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Everything posted by Hskr86

  1. I have 73 members of my family coming to the game next week. What window do i go to to buy tickets? Can you guys help me out? Thanks!
  2. this thread is a lot like talking to my nine year old daughter...
  3. I'll start it with my perfect scenario: Gomes pick-6. How sweet would that be to both quiet the stadium and scare the hell out of Locker. GBR
  4. don't skip the middle stuff... that's where you find out that Little Red is chock full of sweaty naked chicks oh yeah, 'bump'.
  5. I'm in. Keep it going guys... pancake bunny
  6. I want everyone to give their tickets to strippers... 'cept me. Now that's a sellout!
  7. In honor of our awesomeness, I think you should do a HB movie clip You let me know what you want and I'll deliver A cool song with images of the different posts in this thread and throughout the forum ...and strippers. Preferably female strippers. I want to see Lil’ Red getting unzipped from the inside, and two sweaty female strippers emerge. In the buff, of course. That would make me like Lil’ Red more. Thank you for that mental image! I shall never again hate little red!
  8. In honor of our awesomeness, I think you should do a HB movie clip You let me know what you want and I'll deliver A cool song with images of the different posts in this thread and throughout the forum ...and strippers.
  9. I just can't get this thread out of my head two phrases have come to mind: 1. Nobody goes to that restaurant any more, it's always way too busy - Yogi Bera 2. But if I agreed with you... we'd both be wrong (!?) - unknown what a hoot!
  10. there was that clown-car thing... just sayin.
  11. maybe it didn't start out that way, but we are witnessing the birth of a troll.
  12. on a serious note, the athletic dept. does have a strong way to 'prime the pump' if serious thoughts of not selling out would start to creep in - adjust the donation amount associated with season tickets. just like the federal reserve in setting the interest rate. come to think of it, never mind...
  13. What's wrong with Tyler Legate? Nothing. I meant in the playcalling - lining up and just 'manning it' straight ahead. Seems like we prefer tricky... jmho. Have you seen our power running game lately? That's why we aren't using the fullback. That's exactly my point.
  14. What's wrong with Tyler Legate? Nothing. I meant in the playcalling - lining up and just 'manning it' straight ahead. Seems like we prefer tricky... jmho.
  15. I know this confirms that I'm about a thousand years old (I guess), but I miss a by-God fullback.
  16. how the hell do we have two of these in back-to-back seasons? i don't recall this kind of thing (much?) in the past... anybody know what causes this type of injury?
  17. damn. we're gonna need a running quarterback. oh, wait...
  18. I second this. The name drama must stop. I think we all called Turner Gill, Turner Gill, not T-Gill. We also wore Members Only jackets when Gill was our QB. I think we have to adapt with the times a little here. Hey! Members Only jackets rock, and you know it! -old guy
  19. with ya 'skerd'... wigged out my work machine too (which is ultra-protected)
  20. no, your honor - we did not depart, we were forced out by the dishonest and unethical dealings of some of our conference partners It's going to be fun seeing the Big XII try to get one thin dime out of Harvey & Co. (Harvey's previous role; Dean of the Law School, for about a million years)
  21. Well, if that is a blip, I think their radar screen just went blank.
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