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Everything posted by hskerprid

  1. I don't fly a desk at work. I comment when there is a break in the action from my phone.
  2. Trump has had more to date because of the Pelosi, Schumer led Democrats. I know, you will say that the Republicans had 2 years to get things done. With the power that the Clinton's have in Washington you better believe that strings have been getting pulled all over DC to obstruct this president at every turn.
  3. Hearsay and conjecture from a liberal based media outlet.
  4. Obama had the most executive orders in recent history. He would circumvent procedure and do constant end arounds. He was a media darling and didn't get called out on it either.
  5. I agree with you on that one.
  6. Well then, there's that wonderful smugness that most of to your"ilk" convey. I knew it wouldn't take long. Bad policy to you might be agreeable to someone else. But your closed minded reply shows your inability to have a reasonable conversation.
  7. "His ilk" these types of characterizations are the reason that alot of the deplorables are beginning to rise up. I was speaking of the general consensus of the beliefs of Americans at the time. Not about policy and politics.
  8. I have no problem with LEGAL immigration. Chain migration is a real and very alarming realization that we need to deal with.
  9. Democrats were constantly obstructing any attempts by the current administration for change with constant court appeals especially from the 9th district.
  10. I never once said that they were. You're projecting. It's just one of many polarizing topics in our nation. Read the part about convservative ideas again.
  11. I don't doubt the debt is spiraling. It's hard to get anything done when an obstructionist Congress is in session. I know, I know they haven't been there very long. But maybe, just maybe, if they could see past their seething hatred for Trump and do their jobs. You know, like legislating and passing bills instead of starting new investigations and trying their damndest to get Trump they could get something done.
  12. The farther left this country slides the more it no longer even remotely resembles America. Don't kid yourselves either. Russia is sitting back and enjoying the demise of a once great nation. When do we become Americans again and realize that overly liberal ideas and overly conservative ideas are not to the answer. The threat of our southern borders being overwhelmed by those that this country can't support is real. We're slowly being pulled apart from the inside. I'm sure that I'll be chastised by the overwhelming majority of posters here that are liberal Democrats. Before you berate me and Pat yourselves on your backs with all the witty repartee that I'm about to receive. Remember this, during WWll America came together in an amazing way. We were all Americans working together. I GUARANTEE that would not happen now. What happened people?
  13. Peanut butter cereals?? Gross! Cinnamon life is the shiznit! All you old farts remember Quisp? Great stuff, need to bring it back!
  14. People who live in cities are all for this. Alot of us still live out in the country. So, no thanks.....
  15. Steak au poivre with Yukon gold and smoked Gouda mashed potatoes served with roasted asparagus with a balsamic, port reduction. Gonna follow up with vanilla creme brulee with a raspberry coulis. Making this for the wife on Valentine's day. The things that you have to do when you're an executive chef.
  16. Not technically a "game" but I recall driving quite far for a spring game that was cancelled due to weather. Just sayin...
  17. One of our major problems on defense was YAC. Alot more strides being made in the off season in S&C will help with this. Opposing offenses making 5 yds consistently on first down will always stress out a defense. When contact is made you have to get the man down. Delivering the hit and not absorbing it will make your defense more dimensional with what they can do.
  18. as the Hawkeye fans leave the stadium they know after seeing Martinez and company that this is going to probably be their last win in a long long time
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