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Everything posted by RedDenver

  1. He just made steak au poivre a day or two before your post, so I thought you might have gotten the idea from there. Anyway, let us know how it turns out.
  2. Although Jews are a oppressed minority in many cases, let's not give Israel a pass on what they're doing in Palestine: https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/israel/palestine https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2018/may/14/israeli-troops-kill-palestinians-protesting-against-us-embassy-move-to-jerusalem-live-updates https://www.economist.com/leaders/2018/05/17/how-to-end-the-endless-conflict-between-israel-and-the-palestinians
  3. I'm not opposed to cutting our spending where it makes sense, but it's also possible we're under revenue and not over spending: Sorry the video doesn't show the slides he's referring to, but I think they're the same ones from the end of this document: https://www.budget.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Blyth - Senate testimony on balanced budgets copy.pdf
  4. We'll have to disagree about income tax as I haven't seen any proposals that are as good let alone better.
  5. It was just a quick example video, which shouldn't matter whether AOC was mentioned or not. But saying you want to pay no income tax in an earlier post is what I've been responding to. If you're ok with paying income tax but want to spend the tax money differently, that's fine but it's completely different. FYI, if you want the best bang for your buck, money spent on education and infrastructure actually return more money in future taxes than they cost (i.e. they're an investment not just an expense).
  6. Nike sales booming after Colin Kaepernick ad, invalidating critics
  7. This just switches it around so that the poor and middle classes pay most and the rich and ultra-rich pay almost none. The reason is because counter-intuitively money doesn't have the same value depending on how much you have. Here's video with a simple example:
  8. Something to keep in mind is that the GND is simply a resolution - there's no actual changes in laws or regulations if it gets approved. It's more designed to be a framework that describes the goals so that later legislation can be introduced in a coherent manner. So even if you don't want any of the stuff in the GND to happen, you could still vote for it now and then vote against the specific legislation later. So my previous stance on wanting to get lawmakers on the record may not be meaningful no matter how they vote.
  9. The flat tax both as income and as sales has been shown to not work because you'd shift the tax burden to those least able to pay for it. Countries have tried lots of tax systems, and if you look around the world you'll see that income tax is the preferred method - that isn't a coincidence.
  10. Because some of us realize that the tax we pay can be more beneficial to us than the money we'd save. You're advancing an extreme libertarian position of no taxes, which has a whole host of problems.
  11. I agree. Calling for a vote is exactly what I wanted, since it'll force politicians on both sides of the aisle to take a position on the record.
  12. I agree, but I remember the 2010 defense being frustrating because we couldn't stop the run. Obviously that defense was better than I remember, which is probably because that 2009 defense was so good.
  13. And 63rd in rush defense: http://web1.ncaa.org/football/exec/rankingSummary?org=463&year=2010&week=19
  14. I guess "suck" is too strong of a term. But I remember the rushing defense not being good.
  15. The 2010 team could have been contenders if the defense didn't suck and TM didn't get hurt. The 83 and 84 teams had a similar problem. It's just hard to put together a complete team that operates at a high level in all phases of the game.
  16. This isn't looking good: https://www.omaha.com/huskers/football/with-arrest-warrant-pending-calxifornia-sheriff-says-maurice-washington-should/article_2ed7d10a-607e-5c79-bbe3-d75b1ea91d3e.html
  17. Tulsi is progressive, not a moderate. She backed Bernie in 2016 and ran on reforming Wall St and single-payer healthcare in her 2018 campaign.
  18. I watched Klobuchar's speech, and she says a vague stuff about how we should be better but I didn't see anything about policies. Same thing on her website. Anybody know what she's running on?
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