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Everything posted by bshirt

  1. Well, 9 wins even with the longer schedule sure beats the 5 win seasons Cally used to give us. Just wait until NU gets a real offense again......
  2. Oh, I agree!! Firing SW might result with an OC who gives us a putrid Offense. Think how horrible that would be!! Wait, we have a putrid offense "now"......uhhh......just a minute.....
  3. Bingo!! SW simply has to go. We're talking bigtime cfb here and excuses just don't hack it.
  4. Texas has 10,000 times the offense we do. Well heck, "everybody" has 10,000 times the offense we do. I guess that's why NU fans love SW so much. It will take a miracle to beat Texas and a very low scoring miracle it would be.
  5. Nothing you say is wrong. But note - I didn't say we were "back." I said we mean business once again. I have grave concerns about this offense. I have concerns about this defense (KSU out-yarded us). But we're better. We're better than we ever were under our last coach, and we are continuing to improve. Progress is being made, and with a few more years of Bo, we ought to be in line for more good things. Are we there yet? No, and I don't think even the biggest kool-aid drinker thinks we are. But could we confidently say we're heading in the right direction? I think most everyone would say we are. And that's what this thread is about. Ahh yes....there we go. You bet, we're no where near to being "back" to where we need to be. But no doubt what-so-ever we've improved several light years since the 2007 supreme disaster. Good post! Great job Bo!!
  6. Callahan got it in his third year. Pelini got it in his second. Pelini also came in with more to work with, but anyway. Not important. Big, big win tonight. I'm glad we got it. Fanbase needs to stop jumping the gun though. "Order Restored?" Please...we can be happy but let's please not raise our expectations that high yet. Let's be real, Bo's turning this program around but it's a process and there's much to improve upon and it's going to take time. Yeah right, Callahan took over a bowl winning 10 - 3 program. Bo takes over Callahan's destroyed 5 - 7 program. So Bo had more initially to work with than Callahan????? Whatever you're smoking.....I want it!!
  7. bshirt


    This. If people haven't figured it out by now, we are playing to our strengths. Get a lead then make sure we don't make mistakes. Our defense will keep us in games, as long as our offense doesn't screw the pooch for them. Infact, I would say Watson called a great game. He got a lead, then told our defense to go finish the job. Play to our strengths. And that is what we did tonight. Pretty? No. Effective? Hell yes. lol! Well, I'd say it's pretty darned easy to be effective when all you have to do is get a TD or two for the whole game. A couple turnovers and 3 & outs......so what?? The defense and special teams are great so all that is demanded of our unstoppable wco is about a TD each half. Of course, what posters are trying to get at that is totally ignored is that this "effective" offense isn't going to be anywhere close to "effective" when we play good teams in the bowls or Texas. Not even remotely close. My God, the thought of Lee running the option vs Texas is simply too obscene to comprehend. But, hey.....let's just pretend everything is just fine.
  8. or, you could find one of the 30 other threads talking about how we need to replace cotton, and post this there.. or if you wanna take fat stabs at mangino, theres a 7 page long thread about that. also, Gixxer's post about "when watson is fired" is ridiculous. you assume the facepalm is just to you. But are any of those 30 other threads suggesting an actual replacement? I'm being serious, why not look into hiring this guy (especially considering Mangino may get fired)? I was impressed with the way Kansas' O-Line (& I doubt Kansas' O-Line recruits are any better than ours) played against our D-Line. They looked very well coached. Our offensive line (coached by Barney Cotton), on the other hand, is undisciplined & missed blocking assignments seem to have become the norm So instead of just maybe you could explain why my suggestion is so 'stupid' or whatever you feel about it You are dead on right. The way I look at it is Nebraska will never win a national championship as long as Watson and Cotton are coaching here. The huskers will be average at best. But with Coach Mangino's great knowledge of the game, especially offense, we could go to the top in 2 or 3 years with some halfway decent recruiting. Mangino forgot more about football than either Watson or Cotton will EVER know... It would take a biblical miracle for us to win an NC with SW's wco, I fully agree.
  9. Uhhh....I don't think TO's teams would have been annual underdogs to Texas, Oklahoma, Oklahoma St & Texas Tech. That's where we are now. Also, more often than not, NU was in the hunt for the NC under TO. When TO was losing bowl games it was to some of the very, very best teams in cfb. While no doubt Bo has performed major league miracles in less than two years at NU no one in their right mind currently considers NU a top 10 or top 5 team. In summary, yes indeed Bo has been simply terrific! But he has a ways to go to get NU to TO's Huskers (even before the 90s).
  10. I do too. "Especially" when we have a SW led wco.
  11. Heh, the same crew that dreamed up 10,000 excuses for Callahan is now doing the same for SW. The ironic thing is these same folks cheered on firing Frank & staff for a bowl winning 10 - 3 season. Only at Nebraska.
  12. 3rd year in a row of superb coaching the defense by Bo. Worst year I've ever seen coaching the offense. SW and the wco gotta go.
  13. http://www.huskerboard.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=32842 It would be nice if that was a 5 star Offensive player, but oh well You should be glad if we had a 5 star recruit just drive through the state, after the Bill C. debacle. GBR!!! That, my kind sir is nothing less than the flatout simple truth.
  14. 100% agreed. I desperately hope the wco & SW is long gone after this year.
  15. Callahan has wayyyyyy to many monster signiture losses to have any single one stand out. Signiture wins?.......Oklahoma or Texas Tech or Texas or Oklahoma State????......uh no.....Ball State??
  16. From 7 - 7 in 02 to 10 - 3 in 03....yeah, a couple of semi-blow out losses in a bowl winning 2003 10 - 3 season. Makes sense to fire Frank and staff, right?? Supreme thinking by the mighty Pedey and hordes of terminally braindead NU fans. Of course, we've never seen anything as good as 10-3 since but.....who cares?? We get to pretend we're Florida or USC and throwing the ball all around.....wow.......how cool. Another losing season....yeah, but look at those recruiting stars. WooHOO!! So we bring in Callahan and then we "really" know what a blowout loss is. Like, the biggest losses in the history of NU. We even get to learn what losing seasons are...bowl-less seasons.....two out of four years.....great!! Small price to pay for a wco though!! But God forgives. He gets rid of the human slimeball AD Pedey and brings in TO. From rotten garbage to pure class....there's hope for NU! TO gets rid of the excellent "NFL Genius" Callahan and returns BP and many others who were fired by Pedey in 03. NU immediately jumps from another losing season to a bowl winning 9 - 4. And there is no Pedey around to fire yet another successful staff this time. No excellent NFL genius HC's to bring us endless blowout losses and losing seasons. This time, the dark side is not on us.
  17. It simply is impossible for me to root for sCUm. So......GO Clones!!
  18. No way do I want to play these guys until SW and the fluffy wco is "gone". I've had enough total and complete ooc humiliations in Lincoln with the Callahan years (USC, S. Miss).
  19. lol!! Great thread.....I finally found something about our unstoppable wco offense that doesn't massively depress me.
  20. J. Lord and the weak 2003 offense was a thousand times more powerful than this current wco abortion.
  21. Zero "Horizontal passing game/bubble screen" & "Zac Lee running the option" sounds simply excellent to me. My God SW, surely you can figure that out sooner or later..... I agree our best bet is the power running game. Give the ball to Helu and maybe the OLine can learn to get mean (hey, six years of fluffball can't be easy to shrug off). Maybe we can even get more than seven 1st downs this Saturday.
  22. Unlike Callahan and his stooges he didn't lose "and" get massively blown out.....hey genius, no surprise there. Where in my post did I compare anyone with Callahan? You didn't. My most sincere apology......my bad!!
  23. Yeah, we're "multiple" all right...we can run anything!! Too bad nothing works well or even marginal.
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