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Everything posted by RedDenver

  1. Archy thinks ballot harvesting is bad but can't explain why.
  2. I know there are different rules in different states. I'm asking Archy why there are rules against turning in ballots that are filled out by the voter.
  3. Why would it be illegal to turn in someone's ballot that they actually filled out?
  4. It might take a few games for the defense to hit their stride, so under 50 against UTEP is a bit optimistic I'd say, but certainly possible.
  5. FYI, you posted the same video twice.
  6. No worries. I figured you either didn't see it or didn't know what it meant.
  7. It was because during season 1 a bunch of fans guessed the ending (which I won't spoil for anyone) and the producers stated that it wasn't. So a lot of people were confused/annoyed because they lied about what was happening. Plus when they get off the island but then have to go back really was terrible writing, which was when I stopped watching.
  8. A better pass would have let the receiver score instead of leading him out of bounds. /s
  9. Yeah, tell what it's "really like". Or what war is really like. People that want peace clearly know less about it than you.
  10. As long as the stock comes with voting rights (I believe those are Class A stocks), then I agree as well.
  11. Froth followed swiftly by moving the goal posts and then the copium, rinse and repeat.
  12. They remind me of toddlers throwing a tantrum. But we should TOTALLY take them seriously.
  13. Biden did not pick the date of an international day. Nor could he move it to another date. All he did was recognize that it exists. The pearl clutching over this is partisan nonsense.
  14. This is a ridiculous post even for you. I suppose if you're only focused on the election to exclusion of all else, then sure. But there's more to life. Don't sweat the morons and don't worry about non-issues like this - it's not going to affect anyone's vote IMO.
  15. If that's your beef, then you need to move your faux outrage to whoever made Easter a floating date.
  16. Biden being inclusive somehow alienated Christians. I think your blaming the wrong people here.
  17. Oh no! Some holidays occurred at the same time! Anyway...
  18. And yet coal mining is and was much, much worse, but we've been doing it for over a century. Oil drilling is also extremely harmful as is natural gas drilling and fracking. The giant advantage battery mining has over those others is that the battery components can be recycled, so the mining needed will become very small over the long term. That's definitely wrong. I'd be interested in where you got that. I think it's close to 20%, so the decimal is probably in the wrong place.
  19. Interesting. I've had the opposite experience as have the friends I know with Teslas. Stuff going wrong will always sour people on any brand. And I've heard Tesla service is a nightmare if you do have something major wrong. No. I've had mine almost 3 years and only things I've done are replace the tires and refill the washer fluid.
  20. The grid can handle the EV transition. The battery tech doesn't need to advance much, it's pretty much there. Faster charging would be nice. Mostly need more charging stations and consumers learning the new tech.
  21. It's exactly the same logic teach uses quite frequently.
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