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captain obvious

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Everything posted by captain obvious

  1. Lee can actually play fake now! He was terrible at faking handoffs and pitches during the Big 12 season.
  2. Carter didn't dominate Suh. He merely kept Suh from making him look like a damn fool, which is more than every other lineman on the Huskers' schedule can say (except for maybe 2 guys for KU, they played well).
  3. So I was wrong for thinking of the movie, but correct on the spelling. Good bad job, me.
  4. No, no, I thought that too, but it IS actually; "in like Flint" from the late 60's movie title... Unless I've missed an earlier reference... "In like Flynn" has been around since the 40's. The movie title in the 60's was a play on the phrase. OK, I was right. Good job, me.
  5. No, no, I thought that too, but it IS actually; "in like Flint" from the late 60's movie title... Unless I've missed an earlier reference... Damn, I was talking about the movie. I guess I got the name wrong.
  6. I think the expression is "in like Flynn."
  7. What? The stadium clock has to be readjusted at various points in the game in order to make sure it approximately syncs up with the official clock. That means that at any point in the game, the stadium clock is probably not perfectly accurate. This is why they don't* use the stadium clock for official rulings. *Edit: "aren't supposed to"
  8. Perhaps I should have used the word "sham" instead of "corrupt." The BCS does not achieve its intended goal. It is neither a good pageant nor a fair competition. It fails in both regards. Same deal with the Heisman.
  9. At this point I feel like it should be getting harder for a QB or RB to win the Heisman. Compared to the stats of past Heisman-winning skill position players, this current group of contenders looks pretty underwhelming. Suh, on the other hand, has done things that are totally without precedent in college football. This is a trav-sham-ockery.
  10. I CAN"T Effing wait! I wouldn't be so anxious if I were a Longhorn fan. You're reception might not be so hospitible as in years past. Bo will show no mercy. Unless Texas finds an offensive line next year, expect utter carnage.
  11. Given the precedent set by the 13 games they have played this year, do you really think that is likely?
  12. The Heisman is beyond irrelevant. Furthermore, it's possibly the only thing about college football that's currently more corrupt than the BCS.
  13. You can honestly see ANY team blowing us out? Let's remember that 7 of the points in that Texas Tech game was scored on a 75 yard fumble recovery for TD. We have not allowed 30 points all year. No one is blowing this defense out, short of the '07 New England Patriots. Yeah. That. Zona's in trouble.
  14. I would like to see the Big XII address a few of the issues raised in the original post. The biggest problem I have is that they didn't even use the official clock on the review. No, scratch that -- The biggest problem I have is that they changed the official clock to match the stadium clock, when that procedure is completely backwards. I'm not moving past this yet. This is f'd up. This whole thing just reeks of BCS chicanery. Or refs that simply don't know the rules. Either way, somebody should be exposed over this.
  15. I don't think anybody has taken a single game for granted since the ISU sh#tstorm in October.
  16. Ouch. I have been one of those "give him another year, he didn't become a crappy O coordinator overnight" guys, but this is kinda eye-opening. I know the conference has had some good offenses recently, but wow.
  17. Independence Bowl - DON'T CARE Holiday Bowl - SKERS!!!!! Sun Bowl - Stanford by 4 TDs Texas Bowl - NAVY gonna beat that sh#t up Insight.whocares.i.cantbelievewelosttoISU.com Cotton... wait, what? Alamo Bowl - don't care, just hope it's a shootout BCS - Alabama doesn't need my help That's your bowl season in a nutshell. I'm looking forward to Boise vs TCU, and the Holiday Bowl and that's literally it.
  18. You are entitled to your opinion, but don't say they have NO chance, that is ridiculous. Remember in 1995 when everybody but NU fans said that we had NO chance against Florida? How about 2005 UT vs USC, the ESPN-proclaimed greatest team ever before the bowls started? Kansas has a better offensive line than Texas.
  19. We don't need Texas to win anything. If NU wins games next year, it controls its own destiny. It's that simple. Texas has NO chance against Alabama. The UT offensive line is about to get embarassed once again.
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