone
  9. Is this the play you were referring to? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8W7artF4-w
  10. Go watch Landry Jones. He consistently can put a ball on target. There is a trust between receiver and QB. T-Mart is not a passing QB. He has gotten better. The WRs have had some bad drops. But saying that it is entirely their fault is overblown. Just like the WI loss wasn't entirely T-Mart's fault. I never said Martinez was an pinpoint passer like a Landry Jones. But like you said in your other post, our receivers seem to have issues going after the ball when it's in the air. It goes both ways, Taylor could be more accurate, and the receivers could be more aggressive. But the wide open drops that hit guys in the chest/hands are inexcusable IMO.
  11. So our receivers can only catch the ball if it's thrown to the exact same spot every time so they can get reps on it? I guess that's why every week, all over the country, we see other teams' receivers making all sorts of catches that are too high, behind them, too low, etc etc.
  12. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  13. What are you talking about? It's not as if those seasons are going to get longer or something. If you don't watch it, it doesn't affect you in any way. It means when I turn on sports center I don't have to watch 20 minutes of NBA games I don't care about....same when I pick up a paper or an issue of SI. So yes it does affect me. Plus they put other stuff on TV in those time slots, like these wild MAC shootouts and such.
  14. I hope everyone got their piglet-shaped ham and whole turkey-shaped turkey breast for Thanksgiving! http://foodmanufacturing.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/the-latest-feast-trends-piglet-shaped-pork-turkey-shaped-breasts/

  15. Maybe I got married and didn't tell you guys.... Did you tell the girl? She isn't making anything official knapp until total payment is received
  16. Ok, here's the thread from the when it was announced that the "Corn Bowl" had won the vote: http://www.huskerboard.com/index.php?/topic/55695-iowa-nebraska-trophy/ Here's the article that started that thread: http://journalstar.com/news/local/article_be3c0011-c19d-50d6-98f2-12b64af11da0.html
  17. Also we're in a complicted relationship according to Facebook
  18. Maybe I got married and didn't tell you guys.... Did you tell the girl? I'm pretty sure she's aware that we might possibly be in an agreement to think about getting married as soon as we're sure that we can agree that we're dating once we've both decided that we are both interested in the possibility of being a relationship depending on whether we decide that we're both attracted to each other in an equal amount.
  19. Maybe I got married and didn't tell you guys....
  20. Does anyone have a clip or a diagram of the play that Landlord was talking about in the first post?
  21. The way I understood it, this trophy is for the Penny War between the two schools. Right? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  22. It's going to take a Herculean effort to reach my goal of 5000 posts by 1/1/2012.... Starting NOW!
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