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Everything posted by RedDenver

  1. If a team can lose regular season games and still win the championship, then by definition it makes the regular season less meaningful than if they could not. You might like it better, but the regular season is still less meaningful. And being able to lose multiple games means the regular season is even less meaningful than if a team could only lose 1 game, etc.
  2. 8+ team playoffs end a lot of the meaningfulness of the regular season. All that 12 teams does is give a biased committee a chance to "reward" 4 teams. At least powers of 2 mean every team plays the same number of playoff games.
  3. Rewarding "top" seeds is the mistake. Yep. But if you're going bigger than 8, you'd obviously go to 16.
  4. How in the world did they mess this up so bad that they aren't doing 8 and aren't considering 16? Morons.
  5. I believe the judge stayed the ruling until the SC decided if they would take up the case or not.
  6. I'm sure he'll run and likely be the early front runner, but the early front runner is often not the final candidate. Harris not charismatic and shouldn't run unless she is WAY different than she has been as VP.
  7. Incumbents have a big advantage, so the Dems would have to accept giving that up. Biden is charismatic and generally liked while I can't say the same about the other potential candidates. Maybe there's one that could be as I'm not very familiar with the potential candidates, but the Dems have nominated uncharismatic candidates that tend to do poorly in a Presidential election.
  8. This isn't a case of waiting for all the facts. The facts have been in on vaccines for decades. And they overwhelming show vaccines work and do not cause autism. RFKjr is just a crackpot with a famous political name.
  9. Ok. It's a subjective opinion. You're welcome to think we play for the NC just from putting Ganz on that team. I doubt we do.
  10. I don't think it's out of the question we win a few more games, but I doubt we win them all, which we would have had to do to play for the NC.
  11. We lost 4 games that year. The ISU one was particularly embarrassing. I doubt Ganz alone could have made up for that.
  12. I'm old enough to remember being assured by the right that overturning Roe v Wade wasn't going to lead to abortion in the case of rape being illegal. It's not about states rights or anything rational - they just want to control women.
  13. I do. I also understand the difference between journalists and propagandists.
  14. I'm not strongly opposed to that, but we have voting power over government agencies that we don't have over private organizations, so that's what I'd prefer.
  15. Ok It has literally nothing to do with the discussion. That puts a MUCH greater burden on the poor. You could make that argument, but it's not at all what I'm arguing.
  16. I'm not saying how a person should feel. I'm saying that's how a functioning society should view things. Putting the onus on the poor and middle class is a terrible idea since they cannot support anywhere near the financial burden the rich can. If the rich want to put the onus and the rest of society (and we have every indication throughout history that they do), then the society functions more poorly and is more unstable, which eventually leads to that system collapsing in one way or another. That's a terrible analogy.
  17. You're assuming that the government spends money less wisely than an independent organization. I'd need to see data showing that to be true because everything I've read that's actual research into effectiveness of non-profits vs governments shows the government is more effective per dollar on average.
  18. This logic is backwards to me. We would pass legislation because they have an additional responsibility.
  19. I'm not mad they make a lot of money. But I think in a functioning society, they have additional responsibility due to their good fortune.
  20. Seems way worse to ask the people least able to pay to do it as opposed to those with the most ability to pay. And for many of the rich, more money than they could ever possibly spend.
  21. The alternative is for the middle class and poor to pay more.
  22. Jim Harbaugh cheated and attacked the integrity of college football as a sport. And then ran off to the NFL. I don't get why more fans don't hate him.
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