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Everything posted by RedDenver

  1. Yep, which is why we the people are going to have to force the change. Given the Supreme Court rulings, I think we'll have to create an Amendment, which is why I support wolf-pac.
  2. I see. Your post seemed to imply that you didn't care about the Dem candidates or the Dem primaries.
  3. No problem. I talked to him again and he was telling me what he expected The Division 2 to be like based on what he's been reading about it online, but I mistakenly thought he already had the game.
  4. Small dollar donations (which are all that's covered by the 6-1) for the Presidential race were $260 million in 2012 and $191 million in 2016. Sanders raised an additional $100 million in the Dem primary race. The Dems raised about $1 billion in small dollar donations for 2018. Taking all of that then I'd put a very rough educated guess of around $2 billion in small dollar donations raised in mid-term elections and around $3 billion in Presidential election years, which would mean that the 6-1 match would be about $30 billion over the 4 year cycle or $7.5 billion/year. That doesn't seem too expensive if we're talking about fixing the inequality in our democracy, but it seems like too much when we could just outlaw large dollar donations.
  5. You've got the timing of this all backwards. How Booker or any candidate in the Dem primary stacks up against the other candidates is what matters for now. Voting for that candidate over Trump doesn't happen until the general election - after the primaries. What labels each candidate gets doesn't matter nearly as much as what policies they're promoting and supporting. Nuclear power isn't going to work. It's WAY too expensive for one thing, and it just shifts the problems from greenhouse gases to safe operation and storage of radioactive isotopes for thousands of years. Wind and PV are already price competitive with natural gas and much cheaper than coal or oil. Energy storage is the only hurdle to replacing all fossil fuels with renewable sources, and battery prices are decreasing exponentially just like PV prices did. The current projection is for batteries to become lower cost than fuel in vehicles in the next few years and in the grid it's already happening.
  6. Most (all?) democracies were a radical change from what came before. You're going to have to show a lot of evidence for that assertion to be taken seriously.
  7. I see where you're coming from. But when people use "radical" in political discussions it seems to be implied that radical ideas are not even worth discussing.
  8. Boss Baby was up for an Oscar. Yes, you read that right: Boss Baby. So Black Panther being up for an Oscar isn't overhype at all.
  9. I suppose you can view it that way, but I think of "radical" as being completely outside the norms. However, $15/hr minimum wage already exists in a number of places and is a big part of the current discussion. Many people have full healthcare both from their employers (public and private) and from the government (Medicare). And many people have paid child and sick leave. And that's just in the US. As Fru mentions, these things exist throughout the world.
  10. I can see DSA as being radical. But $15/hr minimum wage, full healthcare, and paid child and sick leave aren't radical at all. Cancelling student debt isn't radical but not as mainstream as those others.
  11. What "other radical ideologies" does AOC subscribe to?
  12. Yep. IMO Bielema would have been almost as bad as Riley. Eichorst just didn't know what he was doing when it came to hiring a football coach.
  13. I think (with the benefit of hindsight) Eichorst screwed the pouch when he didn't fire Pelini the year before when Bo publicly dared the AD to fire him.
  14. Of course it's not free; the current system is also not free. However, 30+ other countries show that single payer works at least as well as our current system. And studies have shown that Medicare-for-All should save somewhere between $2 trillion and $5 trillion over a decade as compared to the current system.
  15. Interesting presentation on how socialism has changed by Dr. Richard Wolff, who is the pre-eminent Marxist scholar in the US. He describes briefly how socialism grew out of critiques of capitalism, how socialism evolved and split in the 20th century, and how 21st century socialism has changed to address the problems with socialism. It gives a look at modern socialist thinking and ideas, so even if you're a strong opponent of socialism, you can use it as the basis of forming arguments against these ideas.
  16. How many of those then turned themselves in to US authorities, which happens a lot? How many would have gone through the regular entry process if ours wasn't so back logged and messed up? How many would have easily gotten passed a wall? Building a wall doesn't necessarily help the situation.
  17. Booker isn't progressive. He's a typical corporate Dem but with better charisma and a shorter, less high profile career than Hillary. As each of the Dem candidates comes out in favor of various progressive ideas and policies, it'll be interesting to see which ones backtrack and how quickly. For example, Kamala Harris came out in strong support of Medicare-for-All and then backed away within days:
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