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Status Replies posted by huskrplaya

  1. What happened to do doing the Husker Power cheer in between 3rd and 4th quarters? That always seemed to get the crowd going.

  2. Why does ESPN.com have separate Notre Dame and Stanford blogs now?

  3. Wow, maryland's uniforms are friggin ugly!!! Its like they're two different uniforms sewn together. They are the worst i've ever seen. They have my vote for worst uniforms ever!!

  4. Maybe I'm the one...who is a schizophrenic psycho.

  5. What should my next topic be about? I've already covered Martinez's broken arm, Blackouts, and Pelini's anger issues.

  6. What should my next topic be about? I've already covered Martinez's broken arm, Blackouts, and Pelini's anger issues.

  7. Fall semester starts today. Here's a shout-out to Gmoose, myself and all those other unlucky souls out there braving the world of education today.

  8. Chatelain is quoting XII sources that they think they can get Notre Dame to join. In a related story Mila Kunis thinks my Ferrari is yummy.

  9. Any UNL students willing to trade their East stadium tickets for my South stadium tickets? PM me if you are willing. Thanks

  10. Anyone hear that Zakk and Jack interview with the Indiana HC? The most rude and unprofessional moment in Big 10 media I've ever heard. Ridiculous.

  11. Anybody got all four of their final four left? Pittsburg let me down..

  12. Guy I work with is a huge Stealers fan, and last night someone cheesed his house. There are 2 lb bricks of cheddar, some sliced cheese and string cheese sticks. He doesn't think it's as funny as we do.

  13. Anyone wanna help coach a baseball team with me. Its so hard to find reliable people these days. If you commit to something, freakin stick with it!

  14. FSN color commentator acting like an OkSt player reaching out for the first down was the most amazing play he's ever seen. Jesus. Shut up.

  15. Someone sent me flowers at work today. No card. I'm so confused lol

  16. Had the first snow of the year in Columbus, OH today. And so it begins.

  17. Had the first snow of the year in Columbus, OH today. And so it begins.

  18. good job playa...was it worth it?

  19. just stiff armed a guy to the ground in intramurals lol

  20. So the hottest girl that I saw/meet in Tuscaloosa this past weekend had a Nebraska shirt on and was from Omaha. I guess truth really is stranger than fiction!

  21. Only stat needed for this weekend's game...0 turnovers equals a W.

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