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captain obvious

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Everything posted by captain obvious

  1. I wonder if we'll ever see Zac Lee throw a bubble screen pass to Martinez. This is the week to do it. OU got some consistent yards on that play last night. Imagine Martinez in open space with a couple blockers in front of him.
  2. I'm not expecting to get pressure on Gabbert. We better hope the receivers keep catching passes.
  3. That's what I was saying a few weeks ago. But I hadn't considered a.) the strength of their O line in pass protection and b.) our complete lack of pass rush. Gabbert's really good when he isn't under pressure. I know we have great corners, but I can certainly see a situation where NU struggles in this game. The only positive that I can take from today is that we at least seem to take away the short, quick slants and middle crossing routes. That's Mizzou's bread and butter, based on what I have seen this season.
  4. I'm not so sure that they don't have the edge on defensive and offensive line play. (I mean MU, unfortunately.)
  5. GO SOONERS. Did I just seriously type that?
  6. Skers usually hold the opponent to somewhere between 50-60% of their average output. It's kinda shocking when they only hold them to about 85-90% of the avg.
  7. I like how they also spent the last 5 minutes of the game talking about how Nebraska fans are too obsessed with the football team. Thanks for a great broadcast, guys. As if there wasn't enough action in the game to talk about. It's not like there wasn't a bajillion total yards of offense and almost a hundred total points scored. Or, NU finally beat a team inside the top 20 (amazing how they forget about that storyline when we finally shake it). Yeah, let's focus on NU fans being bad people.
  8. Too many yards up the gut. YAC were ridiculous, OSU backs fell forward for positive yards on every carry. And once again, the missed tackles piled up. I'm anxiously watching this Mizzou game tonight. If we're in for another shootout next week, it could be trouble. Hopefully MU doesn't have the running game that OSU does. I bet Prince bounces back next week. Blackmon is just a beast. It's tough to stop those jump balls. It would have helped to get some damn pressure on Weeden.
  9. I counted three times where NU had a play go for no gain, but Franklin announced "a loss of about 3 yards on the play." Seriously? Yeah, and Martin's hit was beautiful. Thenarse, on the other hand... WTF dude. How has he not learned tackling fundamentals yet? That sh#t is dangerous.
  10. O yeah, and Eric Hagg was a man among boys today.
  11. Taylor Martinez played very well today. He made a few frosh mistakes, but damn he grew up today. I don't think he played poorly last week, either, honestly. He's gonna be a good good good good player.
  12. We run the same freakin play over and over anyways, so why not hurry it up?
  13. I feel like you can predict whether Nebraska will win or lose within the first 5 minutes of any game. If the offense comes out and has some success early, they can win. But if they come out and struggle early, it's all on the defense. The only exception to this rule that comes to mind is the Mizzou game last year. I think this is really really frustrating. So yeah, ditto on all that blaming it on the offense and lack of leadership stuff.
  14. I still like how our defense matches up with their offense. If we drop 50% fewer passes than last week and Taylor busts off one big run, NU wins this game easily. I don't think the Texas game gave us that much reason to panic, folks. OSU is not that good.
  15. I'm pretty sure Duncan Aviation refurbishes King Air interiors... maybe it's not a coach searching excursion.
  16. All of NU's problems from Saturday are fixable, and OK ST is over-rated. Here's to getting that ranked-team-on-the-road monkey off of our backs.
  17. Well then... With all due respect, Niles Paul needs to pull his head out of his ass.
  18. As retarded as that whole narrative is, that's actually what people are buying. They were saying the same thing this morning on 810 am in KC. They will continue to say it all season. But you know what? They would have said it even if NU had won. The fan base of the Big XII (outside of Nebraska) is overwhelmingly anti-Nebraska. It's just the way it is.
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