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Everything posted by FriscoTXHusker

  1. You can disagree with me all you want... It doesn't change the fact that federal, and state, laws prohibit unauthorized disclosure of a person's protected health information, (PHI). If you do disclose that type of PHI, and you do not have permission in writing, then you are breaking the law...plain and simple. To your point about Steve Jobs and Apple, because it also pertains to the Javario situation: If you want to read up on what the law says, start here ---- >HIPAA Huh? HIPAA only covers certain institutions defined in the regulations, i.e., "covered entities"; mostly health care providers. HIPAA and fair hiring practices laws don't cover every Joe off the street; only certain institutions under conditions stated in the law.
  2. Given the disarray and low morale of last year I think the coaches and players did an outstanding job; better than I expected.
  3. Yeah, when I was a kid we just made up plays in the huddle. Didn't have to learn or remember any plays and could just focus on moving the ball. Furthermore, the defense had a heck of a time trying to figure out what we were doing. Come to think of it, so did we.
  4. He only recently signed his contract. If he didn't know what coaches are worth or what he was signing he's too dumb to be a coach. He knows what opportunities and options he has. If he should be pissed (i.e., he was shafted) he needs to start looking elsewhere.
  5. I think it's because we just missed a season, i.e., 2007.
  6. I guess if your playing video games you might be successful in trying to game the future. In reality, I think it's smarter to play those who win the positions. Going with second best in order to be better in 2009/2010 is just a crap shoot.
  7. I'll take a 5 start kid who plays with 100% heart and grit. One who will APPRECIATE the fact that he has made it to college.
  8. I think BC is calling them and telling them they're stupid for playing for a bunch of f'ing hillbillies.
  9. No big deal. If we lose him he was never much good anyway.
  10. speaking of whiners, how ya all doin'? All he's doing is voicing his opinion of BC and Nebraska fans, some of whom sure gave him an earful about how crappy the team was. You folks need to stop being so dang self-righteous and get a life.
  11. It's no excuse but there's no shortage of stupidity. There's a recent news article about a site on facebook for young women to post pictures of themselves drunk (e.g., laying on the floor behind the toilet puking guts out). Good stuff to brag about. Heck, kids commit crimes and post it for all their friends and the police to see. http://edition.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/12/10/f...ref=mpstoryview Nothing surprising here. GPA doesn't measure wisdom.
  12. He went before the press and said he was tired and playing was no fun anymore. He was tired of the fans complaints, etc. etc.
  13. Some of you folks are like my wife. She never gets over anything.
  14. I think this was a key indicator that things were heading into the crapper. Folks on here were ticked at CM's behavior but it made me wonder what the heck is going on? Turned out that there was apparently a lot going on that was yet to fully manifest itself. I think CM's feelings and attitudes were reflective of a huge morale problem that was either pervasive or soon to be. I'm not sure what the causes were or what the coaches needed to do to head it off, but apparently neither did the coaches. Bowman giving up his blackshirt and nobody following was also a sign of problems.
  15. Or possibly the coaching not being able to develop the potential. I think that was the problem with a lot of our players this season. The fiasco this year went way beyond not developing talent. The team played like they were totally whipped much of the time. I don't think it had much to do with development, accept as how that might relate to maintaining attitude under diversity, and I sure hope it is not indicative of talent. I'd like to believe the team was good and underperformed.
  16. Hmmm. I'll take that one. ...and that one there. Mmmmm, that one looks good. I'll take that one too. I voted for them all.
  17. I think I'll wait and see who he hires and how the program does over the next 1 to 4 years. Some of you guys act like your on your honeymoon. That will last maybe a year.
  18. I'm afraid that sounds too much like having two coaches, I think one of Callahan's biggest mistakes, i.e., not taking care of the problems on D.
  19. Next time you feel like calling the coaches names, ask yourself "What would Tom do"?
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